As Eyes Are the Windows to the Soul

"We are live here at the front of the Park Industries building, witnessing the arrest-"

"Live on national television!-"

"The actress, heiress, Park Mi Young-"

"The rising star had just fallen-"

"Drug Lord, Park Mi Young-"

"The police received an anonymous tip-"

"The police had arrived with the arrest warrant-"

The world stopped turning for a moment as Mi Young's face flashed before all of the people in a virtual aspect. It was harder being an actress when one's actions will always be monitored by the people that have claimed themselves as fans as much as the people that claimed themselves as critics. It was scary how time was such a mysterious essence as it shows just how life could be so unpredictable; who would have thought that the Park Mi Young's career would come to an end... but knowing her, she would never leave without a bang.