The Wise Magician: Chapter 4

When preparing meals, Nagisa always prepared it with her own hands for her family. She made them in adequate portions or sometimes less to avoid leftovers.

" My, you can cook really well, Hana-chan. That's amazing. You're really a big help. Thank you Hana-chan." Nagisa praised Hana for her incredible help in the kitchen.

" Ah, n-no. This is just…" Hana blushed from Nagisa's compliment.

" What about me? What about me? Am I doing a good job?" Hina waits for Nagisa to praise her after showing her clumsy work.

" Of course, Hina-chan is also doing an amazing job. Thank you Hina-chan." Nagisa gave Hina a compliment that she wanted, together with a pamper hug.

" Hehe. I will keep working harder and help Ooka-sama more." Said Hina proudly with her accomplishment.

While Nagisa prepares breakfast, Tousaka joins Hiroki in his morning tea.

" Haa, what a blissful day. After a long war, I finally can enjoy a moment of fresh air." Said Tousaka after enjoying the fresh air and a soft wind scattering the Sakura flower from the tree.

" A moment huh? Well that's not good news if it comes from a military commander. I was hoping for a long and good rest for Second in Command of the Magic Division in the military after that treaty with China yesterday." Hiroki confesses his wish for his best friend.

" Unfortunately, a superficial treaty like that is nothing but momentary. After all those centuries of accumulated grudge, war won't end with just a simple piece of contract." It's hard for Tousaka to believe that the war will just simply end like that. Years of experience tells him that there's more to this behind this peace treaty.

" I see. Then that's more the reason why you should rest while you still can. Besides, don't you think it's time for the next generation to take over? I'm sure you have trained those kids well in the military as ' Demon Instructor. It's time for them to build their own future." Hiroki gave his opinion for the sake of his best friend who looks different each time each year. Compared to the past when Tousaka is brimming with strength and energetic personality, the one who sits besides Hiroki right now is so lifeless and fragile.

As his best friend, there's nothing more heartbreaking than the sight of a once energetic friend sitting lifelessly enjoying the scenery.

" Haha, what are you talking about? I haven't done enough for this country yet. There's so much that I can still do. The next generation will naturally come out and grasp their own future when the time comes. That's why before that happens, I will protect them as long as this body has the strength to move." The patriotic answer from Tousaka touched Hiroki. It makes him proud to have an admirable friend such as Tousaka but at the same time, the sadness and the feeling of loneliness that slowly comes when he sees Tousaka becomes weaker every time they meet. It's like he is slowly losing his best friend, it is unbearable. However hard it is to hold his tears, Hiroki always puts on a poker face when Tousaka is with him. It's the least he can do to not let Tousaka worry.

" Is that so, then if you ever feel tired and want to have a nice rest, your childhood friend will always be waiting for you here. That's why, go out there and give all you have but… Don't push yourself too hard." To Hiroki, who knows Tousaka from when he was just a child, the last thing he can do to his best friend is to support his decision.

" Haha. Then, when that time comes let's enjoy this scenery again." said Tousaka with a lower tone Tousaka, it reflects his low expectation of being able to do that.

" I see. Then let me tell you one thing that'll make you feel better.. Kazuhiko is starting to make his move. Soon, the world will move around Kazuhiko whether he likes it or not ' The time has come to work on the present'. That's what he said when he decided to enter Magic Academy. So, don't push yourself too hard. Even if you left, Kazuhiko will continue your goal." Said Hiroki with the hope that Tousaka will not overwork himself again.

" Is that true!? Kazuhiko-kun said that!? If that is the case then it's more the reason for me to work harder to support Kazuhiko-kun. If it's Kazuhiko-kun, I'm certain he'll achieve something we can't even imagine." The news ignite Tousaka's spirit to build a new future for the new generation.

Looking at Tousaka's reaction, it's a bit disappointing for Hiroki that the news gives the opposite effect of what he's hoping for. As one of Japan's citizens, Tousaka is a hero who is always willing to sacrifice himself for the country. But as a friend who grew up together, watching him withered away little by little is not a pleasant thing even if it's for the country. ( I pray that Kazuhiko will not push himself too far when the time comes.) Hiroki can't help but worry that Kazuhiko will become like Tousaka.

" Otou-sama! Breakfast is ready! Let's go! Let's go!" Hina rushed to Hiroki and Tousaka to eat breakfast together.

" Otou-san, we just finished preparing breakfast." Hana came together with Hina to inform her father.

At the guest room, a variety of foods are prepared on the table.

"Ohh, what a feast and nice smell!" Said Kenji.

As soon as everyone takes their seat, Hina who can't no longer wait starts eating her breakfast. " Itadakimasu!" Hina starts to chomp her rice.

" Geez Hina. That's bad manners, you know. Doing that in front of guests." Nagisa scolded Hina with her gentle voice.

" Hahaha. Please don't mind us. Make sure to eat a lot and grow big, Hina." Tousaka pampered Hina.

" Got it! But eating a lot is bad for the stomach-san. Kazu-niisama said that we should stop eating before we're full." Said Hina with pride that she remembered Kazuhiko's advice.

" Ohh, now that's something new. Is that true Kazuhiko-kun?" Tousaka curious what Hina said.

" Haha. Yes, the best diet for our body is not to overwork. The same goes for our stomachs. The feeling of 'full' when we eat is actually a sign that the stomach is trying to tell us that we already take in more food than necessary. All of that excessive food will overwork our stomach to digest them. That's why, the best eating habit is to stop before full or known as Hara Hachi Bu point [1] 'To eat until you're 80% full'. In order to have a healthy body, we must be mindful of what we take into our body. Plus, we can save our food expenses even if it's a little. Haha." Kazuhiko shared his eating habits with Tousaka and Hana. Asakura family members adopt Hara Hachi Bu point when they eat, following Kazuhiko's advice.

" Ohh, looks like we learned something new today. Thank you Kazuhiko-kun. I'll try this new diet and hopefully I'll live longer. Haha." Said Tousaka with a joking tone.

" That's right. Live longer and take mom on a date sometimes. Because of work, you guys rarely see each other at home. Mom keeps saying she misses the romantic you when you're young, Otou-san." Hana relayed her mother's complaint to Tousaka. Tousaka just laughed and promised to make time to take his wife on a date.

" I agree. Aren't you the one that relentlessly tries to make Hoshino-san fall in love with you? Now that she's your wife, you didn't even take her on a date?" Hiroki supports Hana in trying to push Tousaka to spend some time with his wife.

" Wh-what are you saying Hiro-kun? I-in any case, this is really delicious. It's been a long time since I ate delicious homemade food. This reminds me of your mom's cooking." Said Tousaka awkwardly trying to avoid the topic.

" Ah, that must be because Hana-chan helped me prepare breakfast. She really is a good cook just like Hoshino-san." Nagisa compliments Hana's skill in the kitchen, just like her mother.

" N-no, I still have a lot to learn from my mother." Hana blushed from Nagisa's compliment.

" Aww, what a good girl. Unlike a certain GORILLA in this house who only knows how to make shit. Hohoho." Kenji smears while throwing a glance at Kana.

" Heh, what are you saying? Aren't you the same, you okama bastard?" Kana replied back with another insult.

" Hey hey. It's bad arguing when eating, you know?" Hina scolded them with her small voice. Unable to say anything, Hina rendered them speechless. Their obedience to Hina, who is their three years old younger sister, makes other people giggle.

At the same time when Asakura's family is having breakfast, somewhere near Japan Magic Academy, hundreds of people are making a dangerous preparation that'll bring the world into another evolution.

" Hey! Make sure you don't leave anything unchecked. We'll have to make sure the preparation is perfect. I won't allow a single mistake this time. After all, this time we're against S-Rank Magician. How is the machine? Think it'll work?" Asked a man in his late twenties who seems to be the charismatic leader of the group.

" Yes, I've run the test. It'll work fine with any magician. With this, whether he is S-Rank or whatever, he won't be a threat to us." Said a woman technician with full confidence.

" Good! Then, we'll do as planned. We'll make the world realize their incompetence. Hehe." Said the charismatic leader.

After breakfast, Kazuhiko prepares himself with the best clothes he has. His fashion preference is something simple but not too plain, elegant but not too stylish. The most important part of it is that his fashion brings out his humbleness the most. On most occasions, he wears a Haori[2] that covers himself with the Asakura family's emblem. He put Haori over his shoulders without putting his hands inside the Haori's sleeve.

As usual, he entered the storage room but this time for a different reason. Inside, he opened an old chest and picked up a small bell with an old book with a steel lock.

" As the one who is chosen, as the one who is acknowledged by the master of dimension. Asakura Kazuhiko is here, with a wish to travel the path of void." He then rang the bell.

The book that is locked with a steel, shines with the ancient runes on the steel. Slowly it opened. Each word, one by one escapes from the book forming a sliding door. It gradually slides to the right. Inside, darkness engulfed everything, even up and down or left and right.

" Well well, Kazuhiko-sama. It's been a long time. It's an honor to meet you again. Where are you heading this time?" A voice suddenly came from the inside. A figure of a strong and vicious man appeared from the darkness, with one horn on his forehead and his muscle hard as steel, also known as an Oni (Ogre). The Oni bowed to Kazuhiko with utmost respect.

" Ishimaru, it's been a while. Looks like you're doing well. Please bring me to my master." Kazuhiko asked the Oni politely.

" Very well. As you wish, to the Sage of The Ninetails' domain it is." The Oni then led Kazuhiko into his rickshaw. He pulled the rickshaw throughout the darkness, whether they move or are stagnant at one place is uncertain as the darkness illuminates everything. However, the Oni still pulls his rickshaw until the blue fire comes into view. The blue fire then opens the path for the rickshaw to go through. At the end of the path, there are two white foxes with three tails guarding another sliding door. As they saw Kazuhiko, they turned themselves into a human form. The Oni stopped his rickshaw in front of them and as Kazuhiko descended, the foxes bowed to him.

" Kazuhiko-sama, it's an honor to meet you again. Are you here to see Sage-sama?" One of the fox asked. Kazuhiko nodded and they opened the door for him to go through.

" Thank you, Hakuro and Hokuro. Ishimaru, please wait here." Kazuhiko thanked the foxes and asked the Oni to wait for him.

" As you wish, Kazuhiko-sama." the Oni followed his command.

Before Kazuhiko entered, he put on a veil that covered his eyes. The veil is to prevent him from accidentally glancing at the Sage's garden. It's said that the Sage's garden is so beautiful that it'll captivate whoever laid their eyes on it. Once they're captivated, they can never ever avert their eyes from the garden ever again until they die. It's especially dangerous for humans who have a short life span. As Kazuhiko walks in, he continues his step and stops before he reaches the tenth step. In front of him, there's an old white fox with nine tails gazing at the garden and a pool full of Koi fish. His white fur is so organized that each strand follows the other. The sight of the absolute dignified creature.

" Kazuhiko huh? What's wrong? Did you forget something?" Asked the Nine tail fox before Kazuhiko could say anything.

" No master. I have come to meet you again. It's already been ten years since then. I, Asakura Kazuhiko, greet and pay my utmost respect to the Sage of The Ninetails." Kazuhiko bows to his master. However, the Sage's eyes are still gazing at the garden.

" Hmm. So it's been ten years since you last came here huh? I thought it was only a few minutes. It seems that this garden has averted my eyes from the sense of time. It's been thousands of years since I first glanced at this mesmerizing garden and yet, I'm still captivated by it and not even once I avert my eyes from it nor I feel that I want to pull my eye from this garden. Truly, what a frighteningly beautiful Sage's Garden. The very least I can do for my dear disciple is to converse with you in the form of your own kind." The Ninetails Sage changed his form into an old man. With his white eyes as clear as the ocean, calm as unwavering shore and his white hair harmonious with his white Haori.

To be continued….

[1] Hara Hachi Bu point - Means 'Eat until you're 80% full'. Healthy eating habits in Japan that can help lower the rate of heart disease, cancer, stroke.

[2] Haori - A formal overcoat worn over a kimono.