Mo Nan pt 2


The booming voice trembled our eardrums; the voice was so mighty it can make even a cultivator's ears bleed.

However, luckily, it wasn't directed at me.

I felt like Mo Nan is the only one who felt actual pain. Nevertheless, she horrifiedly opened her eyes, subconsciously putting her palms on my ears, covering them from the loud holler.

A majestic cold aura covered the room, but the chaotic state, enhanced with the icy frost, tingled my senses of familiarity.

My mind was oddly aware of the person standing at the door.

Furthermore, the scent and fragrance emitting from this powerful entity had the same royal Jasmine Yu likes to wear.

'Yu? Is this my second mother?' I thought.

As I said that, I tried to turn my face, but my head was fixated on my big sister's hands, sealing it from any movement or even sound.

There's a vast tension building up; looking at Nan, I noticed her mouth was moving, like she's talking to the person standing at the door; hence, her expression was aghast, while her eyes kept contracting.

I concluded that the person at the door must be an influential individual in the sect to influence my big sister complexion this much.

Mo Nan POV:

"What are you doing in my room?" I screamed at the furious woman standing at the door; it's safe to say that I never gave my room keys to anyone in the family, but how could she brag into my room this easily?

Questions started to pop inside of my head, trying my best to understand the situation.

'Why would this vixen be here?'

That was the most critical concern bothering my mind right now.

She looks at me with sharp, vicious eyes, like a betrayed beast or even a person who had his precious treasure stolen.

'Why is she this mad?'

I couldn't understand what was going on, especially with the pain she inflicted on my ears, blocking my thoughts and weakening my sense of reasoning.

I heard her reply.

"It's you who I should ask that "question," why would my son be in your embrace?" her veiny red eyes didn't avert from the boy I'm currently holding.

'My son? What does that mean? It's well known that she possesses the ice fury physique, which is unsuitable for bearing a fetus, and besides, this boy already has a mother?'


The matter of Yu adopting a little kid was a top-secret matter; only a selected few knew about it. And the reason was very simple; Yu had a lot of enemies, she feared that they would target her using Chou.


The combination of the lag of understatement, absurd words, and odd dilemma extensively confused me.

Yet, I'm a high-level young lady myself; I can't show any weakness even in front of royalty.

"T-this is not your son; he's one of my father's bastard kids, Lui Yuang son to be precise," I sneered.


After hearing Nan's words.

Yu's icy gaze got even chillier; an accusatory frown creased her forehead while her muscle tensed from the anger, "How dare you say that!"

In a split second, Yu body, shooted at a fast pace, like a beaming blue light, all the way to Nan bed; with a single motion of her hand, she pulled the boy lying on top of Mo Nan chest toward her arm, shutting his eyes from the outside world, thinking that her baby should not get to see her ruthless side.

The boy found himself in the women's arms, while Nan was left defenseless, facing the dominant fairy.

Nan only reached fifteen this year and exactly awakened her spiritual root just two years ago. The difference between her and an ancient monster like Yu was broadened; it's to the point of comparing dirt in the ground to the clouds of heaven. Of course, later, Nan will rapidly cultivate her extremely rare fire root and eventually, in a couple of decades, suppress her, as the most talented woman in the kingdom.

However, it's only wishful thinking for now; Yu was the ultimate aggressor in this case, and Nan was the vulnerable prey.

Ice fairy used her other hand, grabbing Nan's neck, jerking it toward her face; lifting her whole body with one arm, the grip was so tight Nan felt blood leaking out of her pale white skin; thus making her arms dance on the air before reaching Yu's hand, desperately trying to shook it off.

Yet the powerful grip didn't even budge.

Cho heard suffocated pleads; the voice was gradually getting weaker with time; alarmed by the fact that someone might die, his hand reached to the face that he recognizes very well.

His profound, rushed voice resounded in Yu's ears, bringing her back from her unstable state.

"Mommy, stop!"

'Huh? He recognized me?' Yu thought, before beaming, "Yes, my dumpling, what's wrong?"

He responded instantly, "Please don't hurt anyone!"

She frowned at the thought of him, seeing her as a violent woman, and said, "Mommy is not hurting anybody," her hand's instantly let go of Nan, dropping her straight to the ground.

The poor girl heavily took gusts of fresh air, trying to catch as must air particles as possible.

"See, told you," she lifted her hand and showed it around, smiling like she didn't just almost murder someone.

"Mother, please let's go; I'm scared," Cho knew that he should get her out of here using any mean.

Consequently, pulling his most powerful card, his "adorableness and baby side,"

"Ah!? My little son is scared? Ok, we will depart right away,"

She glanced back at the weak Nan and whispered, "consider your self lucky this time; I don't have a problem killing you and your whole family tonight,"

She strolled, leaving the room, directly heading to her manor.

Time went on.

Cho found Rui holding her cheeks beside the manor's gate; her face was swollen for some reason.

Flabbergasted, he asked, "W-what happened to Rui?"

A deadly light horizontally flashed across the fairy pupils and answered in a calm tone, "She forgot about my most precious thing. Failing her only assigned job,"

She glanced at the maid and continued, "Right, Rui?"

"Yes, your Majesty, I committed a terrible mistake; Master was very lenient in her punishment." As she bowed her head, reading that scripted speech from somewhere in her head.

"Hmph! Of course, I was; you think I'm done with you? But for now, go and prepare some warm water; I should scrap that slut saliva out of little Cho skin,"

"Understood," Rui replied.

Meanwhile, back at Nan's room, her face felling as she's stared blankly at the space; regardless of how her face appeared to be, her inside was roaring with thoughts, 'I managed to sleep!? Just for a split second, I managed to rest peacefully! I-i can't mistake it. that's what people call sleep, right?'

Although Nan was talented, from the time her mother passed away, she lost the ability to sleep. Conditionally, Suffering from severe insomnia.

"Interesting, very interesting," she muttered, getting up to complete her night cultivation.