A surprise

"H-he sitting in my favorite seat!" The youngest boy in the party of siblings, "Mo Dan," shouted, his face was still expressionless just a second ago, but now, the knots in his face were uglier than his brother "Mo Dan."

As I remembered the system description of him, he was a spoiled ten years old kid with a genius aptitude for alchemy.

His talents didn't matter for me at the moment; I solely focused on the word "Spoiled," just like "supremacist" in the case of Mo Yung.

It didn't need anything particular to trigger them.

Just the fact that I am a bastard child was enough for them to look down on me and hate my guts.

And in a split second, I found myself surrounded by two gazes, angrily snarling while looking like they will lash out anytime soon.

'I need to cut off this confrontation short as quickly as possible.' I thought, in fear of making the stats drop even more, but to my surprise, Nan did something completely outrageous; she got up and said, "I will go wash my hands; I see that you're still hungry, stay here and behave,"

She looked at the oldest boy "Mo Lan." and mumbled in his ears, "He's my guest, Don't hurt him,"

"Huh?" Before I can say anything else, she already left, leaving me between these three predators.

Her last sentence was just a disguised declaration not to kill me, but what about other things?

"Dan, you and our little friend here are from close ages, go and sit beside him," Mo Lan calmly said, pointing at the seat beside me; how the chairs and tables were build reminded me of Hogwarts magic school back in my original world, however, it was far more exquisite and ancient as almost everything was carved using marble.

And the only difference was that the seats weren't connected in a long counter strip. Instead, everyone had his own personal chair showing off his sect position.

Dan flinched; he wasn't expecting that his brother will request something like this; how could he Mo Dan sit beside an unworthy bastard!

But before he started showing any attitude, he recalled that his brother hardly make any unnecessary decisions, which ultimately made him comply with the request, as the other two sat in front of Mo chou.

Walking while frowning till he reached the seat, pulling it from under the table, he yanked it so severely he almost knocked me down from my spot.

"Ahh!" I felt a force hit my chair, wrecking my position; as I almost fell.

In my struggle to try and stabilize myself, I grabbed the table, but that action shifted the momentum to my head, directly hitting the table edge.


My eyes blacked out for a second before I circulated my blurry vision around, trying to figure out what happened, but all I saw is Dan's faint grin.

Following that, I heard Lan speak, "Dan! You did it again; I always tell you to be careful while pulling the chair; you almost hurt ofriend over here,"

His tone wasn't threatening in the slightest, just like a funny joke; he announced hiswords, making a hypothetical worried face.

And I thought from his description of being respectful and a leader; he will understand my circumstances; in fact, he didn't even acknowledge me as his brother, still addressing me as "friend."

"Pft! How could you have the heart to bully a child?"

Clenching my teeth, I endured the pain and pretended not to look hurt; I can't let them enjoy it. Hence, I kept eating my food, not minding them any heed.

If that event was offending, then it was nothing for the next one; the kids respectively beside and in front of me, exchanged stares, communicating with each other, before "Yung." said, "I see that you're starving our little fellow."

Dan added, "It's expected he didn't taste such food in his life; I heard they only send our leftovers to the bastard's kids after it got passed on by the maids of the palace,"

I cringed at the way they spoke; I wasn't expecting them to be this dumb.

Chuckling, Yung rang, "How pitful," clapping his hands to the servants, "Hey you, keep bringing dishes till I order you to stop,"

The head servant that is being pointed at bowed down, with a "Right away young master," he ordered his lackeys to bring more food.

I wasn't stupid enough to think that my brother said that because he took pity on me.

There's must be an underlying scheme.

And in about four minutes, dishes started to stream from the kitchen, filling the table with all kinds of delicious exotic food.

Grinning till his teeth showed, he said, "Since your too hungry, your brother prepared you this gift,"

Both of the younger boys almost leaked out a laugh.

According to the sect rules, the orders of an official descendant are absolute; any denial attempt will be faced with treason and cruel punishment of death; this law didn't favor any age or gender; anybody who made a mistake will be executed.

And me treasuring my life, I had no option of refusing, so I proceeded to eat the food, plate after plate, my belly was filled to the grim, till the point that the food started to be tasteless, however, the coming plates didn't stop, and in my fifth plate I no longer could eat, speaking up in a stiff tone, "A-am full,"

Instantly, the boy beside me playfully elbowed me in the ribs, sensitively ruling, "This food going to be wasted, and you were hungry just a couple of minutes ago, or perhaps, you find Yung present not suitable enough?"

His question was single-headed; answering with a yes, will be considered in this world as me shaming my brother, and going silent will also be a confirmation of this underlying problem, which will get my head cut, leaving me with only one option, say "No" and stuff food till your stomach burst.

Just like that, I lowered my head as my teeth almost broke from the resentment, and had another round of eating; my stomach started to hurt with time under their amused eyes, staggering and burping a car with an old engine.

Sweat and Red veiny eyes widely showed in my face as a little drop of tears can be seen in the far corner of my lower eyelashes.

Hate was slowly overflowing my heart; I never thought I wanted to hurt someone so badly till now; how could they be so hateful enjoying a little kid's painful face?

My Saliva dropped on the table as I no longer could munch the food, but just stuffed it directly into my throat. My emotions affected even the attraction laws, as it started to get chaotic and unstable, scattering around the hall, holding my pain and tremendous wrath.

Suddenly, in the climax of my law erupted state, I felt something crawl its way to my feet, then to my waist, climbing smoothly, as it passed my stomach, only stopping when it reached beside my ears.

I couldn't turn my neck to see the creature, but I knew it was long and slithery.