Childhood Friends

The familiar voice made the King of Araven turn around where he was greeted with a bow by his childhood friend and also the Vice-Captain who was standing a few steps away.

"Captain Elaine," King Arias Astaze muttered in an obviously tired voice but that's all. He didn't say anything more but his gaze was fixated on the Captain who never once lifted her gaze.

"Please come with us, Your Majesty. The event is about to start and I bet the guests will be waiting for you by this time now," the Captain respectfully said to the young King who was the same age as her.

Just like Elaine, King Arias was dressing in all white, a formal attire for the King to be worn at important or special events. With blonde hair and height that was a few inches taller than the Captain, he had to glance down at her. When Elaine looked up for the first time, his hazel eyes met her amber eyes that shone like a burning fire.

"Is there any problem, Your Majesty?" Elaine Vernimiere asked when the King didn't respond to her for what felt like hours.

They will soon run out of time and she knew that but... it's not like she can force the King.

She might have no problem with forcing her Second Prince childhood friend out of the garden no matter how the latter thought but... not the King.

"No," King Arias Astaze muttered. "I hate this type of event. It always brings back bad memories."

Bad memories. The Captain knew what the King was referring to and it wasn't a bad memory for only the King. It was the same for her.

"You don't have to worry, Your Majesty. I will make sure that nothing goes wrong during the event," she said to her childhood friend. "You can trust in me."

"I always trust in you," was the King's quick response. He remained silent for a few seconds before he said, "Once the event is over, I want to have some fresh air."

There will be a formal ceremony where the King will address the guests and it will be followed by a huge feast and some drinks. Elaine figured out right away that once it was over, it will be quite late.

"I understand, Your Majesty. I will have it arranged."

With that, the King nodded and walked past Elaine. The latter quickly followed him and Vice-Captain Lucian did the same.

* * *

'The Captain of the Royal Guards should be a reliable pillar for the King and one day, you will become that. So, you should remember to protect and obey the King all the time and at all costs.'

Her late father's teaching crossed Elaine's mind as she departed for a certain place with King Arias and a few guards. For Elaine, her father was not only a role model but also a savior.

Her father, Zachary Vernimiere was a Captain of the Royal Guards just like her. He was deeply trusted by the late King who was Arias's father. Though her father's role wasn't hereditary, it was the late King who personally chose Elaine to become her father's successor. At that time, she was only 14.

Elaine Vernimiere mysteriously lost all her memories and it was at that time that she was taken in by the childless Vernimiere family. Even her age wasn't known but Zachary Vernimiere and his wife assumed that she must be around 10. The couple adopted her and she was raised with love. Now, Captain Elaine was 20 but still, her memories from before she was adopted were still a mystery to her.

While the Captain was deeply immersed in her thoughts, the voice of a guard snapped her out, reminding her that they had reached their destination. She promptly glanced around their surroundings only to see how everyone had their eyes on her.

The guards were obviously surprised that their Captain really zoned out while on duty. Even the King already got off from his horse!

Losing no more time, Elaine Vernimiere hurriedly got off her horse and the other guards did the same. Then they entered a small gate and a small house which was obviously the house for commoners was just a few steps away from them.

"Let's go to the farm." King Arias Astaze suddenly turned to Elaine. "Follow me."

While the King and the Captain made their way to the farm which was on the right, the other guards spread around the surroundings and stood guard to ensure the safety of their King. What happened right now wasn't an uncommon occurrence to them.

In fact, the young King rarely let anyone else get close to him. After the sudden death of his father and older brother a year ago, he had a hard time trusting people.

Captain Elaine halted her steps when King Arias halted and looked up at the pink magnolia tree before them. Whenever they went to this place, beneath this tree was always a spot for King Arias to sit down and have some quiet rest.

Without saying anything, the young King sat down and looked up at Elaine. "You should have some rest too. I know you work hard all day." He gestured her to sit down beside her but the latter bowed her head.

"I'm fine, Your Majesty."

"Just do as I say." The King's voice was calm but just like the time he called her name in the royal garden before, it hinted at tiredness.

This time, Elaine didn't say anything and sat down beside the King. She didn't wear her white ceremonial uniform but dressed in all black, mostly leather and it made it easier for her.

For a while, the childhood friends didn't say anything as the King glanced up at the sky while Elaine narrowed her eyes. Ever since Arias took over the throne, which was never in a plan, their once close friendship underwent quite a change. However, they still care for each other and they both knew that though they didn't show much.....