The Haunting Incident

Captain Elaine was on her way to her quarters in the palace after escorting King Arias back to the palace and his chamber.

Though the Vernimiere family had a mansion that wasn't lesser compared to the nobles of Araven, Elaine spent most of her time in the palace. After the passing of her mother due to illness and then her father, the mansion was empty most of the time.

Elaine maintained a close relationship with her mother's family and she often visited them when she had time. Her father was an only child. So, she didn't have any family left from her father's side.

Her late mother, Melanie was the second child and only daughter of the late Duke Esagas. Now, the title was passed on to Elaine's uncle who was her mother's older brother. Elaine also had a close relationship with her uncle's only son and child who was the highest-ranking General in the Araven Army and King Arias's right hand in the army, General Cayden Avary.

Apart from the King who was the Commander of the Army, General Cayden had the highest power in the Araven Army.

Captain Elaine was about to enter her quarters when a female servant come to her. "Captain, Her Highness wants to meet you."

It was already late to even be up, let alone summon someone. However, Elaine Vernimiere wasn't that surprised. It was expected of Princess Mira Astaze, King Arias's older sister.

Without saying anything, Elaine followed the servant all the way to the Princess's chamber. When she entered there, Princess Mira was standing in front of the desk. Despite her beautiful appearance, the Princess looked at Elaine with an undoubtedly angry look on her face.

Still, this wasn't unexpected for Elaine.

The Captain halted two or three steps before the Princess and bowed. "Do you ask for -"

She couldn't finish her words when a sharp blow landed on her left face! Her skills and flexibility will surely allow her to avoid it but... she chose not to. Soon enough, her cheek turned red due to the slap while all she did was stand still without even a flinch.

"Please calm down -"

"I already warned you many times to be careful," the Princess grunted, rendering Elaine silent. "How can you let him leave the palace with just a few guards while we have so many guests here?!"

"It was His Majesty's order, Your Highness. I can't defy him."

"But it can cost him his life!" Mira Astaze exclaimed. "The one who ordered that attack is still not known. What if that person comes for Arias? What if he comes for me? We are in no situation to be careless!"

"I will protect you and His Majesty," Captain Elaine stated, trying to sound as firm as she could. She looked at the depressed Princess firmly and showed no sign of backing down.

"Protect? Did you forget that my father and older brother died under the protection of more than hundreds of guards? How will you protect us?!" Princess Mira snapped.

With the incident tormenting her once again, Elaine tightly clenched her fists. "I will never forget that, Princess. So, I will make sure that it will never happen again." She wasn't in her right mind anymore and her tone was a bit high because of that. However, that aroused the Princess from her dark and tormenting thoughts that lived on her mind.

Slowly realizing what she had done, the depressed Princess roughly pressed her long nails against her palms. Her eyes swept around the chamber as terror slowly became noticeable in them. Her nails dug her palms, causing them to bleed but... she didn't even know that she was hurting herself even when a slight amount of her blood dropped to the floor!

All the time, Elaine didn't notice anything with the incident occupying all her mind once again.

"What is going on here?"

A deep yet authoritative voice came from the direction of the door, snapping both Princess Mira and Elaine back to reality. King Arias was standing at the door and when his gaze fell upon his sister, he didn't fail to notice the blood on her palms.

His sister had hurt herself, again.

Arias Astaze quickly approached his half-sister and called for the servants who came running in. He held the Princess and helped her to the couch. Then one of the servants tended to the Princess's wound.

Elaine stood still with her gaze on the Princess. Her mind completely went blank which was more than unlike her. What happened?

Soon enough, she heard the King's voice.

"Go and take a rest. I will stay with her."

Despite the situation, the King's voice was calm to her as usual.

Elaine didn't lose any time as she bowed and hurriedly left the chamber without saying anything.

Once Princess Mira's wounds were treated, King Arias dismissed the servants and helped his sister to the bed. He tucked her in and then pulled a chair beside the bed. For the next few minutes, he quietly sat there.

When he came to live in the palace ten years ago, many people looked down on him. However, his two half-siblings were good to him and that was more than enough for him. His father loved him too and he heard that the Queen passed away two years before he arrived at the palace.

He received love from his family and he was always grateful to them for that.

Arias Astaze quietly observed his sister and only spoke up when he was convinced that she was feeling better now. After taking care of his older sister since that haunting incident, he was well aware of her exact condition.

"What happened?" he asked in a gentle and patient voice.

In an instant, what she did and said crossed Princess Mira's mind and she nervously squeezed the blanket that covered her body. "I was angry and afraid when I heard that you left the palace with just a few guards and... I lost control."


Mira Astaze think twice before she confessed, "I slapped Elaine."