The Concerned Cousin

Without saying anything, General Cayden Avary grabbed Elaine on the wrist and pulled her towards the chair. Though Elaine knew that her cousin was angry, he was still gentle and careful not to hurt her. This put her at ease and a subtle smile was formed on her lips.

Standing before Elaine who now sat on the chair, the tall height of the powerful General formed a formidable aura that could make the knees of everyone weak. He wasn't respected and feared at the same time by the soldiers without a reason.

Not to mention that at 23, he was the youngest and most powerful among the higher-ranked Generals.

He was the one who stole the hearts of many ladies throughout Araven, all thanks to his handsome yet masculine looks. His enchanting ocean blue eyes paired with midnight black hair and thick eyebrows... they all added to his masculine looks.

As the General stood before his cousin, his keen gaze observed all the wounds on her body, and the more he saw it, the more his displeasure grew.

"Why are you always so reckless, Elaine?" Cayden Avary finally spoke up, reprimanding his younger cousin. "You never listen and you injured yourself all the time."

"It's not my fault this time," Elaine quickly clarified. "Someone shot an arrow in my direction and I fell from my horse while trying to avoid it."

An arrow?

Cayden Avary raised a brow. He rushed here when he heard that Elaine was injured and she will rest for the day. That's all he heard but... an arrow?

"Did you say that someone came for your life?" he asked. There was a hint of concern and rage in his deep voice.

"No," Elaine quickly said. "Just some foolish hunters who mistook me with their prey."


The General thought about it but he still couldn't be at ease. "Blaz was with you, right? I will tell him to look deeper. I don't believe in such a coincidence."

Elaine Vernimiere sighed and pulled her cousin, making him sit down beside her. "Just take it easy, Cayden. Who would even come for my life? It's not like I'm some important person."

General Cayden Avary thought twice before he said, "What if it has something to do with your lost memories? That nightmare you often had... if that girl was you, then I don't think you're safe as you believed, Elaine."

Elaine Vernimiere knew that everything her cousin said was true. However, she was also confident that what she encountered in the forest didn't have anything to do with her past. "I rolled down a slope when I fell but the hunters came and helped me climb back up. They even apologized. You can ask Blaz if you're still worried."

Once again, the cousin observed her with his intimidating gaze, making Elaine sigh even deeper than before. "Don't you know that your gaze is very intimidating, Cayden? I really pity the soldiers for having a superior like you. Poor them." She shook her head and clicked her tongue, finally making her cousin chuckle.

"You've already said that countless times," he pointed out. "I was just thinking if the hunters left unscathed. With that temper of yours, I don't think you accept their apology that easy."

A frown instantly appeared on the Captain's face when she heard her cousin. "Don't even get me started. I was so angry." She glanced down at her injured leg and uttered, "I can't even do my job because of this. It's not a good thing for me to leave the King's side while I'm the Captain of the guards."

This time, it was the General's turn to sigh. "At least, think of yourself while you're in this condition. All that occupied your mind is your job and you always neglect yourself." He gently patted Elaine on the shoulder and added, "Focus on your recovery first and you will be able to return to your duty soon."

Elaine nodded and the General continued, "If you don't take good care of yourself, I will ask His Majesty for permission and bring you home. Keep that in mind."

"I will only rest today," Elaine Vernimiere frankly told her cousin who wasn't that pleased. "We just wrapped up an important event but tomorrow is another important day. It won't be good if I'm not by His Majesty's side. Besides, it's no tough task. It's not like we have to leave the palace."

"Do you know how much I wish for you to be less stubborn?" Cayden Avary sighed. "You refused to listen when I ask you to not choose this path a year ago. What happened since then? Countless injuries. You won't even know how tiring it is to worry about someone stubborn as you."

The usual concerned words paired by the expression of her older cousin... these always made Elaine feel loved. Though her parents weren't with her anymore, Cayden always made her feel at home.

Even this time, the warmness comforted her and she can't help but hug the General. Wrapping her arms around his body, she looked at him with a little smile on her face. "I'm hard to deal with, right? I'm sorry. I'll be careful from now on."

Though Cayden Avary flashed a little smile, it was still followed by a sigh. "You always do this and say that when you don't know how to argue with me. You're such a sly being, Elaine," he pointed out, making the Captain chuckled.

"I'm just glad that I still have a family to care for me," Elaine Vernimiere frankly replied. "You won't understand how much it meant to me, Cayden."

"There you go again," Cayden Avary said and patted Elaine on the head as if she was a child. This made the Captain frown and with a chuckle, the General gently freed himself from her hug and rose from his seat.

"If I stay longer, I think you will turn into a baby again," he playfully remarked and added, "I will come again once I'm finished with my work for today. So, you should take good care of yourself. It's just me now but... if Father hears this and comes over to see that you're still neglecting yourself, he will surely drag you home no matter how much you resist."

Elaine Vernimiere frowned as she knew that her uncle would really be willing to do that. "Alright. I'll take care."