

Thinking of what happened outside the palace, Vivien Casteveron cannot still be at ease.

Maybe because she felt responsible for that wound on Nicolin's arm. It's been a while since she was back at the palace and the sun was also about to set. Nevertheless, she couldn't brush the incident off her mind.

Impatient like always, she decided to go to her father. She heard that her father just wrapped up his schedule for the day and... she was sure that she was up for an earful. She was always reprimanded when she caused trouble and it's not like that loyal right-hand man of her father will keep the truth from the latter.

Princess Vivien walked out of her chamber and made her way to her father's chamber. When she was almost there, she saw Nicolin walking in her direction.

Did he just report to the King about what happened? Then if she goes there right now, won't her father be still too angry?

Though she was the Princess, she also knew that her father could be really scary while he was angry!

While the Princess was debating in her mind, Nicolin was just three or four steps away from her and she turned her attention back to him. However, when she saw a small wound on his lip which seemed to be caused by a strong punch, her expression changed.

He didn't have that wound when they returned! It's only that cut in his left arm!

"What happened to your lip?" she asked as she quickened her pace and stood right before him. "It wasn't there when we return."

Nicolin halted and slightly bowed his head but he didn't say anything. As she was met with silence, a probability crossed Vivien's mind.

"Did my father do that?"

She knew that her father tended to be quite violent at times but... was it because of the incident? It's not even his fault!

"Answer me!"

"Don't think too much, Your Highness," was Nicolin's response. Like always, his voice was calm but lifeless. "I get this wound because I was careless -"

"I'm not a fool," Vivien Casteveron spatted. "I'll go and ask my father."

She ran past him and rushed towards the King's chamber. Nicolin shut his eyes for the briefest of seconds and then went after the Princess. "Your Highness!"

Vivien Casteveron reached the door to her father's chamber in no time and without even knocking, she pushed open the door and walked inside. "Father, what happened? What did you do to Nicolin?"

As daring as she was, she never hesitate to confront anyone and even now, her action didn't surprise the King. The only thing that King Ricard didn't expect was his daughter talking about his right-hand man.

It's the first. He knew that in the past, his daughter always tried to stay away from Nicolin.

What had gotten into her?

While King Ricard Casteveron slowly rose from his seat, Nicolin rushed inside. "I apologize, Your Majesty. Her Highness is -"

His voice died when the King slightly lifted his right palm. Though he somewhat felt the pressure, he took a step back and lowered his gaze. Then King Ricard turned his attention back to his daughter.

"What is your problem, Vivien?" he asked.

"Nicolin risked his life to save me today. He even got hurt because of that," the Princess stated. "What happened is not his fault. How can you do that to him?"

"What do you mean?"

"You know what I'm talking about, Father. That wound on his lip -"


The Princess couldn't finish talking as she was interjected by her father calling Nicolin's name.

"Yes, Your Majesty."

"Is there a problem with what Vivien is talking about?" was the King's question and it made the Princess raise a brow.

How could her father ask such a question?

However, the response from the right-hand man stunned the Princess even more!

"No, Your Majesty," Nicolin responded. "I deserve it for failing you."

"Did you hear, Vivien?" the King of Eslore asked his daughter, rhetorically. "If you mess up something, you should be willing to bear the consequences too. So, you should get to your sense now. Stop behaving like a kid and think of how you should take responsibility instead."

"Father -"

"Don't you know that any decision you make can affect people around you?" the King snapped. "You're a royal and it's high time that you act like one. This is the last time, Vivien. I won't tolerate any childish behavior anymore."

Vivien Casteveron stood still in her place, unable to utter any word. A few seconds passed and she shifted her gaze to Nicolin who was rooted to his place too as if he was a statue.

She knew that her father was right but about her but... she still saw no fault in Nicolin.

Even if she felt that way, what would be the use of bringing that up? It's not like that woodblock will agree with her. He's hopeless!

As she had no idea of what to do, Vivien just turned around and walked out of her father's chamber, leaving the two men alone.

"Your Majesty -"

"Go and take a rest," Ricard Casteveron interjected Nicolin in an obviously tired voice. Then he settled on the chair and concentrated on his work again.

Like always, Nicolin didn't have to be told twice. He bowed and left the chamber right away.

This time, Nicolin managed to get to his quarters without any interruption. However, when he entered his quarters, his two friends were waiting for him, obviously out of concern.

"Are you alright?" Emeric quickly asked his friend as he rose from his seat. Feran instantly followed suit.

Nicolin walked past his two friends and took a seat on one of the chairs.

"Nico -"

"I'm fine. Don't worry about me."

The two glanced down at their friend who now shut his eyes and leaned back on the chair. Then they exchanged glances with each other. It took more than a minute for Feran to finally ask Nicolin a question. After all, the latter was their leader and they always looked up to him.

"Nico, why did you do that?"

"What do you mean?" Nicolin asked Feran back, still keeping his eyes shut.

"You know that the Princess looks for a chance to run away and that she cannot be trusted. Besides, His Majesty's order was to escort the Princess back right after she finish her activity. No matter how much she asks for it, we're not supposed to compromise because that's the order. That's -"

"He must be tired," Emeric chimed in before Feran could finish talking. "We can talk about this later. Let him rest."

"But -"

"You think too much, Feran," Nicolin finally spoke up. Then he opened his eyes and looked up at his friend. "I don't really believe that she will be able to run away while we keep an eye on her. After all, he's just a fragile lady who can't even fight."