I Will Hate It

"Is there anything else, Your Majesty?"

Nicolin noticed how the King was looking at him as if he was observing him. Being looked at that way will surely be the last thing he wanted from the person who had total control over him and his life.

He didn't show it but it took him a lot of effort to not appear nervous. Not to mention that he knew the reason why the King was behaving like that.

"I was thinking of last night's incident," King Ricard Casteveron pointed out. "Vivien was acting strange."

As it was just proved that he was right about what the King was thinking, Nicolin somehow felt a growing pressure. Nevertheless, he maintained his silence with his gaze lowered. As said before, he always knew when to speak or not.

"What do you think, Nicolin?"

Though he truly wished to avoid the question, Nicolin didn't have to be asked twice. He quickly thought of how to answer.

"Her Highness has a kind heart, Your Majesty. Yesterday, I got injured while saving her. Maybe she feels responsible."

He hoped that it was the right answer and when he saw the King slowly nodding several times, relief washed through him. However, he knew the King well and this wasn't the end. The next question came right away.

"Then... why did you ignore my command yesterday?"

When Nicolin reported the incident to him yesterday, the King didn't mention disobeying the order. All he did was punished Nicolin with a little violence for the incident.

King Ricard was always strict with his people and he was never the type to tolerate a mistake. As someone who tended to be a bit violent, punishment from him was often a violent one rather than brutal torturing. If the case was severe, it can be both.

With his head hanging low, Nicolin couldn't say anything no matter how much he wanted to. He knew that keeping his mouth shut will only worsen the situation but... he couldn't come up with any word.

"I'm asking you a question."

Finding himself at the corner with no way out, all Nicolin could do was dropped to his knees. "I don't know what had gotten into me, Your Majesty. I was wrong. Please forgive me."

"You are already punished for that," Ricard Casteveron stated, still maintaining a calm tone. "The punishment ends there but I want to know why you went out of your way." He narrowed his eyes at his right-hand man who was on his knees and asked, "Do you still remember what I hate even more than making a mistake?"

There was no response.


"It's going against your order, Your Majesty."

"You indeed remember," Ricard Casteveron remarked. "Then you should get to your sense. You know me well, don't you? I'm not that patient."

"I will remember that, Your Majesty."

"This is the last time," the King stated; his tone as calm as ever. However, Nicolin knew very well that the King was the type to cause harm without showing anything. He had seen countless of those incidents.

The King's attention was already back to his work but he shifted his gaze back to Nicolin when he added, "Remember this. Of all the ones serving me, you're the last one I would want to punish severely. Never give me a reason to; I will hate it."

Though such words were more than unexpecting for him, Nicolin knew better than to say it. "Yes, Your Majesty."

"You can go."

With that, he rose to his feet and bowed before he left the King's chamber.

Even when he walked across the hallways, Nicolin's mind was completely occupied by everything that the King said. He knew that Feran was right last night.

They can't afford to make a mistake.

As the King's right-hand man was mindlessly walking past the hallways, he eventually bumped into someone who was standing in his way. Being snapped out of his thoughts, he looked at the person, only to realize that it was Princess Vivien Casteveron. Then he was very quick to lower his head.

"That was a mistake, Your Highness. I apologize."

The perfect right-hand man of her father appeared so out of order for the first time since she could remember and the Princess was stunned.

It seemed like he was also capable of making a mistake after all.

The next thing that entered the Princess's mind was Nicolin's wound from yesterday.

"How is your wound?" she promptly asked. "Did you have it treated?"

It was only at that time that Nicolin realized he had completely forgotten about treating it.

Maybe because his mind was so occupied last night.

"It's fine now, Your Highness. Please don't let yourself be bothered. I'm used to this." He had hoped that the stubborn and headstrong Princess would buy his words but...

"Then let me take a look," Vivien Casteveron demanded.

"I'm fine, Your Highness. There's no need to -"

"If you're really fine, shouldn't you have no problem with me taking a look?" the Princess argued. "It's your arm and just removing your jacket should be fine. I'm not even asking you to remove your shirt."

In the past, she never really talk to him. That's why Nicolin somewhat struggled to talk with her. She ignored him most of the time, mostly because she dreaded him. After all, he was an emotionless man who never smiled.

Well, he didn't blame her. With his cold demeanor, his all-black dress, and the sword he carried all the time; he appeared quite scary.

Being handsome wasn't enough.

"You keep me waiting," Princess Vivien sighed. "You only have to remove your jacket. It's not hard at all."

"But -"

"Did my father tell you not to listen to me again?" A small yet menacing smile crept across the Princess's face. She already knew the answer to her question.

"No, Your Highness." He found himself in a more complicated situation but... the Princess seemed to be enjoying it.

When else will she have the chance to see this side of her father's perfect right-hand man?

"That means you just can't disregard me today in the name of my father's order," she declared with a victorious smile.

She recalled how he show up before her chamber yesterday, saying that she wasn't allowed to leave unless she accept her father's arrangement. She was so excited but... all her plan was ruined. However, for the sake of his wound, she decided to let it slide this once.

Realizing that he was left without a choice, Nicolin took off his jacket to expose the wound on his arm that was still left the same way as it was yesterday.

One glance and the Princess's expression turned to a displeased one. "You're lying," she muttered. "You don't treat at all yet you say you're fine now."

"This is nothing -"

"You got injured because of me and I can't even sleep last night because of that," Vivien Casteveron confessed without thinking much. There was the slightest hint of surprisement on the face of the emotionless man but it was gone before it became noticeable.

"Then I will have it treated right now." He hoped to get away by saying this but...

"Forget about it," Vivien Casteveron brushed him off. "I don't trust you anymore. Just follow me."

She didn't even wait for his response as she turned around and started walking right away.

Nicolin glanced at back and forth between the Princess and the path he was supposed to take. After a few seconds, he gave in and followed the Princess.

It seemed like he was still not snapped out.....