Strange Feeling

It had been a while after breakfast and Princess Vivien was quietly sitting alone in one of the pavilions inside the palace walls. There was a pond next to the pavilion and the Princess was blankly staring at the fishes in the pond. It was so obvious that her mind was somewhere else.

When her personal maid, Jocea found her sitting all alone, she was surprised by how dull the Princess appeared.

Well, the Princess was lively most of the time and the maid being shocked was understandable.

"Your Highness, what are you doing here alone? You disappeared after breakfast and I was looking for you everywhere," Jocea said as she stood before the Princess, glancing down at her with surprisement still evident on her face.

"I just want to have some fresh air," Vivien Casteveron muttered with her gaze never leaving the pond.

All the while, what her father said echoed in her ears.

Nicolin was still not fine but... her father sent him somewhere to fulfill his order?

Why was the King always so heartless?

Observing the Princess for a while, Jocea took a seat on the bench opposite the Princess which the latter didn't mind. She was always closed with her personal maid.

"Is something bothering you, Your Highness? You are acting strange these days," she pointed out and waited for a response. However, the Princess simply smiled.

"You think too much, Jocea. I'm fine."

"But -"

"I think I've got enough air," Princess Vivien interjected as she rose from her seat with a forced smile on her face. "Let's return."

Without even waiting for a response, she left the pavilion and the maid had no choice but to follow her.

* * *


King Arias indeed said to Crown Prince Helias that they can do hunting some other day if it would be hard for him with an injured hand. However, the Crown Prince wished to proceed, and now, they were on their way to the Emer Forest with several guards, including Elaine and Evan.

The Emer Forest used to serve as the hunting ground for only royals and nobles until a few months ago when King Arias issued an order to open it for everyone. As the forest was still home to many wild animals, the young King hoped that his order will help the hunters whose only source of livelihood was the fruit of their hunting and it indeed helped the poor hunters a lot.

Nevertheless, when there was a guest like today, the King would order for the forest to be closed for others, mostly for the safety of the guest. For another safety measure, he sent soldiers to check every part of the forest in the morning and they already confirmed that no one was there.

The guards scattered at almost every part of the vast forest and make sure that no one else will enter. All these were supervised by the Captain like she always did.

While they enter the Emer Forest, King Arias glanced at Elaine Vernimiere from time to time. Was it because he was feeling strange?

During the past year, whatever he did, Elaine was always beside him but today... she was beside the Eslore Crown Prince and not him.

Was it because he had gotten too used to having her beside him?

The young King was feeling confused.

"Shall we split here, Your Majesty? I remember that we talked about some competition. For that, it will be fair only if we split up."

The voice of Crown Prince Helias snapped the King out of his stupor and he quickly looked at the Crown Prince before he observed their surroundings. "Alright. You might not be familiar with this forest but Captain Elaine and all the other guards know it well. You won't have to worry about that, Your Highness."

"I'm sure that His Highness is familiar with this forest," Elaine chimed in before Crown Prince Helias could respond. "Please rest assured, Your Majesty."

Crown Prince Helias was familiar with this forest? How?

Arias Astaze was feeling perplexed but when he noticed the slight frown in the Crown Prince's face that was soon replaced by an amusing smile, he realized that there was something he didn't know about the two. Nevertheless, he didn't say anything about it.

"That's a relief," he remarked. "Then... I wish you safe hunting, Your Highness."

"You too, Your Majesty," Helias Casteveron said as he slightly bowed his head. Though Arias Astaze was two years younger than him, he was the King of their ally kingdom. So, it's normal to show him some respect.

King Arias nodded and his gaze briefly swept Elaine before he rode away with Vice-Captain Lucian and a few guards.

Once the King and his men were gone, Crown Prince Helias quickly turned to Elaine, gazing at her with a not so pleased expression on his face. "You were the one who acted like you don't me when I come here. Then what is the meaning of that?"

"I only say that you know the forest well, Your Highness," Elaine simply stated in a calm voice. "You almost shot me to death in this forest. So, there's no way for you not to know your way around here."

Helias Casteveron let out a sigh. "You sure love to bring that up, Captain. But... do you think your King is a fool? He will already figure out that there is more and as far as I remember, you're the one who wishes to hide what happened, not me."

Elaine Vernimiere didn't have to think for long to realize that the Crown Prince had a point.

Arias Astaze she knew was always intelligent even when they were young. She can never beat him in that field even if she beat him in skills and all other things.

"His Majesty didn't know that I was almost shot," she spoke up. "I only tell him that I fell from my horse because I don't want to make him worry."

Thinking of what Elaine said, Crown Prince Helias clicked his tongue and shook his head. "The skilled Captain of the Royal Guards fell from her horse without any reason?" He laughed and asked, "Did your King buy that?"