If this past year has taught me anything, it's that humanity is a shortsighted race. We spend our lives living now that we never think about the future that our actions will bring. In the past, I used to follow this example, but my son Nate was far worse, which is why our main family dinner usually had a running theme.
"Look, all I'm saying is that college isn't something you can joke about Nate. It costs a lot of money, and it takes a lot of work."
"And I keep telling you dad that I will when I find something that I'm passionate about," he said in an unsure yet passionate tone.
Following your passions is fine, Nate, but you need to be able to provide for yourself. Becoming an athlete is lofty, but you need to be serious."
"And I told you that I could-"
"I think both of you need to shelf this conversation for another time and eat your dinner before it gets cold," my wife Gracie said as she set down a hot plate full of dinner rolls.
The 2 of us then calmed down, instead of starting to clasp our hands together in prayer. During that time, I started to recompose myself.
"I'm sorry Nate, I just want what's best for you," I said in earnest.
"I know dad, but don't worry, I still got plenty of time," Nate said apologetically.
Unfortunately, I would never know his future path, as right then, Genesis decided to add my family's deaths in a sea of others. And in its place, we were faced with something far worse, something that threatened humanity far more than any disaster or virus; because this threat is unnatural, unpredictable, and causing more devastation across the world by the second. In awe of such a threat, I promised that I would overcome my weakness, that I would become far more than a man. My name is Thomas Davidson, but to my enemies in this world gone mad, my name is Tactic. And I promised that no matter how long it takes, I will win this war for humanity, no matter what the costs.
Next thing I know, I woke up to the sound of my alarm in another cold sweat, already forgetting what horrors sleep brought. Ever since my fight with Armory, my head has brought me nothing but pain though it wasn't something that a couple of pills couldn't fix. After all, a symbol can never be soft. Before Genesis, I had spent more time pushing pencils than I did push-ups, but after a year of exercise and enhancers, the results were more than promising. After said regiment, I decided to take a glance at the city below me before quickly moving to "business," pulling out my "suit" from a hidden compartment under my closet.
During my life as a briagrader general, I made plenty of friends in high up places. From the chaos of the New Dark Ages, we were able to make our private military group despite our moniker as Purifiers: The Solvent. While we've made appearances worldwide due to relations of various other organizations devoted to Helix research, we've haven't had many major captures, stunting both our growth and strength. However, once again, these recent attacks by the House of Helixes may give us the backing to make Philly our new home, given its recent rising in helix activity. As I piled into the meeting room, I looked at my three confidants. While I served as the main symbol of The Solvent with Thomas as the primary handler of political affairs, Randolph Stephen, Victoria Mince, and Ellen March divided the rest of the affairs amongst themselves. For better or worse, the three were the same as ever.
"You look great as always Thomas, battle-scarred and militarized suits you well," Victoria said flirtatiously in her signature green dress.
"Thank you, Victoria, but it would suit me if you would make the modifications I asked for already. I don't want to be bested the same way twice," I said in a commanding tone.
"And it seems your all business as always Thomas, but unfortunately I can't do that. My team can fix the armor, but any modifications will take too much time. However, your new toy will be up and ready by the time the festivities start," she said, curling her black hair.
"Speaking of said festivities, we've finally had a crack in the case. The older members of the House are still as silent as a clam at least 3 of the new prisoners have given us a solid basis on where these moles lie. Though I would recommend we approach this incident with caution, first-hand reports indicate that we may be dealing with a mind controller on our hands. Unfortunately for us, there may still be some aces off this "prophet's" sleeves. My bet is at least 20 more," Ellen said while lamenting in her casual jeans and striped shirt.
Which I guess brings us to you, Randolph, do you think our troops will be able to handle an army of this size?
"I don't know, sir, we're spread thin as it is, but I think I can scrounge up Theta, Alpha, and Delta squadrons in 3 days tops, sir," he said straight up in his proper grey camo uniform.
For a good minute, I let all the info sink in. But when I did, all I could think of was this.
"Do us all a favor, and stay in your pond."
Even amongst the thunderous sounds and assaulting light, that quote was the thing that most hurt. I didn't know what made the statement worse, the fanciful optimism or the pure self-righteousness. The Champions are nothing but band-aids, they preserve order, compliance of living in the madness. But humanity does not need heroes and faulty symbols; it needs leaders, rulers that reign that chaos in, that brings things back to the way they were. And I know that if I can't defeat this madman first, I know I'll never be able to escape from my "pond." When my thoughts were finally collected together, I spoke with more determination than ever before.
"I want you to turn that three into a 2 Randolph; the faster we react, the faster the people of Philly know of their future protectors. I want this oncoming raid to be everyone's top priority. Ellen and Victoria, if this a trap, I want to know what we're walking in with our biggest guns ablaze. No matter what comes our way, it's clear that this Prophet must be stopped at any cost. Autopsy or surgery makes no difference.
With an okay from Mayor Greene, the next two days were as tense as they come. While I couldn't improve my physical abilities much further, my fight with Armory proves that I need to take control and keep it for all it's worth, if my opponents adapt then I'll do it faster. And after another hard day of training, I fell back to the depths of slumber. And I didn't know whether it was the combined stress of it all, but it seemed once again I was transported to the painful well of memory.
Like heavy shutter doors, my eyes opened up to only darkness. For what felt like an eternity, my sluggish body stumbled around my new terrain. Once my eyes finally adjusted, I realized that my dinner table was now in shambles. But I didn't care about the fragmented glass, thrown silverware and shattered plates, because what I saw in front of me was something far more terrifying. On the other side of the table, Gracie was also unconscious, but as I tried to wake her up, I realized that she was already gone. And yet in desperation, I tried over and over anyway, not stopping until I saw a swift shadow move past my eye. At that time, I saw pieces of Nate's ripped clothing. In that moment of my despair turned cold anger, instantly rushing towards the side of the fridge, my over preparedness finally catching up with me as I ventured closer into darkness.
Once again, I wake up in a sweaty, shaking start. Fear claimed my body so hard that my right hand started to shake like an earthquake. At first, I was in awe of the incident, but like before, that fear turned into violent anger as I used that same hand to slap myself! The pain started to ripple around my body as my numbness faded.
"Never again," I said to myself as I put on the suit while facing the window of all I would protect.
In a couple of hours, I soon came face to face with 54 expecting soldiers. And as they all waited for the orders of their expecting leader, the sins of Thomas seemed to fade away.
"Before I begin, I would like to thank you all for coming here today because, like me, you all realize that we live in a war. A war that may very well last a lifetime but a war that we will fight nonetheless. Because we all share the same creed and belief that monsters like this Prophet should be stopped from taking any more from us! And in honor of that creed, I promise you that this is the only the first step in a long line in our path of purification. First, this Prophet, then the world!"
With the entire squadron now as fired up as I, we all piled into our separate vehicles as we rode off to a battle that, in a way, may decide the fate of humanity itself.