Don't daydream

Xi Zirui hears flashes of voices, the sound of someone screaming. 

A child's voice crying his name.

He feels himself being lifted in someone's arms. It's pure agony.

He's being taken somewhere, but he can't lift his eyelids long enough to see where.

After some time he hears nothing at all.


The sound of trickling water disturbs his fitful sleep. Xi Zirui wakes up with a groan, he's laying on his front, and there's something viscous and slimy spread across his back. When he tries to switch positions the zing of pain that shoots up his spine reminds him of why that is a bad idea.

He looks around as best he can from the bed, and is surprised to find himself in an ample and well-appointed room. The open sliding doors lead to a lush courtyard, the fountain feeding a steady stream of water into a carp-filled pond is responsible for the sound of running water that woke him up.