Don't be friendly with killers

Su Xueyi isn't in a talkative mood when he gets home later that day, and Xi Zirui is happy to give him a wide berth.

He and Han Yu exchange charged looks all through dinner and through the few hours Su Xueyi insists in staying in the living room to watch the news.

Probably looking for any reports on Shen Yun's disappearance, or of sightings of a dead body - parts of one, most likely.

Eventually he leaves for bed, and Xi Zirui shares a hasty kiss with Han Yu before following after him.


The next day Su Xueyi leaves first, and Xi Zirui makes some noncommittal noises about it.

As soon as he's out the door, Han Yu tackles Xi Zirui to the sofa and covers his face and neck in kisses.

"Fuck, I hate him so much," he groans against Xi Zirui's neck. "I can't wait to get rid of him, so I can have you all to myself."