Don't run from the space cops

Xi Zirui jumps out of bed in a hurry. Fuck. Now what?

Han Yu gives him a concerned look. "Are we in trouble?"

Xi Zirui doesn't want to tell him that Androids haven't officially been produced in 60 years, and are illegal now. 

The idea of telling a person they're illegal is absolutely revolting, he can't stomach doing that to Han Yu.

"Uhm, maybe...just to be sure, can you hide in the bathroom?" Xi Zirui pleads, pulling him out of the bed. "No matter what, don't come out."

Han Yu nods, following Xi Zirui's instructions, disappearing into the bathroom with one last look behind his shoulder.

Xi Zirui puts on the jumpsuit he wore during the day, and rushes to the pilot's cabin, where he finds the holo screen in front of the panoramic windows flashing with threatening red warnings.

"Put them through, put them through," Xi Zirui says, jumping into the pilot's chair in a hurry.