Don't lose sight of what matters

In the pilot's cabin, a red 'transmission request' warning flashes on the holo screen.

"Stay out of view," Xi Zirui tells Han Yu, taking a seat on the pilot's chair. 

"Patch it through," he tells Ni Ni, once his hair is smoothed into place and his features are schooled into a mask of neutrality.

Xi Zirui was expecting the sight of Shen Yun's emaciated face, but it still sends a shiver of revulsion to see it blown up over the holo screens. His hair is slicked back and his thin lips flattened into a disapproving line, making his sharp features look even more severe.

"Captain Xi, you're late," he says, his sparse eyebrows arching in dissatisfaction.

Xi Zirui kicks his boots up onto the console. "There have been some complications."

"I pay you to get around that sort of thing," Shen Yun says.

Xi Zirui hums thoughtfully. "Well, these things happen anyway. Dr. Shen can rest assured that he'll see his merchandise in no time."