Don't preen

Bai Mi gestures towards Su Xueyi. "Young master can explain his reasoning."

Always fond of the sound of his own voice, Su Xueyi doesn't make them wait. "The woman, Wei Ming, had an affair with the vendor, Mu Qing, ten years ago, which resulted in the birth of the daughter."

There's a chorus of agreement from the gathered guests. 

It's an easy enough judgement to make, from the combined clues of the first and second character sheets, but it ignores some key elements of the third that completely change the course of the story.

Su Xueyi continues, "Even though she left her hometown, she probably thought the truth would come out some day, ruin her reputation and bring shame to her family."

Some more agreement from the crowd. 

Several people seem to believe this is a cut-and-dry case of a person trying to bury their past sins.

Xi Zirui knows better than that.