Don't die tragically in someone else's arms

Han Yu walks around the house like a kicked puppy, giving Xi Zirui longing glances from time to time -- that Xi Zirui pretends not to notice.

He's only confused as to why Han Yu hasn't approached him yet. He stays close, makes himself available, but doesn't breach the issue of Xi Zirui and Jin Ranyu's dance at all.

It's not like he and Jin Ranyu spend any time together -- they're in different teams for once -- but if they as much nod at each other in passing, Han Yu will look like someone spit in his food and kicked his dog all at once.

He'll pout dejectedly but keep all his feelings to himself, which Xi Zirui finds immensely endearing.

Xi Zirui is almost angry at himself for finding absolutely everything Han Yu does charming.

If circumstances where different he might have admitted that he believes him already, but he genuinely wants to see if a little distance will help Han Yu remember anything.