Don't be callous

Su Xueyi's face shines briefly with undisguised pleasure at being asked something by Xi Zirui.

Like Bai Mi mentioned, he is recently returned from his own tribulation and eager to show off.

"Well, the point of the tribulation is for a god to experience all the hardships of mortal life," he smiles indulgently, as if he thinks it's cute that Xi Zirui doesn't know this. "It wouldn't be that great of a tribulation if the gods were aware that what they were experiencing wasn't really their own life, and after all that struggle they would return to their previous existence."

Xi Zirui lets out a sigh. He knows all that, he just wants to know if there's a way to go around it.

"Did you drink something to make you forget?" he asks, keeping his tone even.

Su Xueyi nods. "Meng Po's soup, direct from the Underworld."