Chapter 35: Luck or connection?

Race to the


Chapter 35: Luck or connection?

"How can this idiot be this strong?" Hao Ming asked as he looked at the battleground

"lets go.." Hao Ming said to his servant and left the place as he knew the results

In the past, he also tried to get enlisted in the military but in the end, he couldn't complete the test and had to take chose the line of scholar

Right now he is working under 9 ministers, same goes for Hao Lei as he also works under 9 ministers

Around the battle ring-

"I never knew that my son is this good" Song Xia said as he looked at the battle ring where 2 men are still breathing

One is flat on the ground and the other one is sitting casually

Both of them are bleeding from their mouth

In the ring-

Hao Jiazhi spits out his blood inside his mouth and looked at Li Gong who is flat on the ground

He said "Grand Combatant Li Gong, I hope this is the end of the battle. If you still push your luck, then this fight will truly turn into a serious death battle"

Li Gong heard his words loud and clear,

He coughs some blood out of his mouth and then laughs a little

Li Gong lift his back up and sat cross-legged, he looked at Hao Jiazhi and asked "Really? I think all the moves you pulled out were meant to kill"

"Hahahaha…. I am sorry about that

But it is not my fault as, to me; every fight is a death battle… So, my moves are only meant to kill

Still, I was able to stop myself" Hao Jiazhi said in a relaxed tone

Li Gong spits some blood and stands up on his feet, he then looked people around him and said "4th, you pass the test. I will send the letter about your posting later on, as I need some good rest"

And then he leaves the place

Hao Jiazhi nodded and he also gets ready to leave the place


"Oh, Helll!!! Damn!!!

Why does it always pain after the fight ends?" Hao Jiazhi cursed the pain he is feeling right now all over his body as he takes a good warm dip in his big hot water bathtub

Around him are 2 maids, who are taking care of him and the water, if it is too hot or too cold

From behind, someone opens the door and enters his bath area

The maid bowed their head to this unknown person and even Hao Jiazhi knows who this person is

After all, there is only one person in this whole mansion that can move freely around and everyone has to bow their head to that person

His mother, Song Xia

"Are you alright now, my son?" Song Xia asked as she walks towards him and then stands by his side

"Yes, a good warm bath is always good for muscles" Hao Jiazhi said as he makes himself all relaxed

Song Xiang looks at her son's relax face and said "You have truly grown into a splendid person. Your mother is really happy for you"

While closing his eyes, Hao Jiazhi gave a smile and asked "Why are you becoming so emotional?"

"My son has grown so much without even I noticing it, surely I am sad and also happy at the same time" She said

Hao Jiazhi didn't say anything and just relaxed in warm water

Song Xia looked around and said "You know when you were small… I used to give you a bath here every day as you liked this open area.

But as you hit age 12, you said that 'I am a man now, so I will take bath all by myself' but no matter how long you took your time… you were never able to wash properly"

Hearing this, the 2 maids around them giggled

Hao Jiazhi somewhat became uncomfortable and asked "Are you trying to make me embarrass?"

Song Xia gave a smile and said "No… I am just remembering the old days with my son"

After some more talk, she leaves and Hao Jiazhi also leaves the bath area as he is done

A few days passed by and Hao Jiazhi is taking a rest at his mother's mansion, also he had sent a letter to Han Yachun that he has passed the test

In these past few days, Song Xia said to Hao Jiazhi that if he wants to change his decision about choosing a military path for the throne, she can help him change it by pulling some big strings

But Hao Jiazhi said no to her as he doesn't want to change his steps after coming so far, after all, he has taken some good amount of beating to pass the test

Finally, a letter from Imperial Palace came which told Hao Jiazhi about his posting and ranking

Province Kuwon-

Lingyi, the Capital City/District of this province and also the place where Hao Tai has her home

Hao Tai also came back to her home after the test of her brother got completed and she is again back to her work

What's her work?

Learning economy, literature, and other skills so that she could live her life with pride and shut the mouth of those who give her eyes of pity

"Princess, there are 2 letters for you. Both are from the capital city" Pan Bo, attendant, said to Hao Tai as she brought 2 letters to her

She opened it and read what was written on it

[Frist letter-

Take care of my son or else I will make sure you and your mother regret your birth]

'This lovely letter is surely from aunt Song Xia' Hao Tai said as she put the first letter down and then read the next letter

She didn't understand what her aunt Song Xia meant by that

But she understood it after she read the 2nd letter

[Second letter-

4th Prince, Hao Jiazhi, is being posted in the Province Kuwon and his position will be Colonel]

"Is it really a coincidence or someone pulled some string?" Hao Tai said as he gave a smile after all her little brother will be by her side. So she is in a happy mood

. . .

To be continued-