Chapter 51: I can feel it

Race to the


Chapter 51: I can feel it

Hao Jiazhi has long lifted the military rule and curfew in Province Kuwon, and the main administration power is back to Governor Chen Hu

Everything is normal

Also, Hao Jiazhi has announced various types of medicines and herbs in his medical shops

His current earning is more than 2billion ban liang per month and almost all money is being sent to his mansion in District Huangyi (in Province Jinmen)

He doesn't need to keep all money with himself, but he does have enough with him for some use

After that night incident, Hao Jiazhi has realized that he can't run away from his past

He is bad, he is an evil guy and he has to live with that

But there is one thing he can do to stop his evil side form coming out, it's not like he has become some saint after getting a family, it's just that he wants to stop his evil deeds to some limit

After all, there is no denying that Hao Jiazhi has killed many people and it's time for him to stop, or soon he will turn into the person he was once

He knows that he can't change in a day or week but still he will try to change

Back to the story-

Hao Jiazhi, at first didn't really care much about neighboring kingdoms but now he cares

After all, he now knows that there is no way that the danger for his life or his dear ones will never be down till that Liahua Kingdom is at their side

So, what Hao Jiazhi needs right now is a big guy who can hold his back till he has enough power to fight the big kingdom

In the end, all it matters is who is stronger… who has a bigger connection, something that can be pulled if you have some good amount of money

"Fuck!!! In the end, money is power…." Hao Jiazhi said as he sits on his seat inside his military barrack at the border side

Hao Jiazhi wants to change for his new family but he can't as no world can be lived with a good heart.

You have to be evil

Hao Jiazhi puts his hand inside one of his pockets and takes out a piece of a flower made up of red cloth, yes, and the flower that was given by Hao Tai during that conversation

"I never wanted to be a man who killed others for no reason…. It's just that the world forced me to be like this… if not, I would have been long dead" He said while looking at the flower with numb eyes

He puts the flower back into his pocket and then started thinking about the future

Right now, he has more than 1000 man in Dongping Kingdom who are handling business and information collection

Thus, Hao Jiazhi always know what is going in that land even when he is so far from them

After some deep thought, Hao Jiazhi made up his mind to send a few of his people to the Liahua Kingdom also and now that he is on this topic, why not send some people over Suzhou Kingdom also

"Alright, let's do this" Hao Jiazhi said as he takes a pen and paper

Then he writes a letter where he tells Han Yachun to tell '5shadows' to prepare some good amount of people to send them over to Liahua Kingdom and a few to Suzhou Kingdom

5 month Later-

Day Time-

Winters are here and every day is getting colder and colder

*Horses running noise*

On 2 horses, a man and a female came to District Jinyi, they didn't stop anywhere and went straight inside the forest

Inside the forest, they reached a place where few houses were made, making the whole area look like a small tribal village

This is the base of 5 shadows

It may look small as only the main people or leader live here with their loyal subordinates, whereas the rest of the people live inside the village or other district area

As for those 2 people who came here, they are none other than Hao Jiazhi and Han Yachun

"So, what's the big scoop you were talking about?" Hao Jiazhi asks as he gets down from his horse to Zheng Zhen

Zheng Zhen greeted Hao Jiazhi and then went inside a small house to have a private talk where all the other 4 leaders are

"It's about Dongping Kingdom, my lord" Zheng Zhen said as gave him few sheets

Hao Jiazhi make curious about the reason Zheng Zhen made a personal call to him and called him here this urgently


The moment Hao Jiazhi read the sheet, he is shocked

He looked at other sheets also but his expression didn't change

"So that fucker is playing some big games huh…" Hao Jiazhi said with an angry expression as he looks at sheets

In the sheets, it was written that various officials and military people of Dongping Kingdom were seen inside Liahua Kingdom

As the date of officials leaving and the entering different kingdom matches well when you put the amount of time it takes to travel, which is around 4-5 days

At first, the spies didn't really know that they are officials but when they were spotted regularly and then the leaving/entering time matched the same

It was clear that something big is going on

So Zheng Zhen ordered his spies to shift position from one kingdom to another and then he comes to know that all people that are entering and leaving are those officials and military people

"We still haven't found out if these people form 2nd prince Lu Longs faction or his rival (big brothers) faction" Zheng Zhen said as he takes the report back

Hao Jiazhi is all angry right now and remained silent to make his anger calm

Suddenly he started having a pain in his head and then he heard some whispering inside his head

*It's better to kill him…*

*See… there is no one in this world that you can believe…*

*if only it was like in past…. Hahahahaa…*

Hao Jiazhi shakes his head and calmed himself, he said "if those 2 kingdoms are joining their hands to take our kingdom and fight against the Suzhou Kingdom, then things will really be hard for us.

Keep eyes on them"

Hao Jiazhi turned and tapped his hands on the shoulder of Zheng Zhen and said "Good work" then he left the place

Hearing praise first time, that too from Hao Jiazhi, Zheng Zhen and many others were shocked

They just silently greeted him and remain silent even when he left

Inside his home in District Huangyi-

Its night already

After some long journey, here and there, Hao Jiazhi is all tired and will leave for Kuwon, tomorrow morning

Right now he is all stressed up

"My lord, what are you thinking?" Han Yachun came to the courtyard and asked Hao Jiazhi

While looking at the moon and thinking something, Hao Jiazhi said "Nothing…. Nothing… just asking myself if the steps I have taken is wrong or right"

"What steps are you talking about?" Han Yachun asked

Hao Jiazhi looked at her and with a calming smile, he said "Nothing, just something related to my life"

He turned around and was about to leave the place but Han Yachun stopped him and said "I may be crossing my limits her but I want to say this…

My lord, you have changed"

Hao Jiazhi didn't understand her words as so far he didn't do something mind-blowing that made him look like a saint, so he asked her to explain her words

She said "I can still see the bloodthirst inside your eyes

My body still trembles when you get angry

But, your voice has changed

*Hao Jiazhi gave a confused look*

Your voice used to be filled with fakeness and no emotions, but now…

It feels different

It still holds that no emotion but still, I can feel some change in your voice

I can feel that something has changed in you"

Hao Jiazhi was speechless from her explanation as he knows that he has taken a step to change himself and trying to fix his attitude but…

He didn't know that his attendant will find the change in a few seconds of talk and also, it has been more than 1 whole year since he has met her

This is crazy

Hao Jiazhi remained silent and just gave a nod, and then he left for his room

. . .

To be continued-