Chapter 64: Can’t kill her

Race to the


Chapter 64: Can't kill her

One of the best features a General has or can do is that he is free to move his unit from one place to another, a power which is given to only General and no lieutenant or colonel

And due to this very reason, not many decide to make their own unit when they get Colonel Position

Present story-

With her long red robe, Du Danya rides the Palanquin and leaves the mansion

Just by the side of her palanquin is Hao Jiazhi and around them is his dawn unit

25 soldiers at each left and right side, and then 50 soldiers in front and back, and then 500 soldiers from the Suzhou kingdom around them

"By the way, how long will it take to reach the border of the Northern Region?" Du Danya asked Hao Jiazhi while staying inside the red veil of her Palanquin

"At the speed we are moving, probably around 2-week" Hao Jiazhi replied