Chapter 131: Society

Race to the


Chapter 131: Society

Before the war, Hao Tai's hunt for rats inside the kingdom made her famous

And no doubt, this mass hunt united the whole kingdom as one and people started expressing their view to be no longer a landlocked nation and have equal status as other three big kingdoms when they are the one who exports their product to them, and yet don't get the respect they deserve

Hao Tai became a symbol of unity and also a symbol of female's freedom of working out of their home and becoming literate

But the thing is, there are not many people who had completed the dream of getting freedom from their 4 walls (house)

Those who were able to move out of their house were people who had a good background, like Song Xia (mother of Hao Jiazhi) who has a rich background, Hao Tai who is royalty, and also Cai Heng who has a connection with Hao Jiazhi