Chapter 143: After Effect of reforms (1)

Race to the 


Chapter 143: After Effect of reforms (1)

There is no way that the new laws of Hao Jiazhi are well received by the public or to be more specific the male community hated the idea of having their females out of their house, you can't change one thinking in a day

Hao Jiazhi expected this, thus he freed his one week schedule to listen to all problems of every single community or group that wanted to talk

The meeting takes place in the imperial hall, just the next day

Right now, Imperial Hall-

A group of young men and middle-aged men made their way to the hall

After they paid respect to the King, Hao Jiazhi, they started presenting their views on the new laws and what they are against`

This group of men is led by Ex-Minister Lai Da, a middle-aged man

After his act of corruption came to light, Lai Da was pushed out of the Imperial palace with no delay and now he is acting as a leader of this men's group