Chapter 177: naughty dream (3)

Race to the 


Chapter 177: naughty dream (3)

[Mature content coming- You have been warned]

"With me by your side, you will never fall" Hao Jiazhi said with a gentle and warm smile

The whole-brain of Jin Yuxin has malfunctioned and she doesn't know what to say or do anymore. She is done for good

"This is truly a bond made by heaven!"

"Yes, well said my friend"

Everyone started cheering the name, Hao Jiazhi and Jin Yuxin, Jin Yuxin fixed herself and silently stood by Hao Jiazhi's side

Her whole face is red right now

One by one all ministers and nobles come and talked with the couple (Hao Jiazhi and Jin Yuxin). Everyone paid there respect and wished for their happiness

And so the night passes.

The next morning, the whole imperial palace and every area under the imperial palace is in uproar as the marriage day has come and so far, no decoration work is done so far