Chapter 211: King? NAAAAA

Race to the 


Chapter 211: King? NAAAAA

The whole imperial court/hall is shocked by the action of Hao Jiazhi, all ministers are also scared to say anything and the faction of Hao Jiazhi is starting to get confidence in this whole situation as they believe that their king is going to do something so big that it will surely benefit them a lot

Song Xia is also stunned to see the actions of her son but she is too confused to make any decision so she decided to stay silent on this matter

But Hao Ming is angry as things are not looking so good for his future, he raised his voice and said "Little Brother!!! Don't try to push your luck so much that you run out of it in no time"

At his words, Hao Jiazhi passed a smile and said back "I don't rely on my luck, I rely on my fists and my skills"