Chapter 216: Going Deep

Race to the 


Chapter 216: Going Deep

"I am proud of you" Hao Zhenya said in a very warm tone to his daughter, Hao Tai

Hao Tai had always wanted to hear this, she wanted to be recognized by her father as someone. She wanted her fathers love and it will be wrong to say that she isn't happy right

But will she forget the past or not? That is something she has to decide herself

At first, Hao Tai thought that maybe her father is lying to her and thought that he is planning something, but after talking with him and hearing all of his words, she is starting to believe in him

'If he really wanted to set some trap then he should have chosen words like, I have always been watching you from shadows or something else, but he told me the truth that he has learned all my works from others… he is not lying….' Hao Tai thought

She don't know what decision she should make, she is confused