Chapter 235: regret

Race to the 


Chapter 235: regret

"I passed the test?" Hao Lei asked Zhu Hu

"Yes, you pass the test" Zhu Hu replied to his question

Both of them are in the forest area and its night time right now. There is no mist around them, just a simple forest

"How did I pass the test?" Hao Lei asked in a sad tone as he is still not out of the sadness of seeing his Lin Cui die. He is still on the ground on his knees

Zhu Hu smiled and answered "The reason why you pass the test is that you completed what you were asked to do"

"What do you mean?" Hao Lei asked as he clearly remembers that there was no particular mission completion that was asked so how did he pass the test?

To answer this question, Zhu Hu asked a question "What does it mean to live a life?"