Chapter 315: Last moments

Race to the 


Chapter 315: Last moments

Hao Jiazhi looked at his hands and there he notices some change in his body. His hands were shaking for some reason and it's not due to fear for sure.

"SHIT!!!!" Hao Jiazhi said in a loud tone, making the whole group stop their movement

"What happened, your highness?" Soldiers asked in a loud tone as they came near his carriage.

They all look fine, but if you look carefully at their hands that hold the weapon, you can see their hands shaking for some reason and they themselves don't know that their hands are shaking.

Hao Jiazhi didn't waste any time and gets out of the carriage, he is thinking that maybe whatever happened is due to something being put inside the without anyone noticing it or something he ate earlier when he stopped at the tavern.