ARAIK: This is the second night Rioz...

REX: (Cuts in) ...and you're going down!

ARAIK: (Smirks) Then no much talking, let's get down to business. (Eyes turns gold)

REX: (Eyes turn bright yellow)

Araik charges at him, he just stood there, she begins to release lasers as she apprroaches. Rex blocked with his arm before charging at her and swings his free arm for a punch but Araik catches his fist; without hesitation Rex releases a power punch with the hand he used to block Araik's lasers. It is so powerful Araik crashes back at a tree which falls giving way for her to crash on the next and the next tree making it three trees down.

Rex looked at his hand in awe...

REX: (Gasps in amazement) Amazing!

He looks up at where Araik fell, he's about moving when Araik appears behind him and releases a second grade laser at him; he loses focus as his eyes turns back to normal. He begins to groan in pain which further turned into a scream; Araik tormented him as she doesn't stop, he keeps screaming out in pain profusely.

REX: P-pleeeeeeaaaaase.....aaaaaaaaaahhhh...

ARAIK: Help yourself! Focus Rioz!

REX: (Languishing in pain) But I can't!

ARAIK: Yes you can!

Rex kept screaming as Araik increases the intensity of the lasers, suddenly he got the strength to stand and he opens his eyes; his eyes gradually began turning gold like that of Araik, he focused on the tree standing 10 meters from him; the tree began uprooting from the root and soon it was completely out of the ground. The tree moved speedily towards them, Rex dodges quickly as the tree hits Araik who falls back.

Rex is now visibly angry as he is now fully transformed into a second grade Altron. Molten gold like tears flowed from his eyes followed by a rough wind, Araik releases lasers once again but this time Rex could be able to withstand it since he was already transformed into a second grade Altron; he releases his as he charges at Araik furiously but before he could reach her he goes down on his knee then falls flat to the ground weakly as his eyes turned normal.

ARAIK: Congratulations Rioz, you successfully completed your first phase of training and your transformation as a second grade Altron.

REX: (Speaks weakly) You should have let me hit you for tormenting me you cheater.

ARAIK: With that gravity of rage you had to be shut off before you caused havoc. It's hard for me to admit it but you're not really as weak as I felt of you initially, you have two days break before we begin phase two of your training which is your last for now; you should use this two days break wisely.

REX: (Struggles to get up and sighs) I can't get up.

ARAIK: I think you might need my help...

Araik walks up to him and carries him in her hands as she gradually becomes invisible.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *



As Araik approaches, a white smoke preceeds them and immediately caused a deep sleep on both James and Greg. Araik enters, the door closes as she places Rex on his bed before becoming invisible.


Rex and Kim were already the most famous duo as they are seen almost everywhere together except the lavatory.


Rex turns to look at Olivia as she walked passed them not really creating a scene but only gave Rex a long gaze as their eyes met till they passed each other.

REX: I think I'm beginning to like her!

KIM EVA: (Stops abruptly) Sorry? Come again.

REX: It's crazy, I know but please can you respect my decision and support me?

KIM EVA: Why do my own people decide to like people I hate?

REX: 'Cause we can't be you! Look I know it's disheartening to tell you this but I've got to move on since Sylvia isn't interested in me, I've been exposed to this kind of life and I already feel it as a part of me.

KIM EVA: (Tries to put herself together as she's loosing her mind) But why Olivia? Tell me, why her? I mean I understand what you going through buh I'm sure of one thing, you didn't hit your head on a block that might have tricked you to thinking Olivia is the best option!

REX: I just want happiness and that's all! I've been a fool thinking Sylvia could ever be mine but I now realise I was wrong, dating Olivia would help take my mind off Sylvia.

KIM EVA: For your sake, just for your sake I'll straighten things out with Olivia but I don't still like her still.

REX: Thank you!

KIM EVA: (Hits the left side of her chest slightly with her fisted right hand unhappily) Bros!

REX: (Does the same) Bros!

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Kim Eva walked up to Olivia's clique, she looked badass judging from her footsteps.

KIM EVA: Olivia!

OLIVIA: (Looks up at her)

KIM EVA: We need to talk.

Vanessa a member the clique stood up also, she looked like she was in for trouble.

VANESSA: Here comes the timid little...

(Kim doesn't wait for her to complete her statement before delivering a quick punch on Vanessa's nose causing it to bleed)

KIM EVA: Stay in your own lane Vanessa.

Vanessa held her bleeding nose as she cried in pain.

OLIVIA: Go on,

KIM EVA: (looks around her) privately!

OLIVIA: Alright!

They moved out of the scene to a more quiet place.

KIM EVA: You know I hate you right?

OLIVIA: Definitely!

KIM EVA: I came to straighten things up with tho.


After Kim and Olivia settled their differences, moments later Rex saw Olivia by her locker and walked up to her.

REX: Hey!


REX: Mind going for a walk?

OLIVIA: Yeah sure! (Closes her locker and faces him) I'm ready.

* * ** * * * * * * * * * * * * *. * *


REX: Remember when I first came and you asked if I had mind you taking me on a tour around the school?

OLIVIA: Yeah... Can't forget that easily 'cause... (Sighs) Never mind.

REX: Because what?

OLIVIA: Uggh! (Hits her head gently with her hand) just, just forget it.

REX: I insist!

OLIVIA: Alright! I can't forget that day because I actually fell in love with you like love at first sight! (Snorts) It's crazy though because nobody believes I could actually love someone, they see me as a full time player but deep down I did love you.

REX: I....I like you!

OLIVIA: (Shocked) .... You're joking right?

REX: I really am serious right now.

OLIVIA: But you're dating....

REX: (Cuts in) It was all fake!

OLIVIA: Sorry but, I still find it hard believe y...

REX: (Cuts in) You can ask her or even Kim Eva.

OLIVIA: Kiss me! Kiss me to prove it I don...

Rex didn't hesitate and placed his lips on hers and kissed her for half a minute before withdrawing and just staring at her.

Sylvia just watched from her room's window with an unreadable facial expression, she felt a pang of jealousy and quickly closed the curtains.

KIM EVA: (Notices the sudden action and brings down her headset) What's wrong out there?

SYLVIA: It's nothing!

KIM EVA: If it's nothing then why the sudden act of closing the curtains when the day's still bright?

SYLVIA: (voice begins to break) I-I alrea-dy told you it's n-nothing!

KIM EVA: But your voice is already breaking. Who did you see?

SYLVIA: I just thought of something which caused the sudden action.

KIM EVA: (Stares at her for up to a minute) Ok, if you say so. (Shrugs and covers her ears back with her headset)

Sylvia just sat down staring blankly in space, she didn't even realize she was thinking aloud but thanks to the headset Kim wore, she couldn't hear her.

Rex sat on a wooden bench outside the vip dormitory, he looked like he was thinking and speaking to someone invisible. (Araik)

REX: ....I want to begin the second phase of training.

ARAIK: You haven't even completed your first day off Rioz.

REX: I'm fit now and ready for training, I already rested last night.

ARAIK: Hm...

Rex was quiet for a short while, Araik moves her fist quickly to hit him but he is faster to catch her fist.

ARAIK: (Smiles) You are ready!

REX: I already told you.

ARAIK: (Stands up) Close your eyes and turn invisible.


(They entered another realm, the environment was dark and smoky)

REX: (Senses a change in environment and opens his eyes) where are we?

ARAIK: We are in Nivlekreivore, a realm of total silence.

REX: What are we doing here?

ARAIK: It will enable you concetrate better!

REX: (Closes his eyes again) what next?

ARAIK: Talk to me!

REX: I'm already talking to you?

ARAIK: with your mouth shut!

REX: How?

ARAIK: (Speaks with mouth not moving) Speak to me from your subconscious mind like I'm doing to you right now.

REX: How am I supposed to do that?

ARAIK: Release your mind off tension, stress and thinking, as you look me straight in the eyes.

REX: (Takes a deep breath becomes more relaxed as he looks at Araik straight in the eyes) Okay!

ARAIK: Now think only about that most important thing in your life right now as you gaze at me and tell it to me through your subconscious mind.

REX: Ok!

Rex's eyes turns dimmed gold same to Araik's.


Nothing happens! The colour of his eyes kept fluctuating.

ARAIK: Focus!

REX: (sighs) I'm trying to!

ARAIK: Free your mind...

(After some more fluctuating, Rex's eyes remains dimmed gold again)

ARAIK: Let your deepest thought flow... Yes...! Now think about the most important thing in your life presently and tell me in details.