Thirty Four : Bad Feeling

Kim Namjoon POV

November 2, 2019,

"Are you leaving now, Namjoon~aah? Don't forget that tonight we will gather to discuss 'shadow' post production", said Suga, reminding me

"Ye hyung. I'll be back before 7," I replied while getting ready to leave

We just finished a meeting to prepare for the fan meeting in Japan. I'm about to go see Sora this afternoon because we have free time until tonight. Some members chose to return to the dorm except for Suga and Jungkook. They decided they would do some of their songs at the office.

I haven't told Sora about my decision and the responses from management about our relationship. I want to tell her directly on Minerva.

"Yeoboseyo Jagiya~ .... where are you?", I asked Sora by telephone

"Yeoboseyo Oppa! I'm in Minerva. Have you finished the meeting?", Asked Sora cheerfully

"Ye. I'm on my way to Minerva right now. I have something to tell you. Wait for me, Jagi", I said smiling while looking at the view outside the car window

"You will come here? Ye, arasso .. I will wait for you", she replied a little surprised

"Nee", I answered, hanging up my phone

I can't wait to meet her. It's been 2 weeks since we had dinner together. I miss her of course. Actually I saw Sora came to my concert last week. But I could only wave at her from the stage. I was nervous when I found out Sora was watching me from the front seat. But I felt relieved that she enjoyed our concert so much.

"Kamsahamnida," I said to our driver when I arrived at Minerva

As usual, I wore a mask and hat, hoping the visitors won't recognize me. I climbed the stairs to the entrance, I saw that today Minerva isn't too crowded with visitors. There're only five people read books inside.

"Annyeong haseyo, welcome to Minerva", said the woman in uniform known as Song Aeri.

"Annyeong", I answered approaching the reception desk

"How are you today?", she asked, smiling friendly

"I'm fine, thank you. How about you?", I asked her while scanning my membership card on the machine at the reception desk.

"I'm fine too, thank you. Omo! Are you RM BTS ??", asked Aeri, widened her eyes when she saw the computer screen in front of her.

"Ye", I replied nodding my head

My name must be on the computer screen when i scan my card.

"Nice to meet you. I am an ARMY, I really like BTS. I also watched your concert last week. Very extraordinary !! ", she said excitedly

"Jinjja? Thank you for your support Song Aeri ssi", I replied

"I can not believe that you came here. Do you like this place?", she asked again

"Ye! This place is very unique and comfortable", I replied

"I'm very happy to hear it. Btw, RM ssi, I'm sorry for my reaction a few months ago. I was too excited when I saw you here", said Aeri

"Gwaenchana, there's no need to worry. Anyway, is Kim Sora ssi here?", I asked

"Uh? Ye. Are you friends?", Asked Aeri

"Yes we are", I replied smiling at her

"Arasso. Sora Oenni is very lucky", replied Aeri, lowering her face. "All right. Please come in RM ssi, happy reading and have a nice day", she continued smiling back at me

"Ye, gomawo", I said smiling as I headed for the bookshelves on the left

I looked around the reading place, there is no Sora there. I walked down the bookshelves looking for some interesting books.

"Ah there she is!", I whispered softly when I saw Kim Sora tidying some books on the corner shelf

She looks serious looking at the books in front of her. Today she tied her hair into a pretty ponytail. Her slim body wrapped in black jeans and a blue striped long sleeved shirt that she rolled up to her elbows. I smiled and walked over to her.

"Anyyeong jagiya~", I whispered in her ear

"Omo!", Sora jumped in surprise. "Oppa!", She said surprised and turn to face me

"mian (sorry)", I said smiling at her surprised face

"Oppa, You scared me", she replied, lightly hitting my chest with one hand

"Hahaha, Ouch", I chuckled while pretending to be in pain holding my chest

She frowned at me then turned her back on me to continue her work again.

"Sorry, Jagi", I said softly as I hugged her body from behind

"Oppa, someone can see us", she replied, trying to release my arms from her waist "No one knows. I don't care either", I replied stubbornly

"Ani. Please let me go", She said , turning her body to face me again

"Wae? I just want to hug my girlfriend", I replied with a pout

"Gosh. Not here, Oppa", she said, still trying to release my embrace

I smiled at her , then I gave her a peck on her lips. She widened her eyes at me with a flushed face.

"Oppa!Why are you like this?", she asked in disbelief

"Bogo sippoyo (I miss you)", I whispered and winked at her

I chuckling and I let go of my embrace. Then asked her, "What are you doing?".

" I'm putting the books back to their place", she replied, showing the books in the stroller

"There's something I want to tell you, Jagi ..", I said looking at her

"What is it? Let's go to my office, we can talk about it there", she continued

"Kajja", I replied

Sora walked towards the "staff only" door, I followed slowly from behind. We went down to her office.

"Do you want to drink something?", Asked Sora when I closed the door of her office

"Ye, gomawo", I replied while sitting on the sofa

She took out two bottles of fruit-flavored drinks and gave one to me.

"You have no more activities today?", Asked Sora while sitting next to me

"I still have some work tonight, but we are free this afternoon", I replied after sipping my drink

"Arasso. What do you want to say, oppa?", She asked again, opening her bottle

"I told the members and management about our relationship", I said looking at her

Sora coughed at my words.

"Gwaenchana?", I said anxiously as I patted her back

She's just nodded while still coughing lightly.

"Mian, I'm fine. So, how did they respond?", Said Sora wiping her lips with a tissue.

"The members were surprised but they were happy and supported our relationship. They don't believe that I'm dating 'Microkosmos piano girl', they still remember you Sora ", I said laughing, remembering their response at that time

"Jinjja? They still remember me?", She asked incredulously

"Ye. You caught our attention at that time", replied smiling

"I'm glad they received this news well," she said, smiling with relief

"Ye. I felt relieved and grateful. Bang Shi Hyuk nim and Bighit also knew about it and they support my decision. In our contract there is no prohibition on dating, so it is not a problem. they just want us to be careful about it. They don't want it become a scandal or something that harms us in the future, "I continued

"Arasso. I understand, oppa", replied Sora seriously

"Anyway, I decided that I will not publish our relationship to the public for now. You don't mind right, Jagi?", I asked while holding her hand

"Ye. And I don't think I'm ready to receive a reaction from the public yet," replied Sora

"I know it might be tough, but I'm sure we can get through it. As I told you, I can't ask you out on a date or hold your hand in public. But you have to know that I really want our relationship works. I really love you, Jagi~", I said, stroking her cheek gently

"I understand, oppa. We can find a way to be able to date. There are many things we can do together without having to go out in the public places", she replied happily

"Ye, your right. How about we go on a date after I get back from Japan at the end of this month? We can ride a bike or visit a gallery", I asked nervously

"Cycling Sounds fun. How about we have a picnic by the river too?", She said excitedly

"Ye .. that's a good idea", I agreed

"I'm very happy, Oppa", said Sora smiling with sparkling eyes

"Nado (me too). Saranghae (I love you)", I said smiling

"Saranghae jagiya~", She kissed my cheek then smiled at me

This girl is driving me crazy. Everytime she touched me, I felt like I'm flying high and wanted some more and more. I leaned forward and touched my lips against hers. I gently stroked her neck with one hand, while my other hand tightly hugged her waist. I felt so much happiness. We shared a deep and passionate kiss. I felt Sora's hands gripping the front of my shirt. I can't think rationally. This kiss is very intoxicating. I want more. I need more.

I bit gently on her lips. And I touched her lower lips with my tongue. She gasped and opened her lips slightly. I stick my tongue into her mouth, and I feel our tongues dance together. Our kisses turned wilder. Sora put her arm around my neck. While my hands move down stroking her back and thighs.

I felt my body was burning in excitement. A soft moan coming out of Sora's mouth. I kiss her cheek down to her jawline and neck. We're out of breath.

"Oppa..", called Sora breathlessly

"Mmmhh", I replied, sucking her neck until it left a red hickey

"Oppa, no. Please...we can't do this here", said Sora while trying to stop me kissing her neck

"What?", I asked hoarsely

"We can't do this here, oppa. Please stop it", she replied softly

Her words brought me back to reality. I saw her face flushed, her lips swollen and wet. Her shirt were wrinkled and there's a hickey mark on her neck. I swallowed hard. My heart is beating wildly. I let go of my arms and lick my lips.

"Sora~aah, I'm sorry. I'm really sorry. I didn't mean to do this to you. I can't help myself. Forgive me, Jagi", I said while lowering my head in embarrassment

"No, you don't need to apologize. I mean... I... I want it too, but...but now isn't the right time", Her face turned red

We awkwardly looked away from each other. Sora smoothed her hair while trying to calm down. I rubbed my face and sighed. I cleared my throat and looked at her.

"So, how about your new bookcafe? have you found the right place in Inceon?", I asked breaking the silence

"Ah, Incheon? Ye. I've found a few places. But I still haven't decided. I'm still unsure where to open my next bookcafe. I'm interested in Hongdae area too because there are many universities around it. But Incheon also has a wider market. I'm still conduct market research in both places. So yeah..I'm still thinking about it", she answered quickly

I smile to her, she always spoke quickly when she was nervous or embarrassed.

"Kyeopta (so cute) ", I chuckled

"Huh? Wae? Why are you laughing?", asked Sora confused

"Ani. You are amazing, Sora-aah", I smiled at her

She just frowned and pouting.

.* toktok

There was a knock on the door. Sora stood up straightening her crumpled shirt and walked towards the door.

"Aeri ssi?", Said Sora when the door opened

"Mianhae I bothering you? I just want to ask RM ssi to take a photo with me", said Aeri nervously from the doorway

I straightened my clothes and brushed my hair with my hands before approaching the girl.

"Sure", I said walking towards her

"Eh? Jinjja?", Aeri replied incredulously

"Ye", I said smiling at her

Sora helped take some photos of me with Aeri, who looked very happy.

"Kamsahamnida RM oppa. I'm very happy. Thank you", replied Aeri with teary eyes

"Me too. Thank you for supporting us all this time", I replied

"Noona... I am very grateful you can be friends with RM oppa", continued Aeri holding Sora's hand

"Ye, I'm happy for you too", replied Sora smiling at her

"Okay, I'll go back to work. Thanks again", said Aeri

"Ah, Aeri ssi. I'm sorry if you don't mind, please don't tell anybody that I often come to Minerva. It's just that I really like this place. I want to be free to come and read a book here. So will you help me? It is very difficult to visit when the fans know that I often spend time here, "I said to Aeri

"Ye, RM Oppa! I won't tell anyone. I'm happy if you can spend your time here too", said Aeri smiling

"Gomabda (thanks) Aeri ssi", I said smiling back at her

"You're welcome, Oppa. I'll leave now, Annyeong", she said goodbye

She walked up the stairs to the first floor.

"Thank you Oppa, you are very kind. She keeps asking me when you will come. She really wants to meet and take pictures with you", said Sora

"It's nothing. I'm glad you guys support us", I replied smiling

"Anyway, how about your car? Do you still have problems with your car tires?", I asked, sitting back on the sofa

"Ani. Since I installed CCTV in the parking lot, my car tires have never been flat or damaged again," she replied as she closed the office door.

"Thank God. Did you know who did it? ", I asked

"Not yet, Oppa", she replied, looking out the window, to the place where her car was parked

"Do you think this has something to do with Park Minwoo?", I asked anxiously

"I don't know. I don't have any evidence," replied Sora while biting her lower lip

Sora has told me about the tire incident that happened a few weeks ago. This happened repeatedly and made Sora anxious. But after she installed CCTV in her parking lot, this incident never happened again until now.

"You will be fine Sora, I will not remain silent if something happens to you", I said trying to calm her down

"I hope it won't happen again, oppa. Thank you for worrying about me", replied Sora smiling

The atmosphere between us returned to normal. We chatted for a few hours, it was great to spend time with her. At 4 pm I returned to the 1st floor to find the book I wanted to borrow. Meanwhile, Sora is still in her office taking care of things.

I looked around for an interesting book. Minerva has started to fill up with visitors, although not as busy as usual. I found a book on modern art shelf and carried it to a chair by the window. I was reading the fifth page when Sora came over to me.

"I'm sorry for keeping you waiting. What are you reading?", Ahe asked while sitting across from me

"Gwaenchana. I'm reading 'Korean Art from 1953'" , I replied while showing the cover of the book

"Very interesting", she replied, nodding. "Do you want some coffee, oppa?", she asked, standing up

"Ye. I want a warm latte, Thank you, jagi", I smiled at her

"Okay", answered Sora then walked to the coffee shop

After a while, Sora returned with a tray filled with 2 cups of warm Lattes, 1 plate of savory pastry and 1 plate of carrot cake.

"Whoaa..daebak ya!", I said to her

"I think we need snacks when we're reading", replied Sora happily

"perfect!!", I replied satisfied

I continued reading the book while occasionally sipping my coffee and eating cakes and pastries. Sora is also reading some magazines. Sometimes we discuss what we have found in our books or magazines. At 6 pm I said goodbye to return to the office. Minerva was getting full of visitors. Sora took me to the parking lot.

"Kim Sora~aah", a male voice called out to Sora

I saw Park Minwoo and his 3 friends walking toward us.

"Annyeong", said Sora towards them

"Annyeong", they replied

I nod my head at them. Minwoo's friends decided to go straight entered Minerva, while Minwoo was still chatting with us.

"Annyeong, nice to see you again. Are you going home already?", Asked Minwoo to me

"Ye. I was just about to leave. I don't think we are formally acquainted yet. I'm Kim Namjoon, Sora's boyfriend," I said while reaching out my hand to the tall man with glasses in front of me

"Arasso. I'm Park Minwoo, Sora's friend", he replied while shaking my hand

Minwoo smiled at me, but I could feel something odd in his eyes. He is tall and well built. We are the same height, but he has pale skin like Suga. He is handsome, and has a sharp jawline.

"It seems you are so busy with your work, I rarely see you come to visit Sora", he said, grinning at me

"Well, I don't think I have to tell you when I will visit my girlfriend", I replied

"haha Arasso! I'm going to go in, nice to meet you Kim Namjoon ssi. I'm glad to hear about your relationship. Please take care of Sora.", Said Minwoo looking at the two of us, then he walked up the stairs to the entrance of Minerva

"Oppa, gwaenchana? why are you staring at him like that?", Asked Sora anxiously seeing me still staring at minwoo's back

"Ani. I just feel there is something about him. Stay away from him, Sora. I know you can take care of yourself, but promise me you will stay away from him", said Namjoon worriedly

"Ye. You don't need to worry", replied Sora to calm me down

"I have to go. I'll call you later. Take care, Jagi. Saranghae", I said , kissing her forehead

"Ye. Be careful, Oppa. I hope your new album will finish soon, Saranghae", she replied smiling

"gamawo", I replied

I walked to my car, waving one hand at her, while my other hand held the books I just borrowed from Minerva. I took a deep breath after getting in the car. I'm worried about Sora. I know I can't suspect Minwoo without no reason. But I felt something strange from the way he looked at me and Sora. And it pissed me off. I hope he won't bother Sora again or I will make sure He stays away from Sora forever.