
Have you ever wanted to change a landscape and pay for it with dumplings? Well, whether you want it or not, you're still getting a spotlight on another smash hit action webtoon: called GOSU by Ginu Ryu and Jeong hoo. Fun fact: Gosu is the Korean word for a highly skilled person.


Gosu is a story about Gang Yong, a young boy that has been trained by Doko Yong, the absolute one that claimed the martial arts world by himself. However, after his betrayal and poisoning at the hands of his trusted allies, he chose Gang Yong to be the instrument of his wrath and carry on his last request. But there is a slight problem with his request, all of the guys responsible are already dead. So with nothing to do, Gang Yong naturally chose the next best career path for someone of his caliber, a dumpling delivery boy.


Gang Yong: our resident Dumpling boy Gang on the surface a very nice guy and dopey guy who loves to help out. And you would be right, as his kindness is, in fact, is his very weakness as he is entirely unwilling to kill those unrelated to his targets. However, despite his kind nature, Gang young is a tiger in sheep's clothing as his power is so overpowering that I legitimately don't know the limit of it. Much of his arc is finding out his true purpose in life as he must often clash between his morality and his quest.

Overview/Good stuff

This webtoon has a very well fleshed out world between the martial arts and numerous groups across this ancient world. We get a lot of emphases put on how much of that world works and how many were able to become strong amongst years of seasoned masters. The art also has a very Asain storybook feel to it with its environments often feeling very fleshed out but still having a bit of grit behind it. The art also allows many of the action scenes to have an over the top feel with simple punches destroying landscapes, giving them infinite weight behind each blow. I also highly respect that this webtoon loves to use many ancient weapons of the time to create techniques that will leave you speechless, and lifeless. The webtoon also is very funny in it's over the top nature. Stuff, like how Gang Yong can sometimes find himself in the weirdest of scenarios or how he can have a casual conversation with someone inside a tornado, is hilarious. This is a very good webtoon to binge when it comes to major fights. The only bad thing is that WEBTOON can sometimes f up the translation.


Gosu is a very detailed and fun webtoon with a fun fanbase, considering that there is a spinoff/ prequel called Yongbi the Invincible. Unfortunately, the story writer of the webtoon Giun Ryun is currently battling Malignant Lymphoma so his health is exactly in tip-top shape. Still though after a long hiatus the series is right back where it left off so I hope we get to see more of the carnage as the story goes on. And I truly hope that the spotlight shines on him someday.