Spotlight#167: Wonder Woman Black and Gold

Have you've wanted to witness a celebration? If so I think all my DC fans are going to get a kick out of the official miniseries Wonder Woman: Black and Gold. 


Goddess, warrior, diplomat, amazon and hero. Regardless of her many titles Diana Price's escapades as Wonder Woman over these last 80 plus years have retained their same purpose. To always maintain truth and understanding in man's world. Even if said goals come in Black and gold. 


So, normally I would do a character section round these parts but given the nature of the book I kinda find it superfluous. To the best of my knowledge though Wonder Woman Black and Gold was created alongside a couple of anthology series celebrating Dc characters (Ex: Superman Red and Blue, Batman Black and White plus Harley Quinn: Red, Black and White). 

Unlike the others, which seem to really just be cool anthology serie  for fun this explicitly is supposed to be an anniversary of Comic's most prolific superheroine. And as someone who desperately needs to read more on this very underrated character compared to her peers I say this is a very inspiring read. 

Across 30 stories we get a large covering of Diana's history, supporting cast, mythology and values. All wrapped up in a neat Black and gold color scheme I do love. Sometimes the latter color is used to properly display the bleakness so often found in society or various villains. While the everpresent gold, is used to shine the light on the magic or truth the world has to offer. 

Either way almost everyone gets a good look here, as Black and Gold decides to extend appreciation for characters like Artemis, Nubia, Hippoylta, Steve Trevor and Edna Candy. Though most of my favorite stories from the run have to be the entries focused primarily on Diana's effect on other civilians. 

The stolen lasso of truth,  Do No Harm (#3), WIthout Love (#2), The Wager(#1) and Whatever Happens to Cathy Perkins do well to highlight Diana's immortal status not as a burden but a blessing so that she's allowed to touch the lives of young women everywhere. Of course this doesn't mean we don't get our fair share of high flying action as well. While every piece is beautiful the standouts for me include Hellzapon (#5), Feet of Clay (#5) and Fresh Air in Philly (#5) rank in my favorites. Regardless even the weakest link in this story is stronger than steel. 


As I'm still to the character I can't say exactly what is the fan's reception to this but I still enjoy Wonder Woman Black and Gold. At it's worst I think it's a pretty comprehensive look into why so many people have latched on to this character, and I hope that I get to find out why people appreciate her more through her current 2023 run. Either way I hope we get to cover more Dc runs as we spin the golden spotlight somewhere else.