Episode 10

Battle of the clones: Clone Wars - Leap Day


Episode 10

Season 1


After Alley's mom got back from the asylum...


Joe and Alley were at school, talking about if Alley would be willing to get married to a guy, and if so, would she have sex. To Alley, "That was the most awkward topic to talk about." She thought as Joe says "Would you have sex with your husband or not, Alley?"


Alley is talking to her friend Joe THE FEMALE and says "Bro if he gets mad about it, I'ma be so embarrassed!"๐Ÿฅด

Joe: "Your future husband would be okay with no sex."๐Ÿคฃ

Alley thinks "She knows she a lie."๐Ÿ˜

Joe: "It's official; 2016 is a leap year, which means that it has 366 days instead of the usual 365 days that an ordinary year has. The extra day is added to the month of February - and February 29th is the traditional day that women propose to men."โ˜บ

Alley: "I was born on a leap year, in December, my mom says when it's not a leap year, my birthday is January because I was born on the 366th day of the leap year. Which in normal years, does not exist and leaves January the first taking its place."๐Ÿ˜

Joe: "You mean January is pushed by the 366th day and when it's a non-leap year, the extra day is gone so now the only thing close to your birthday is January 1st because you were born a day after 365 days?"๐Ÿ˜ฎ

Alley: "Understandable."๐Ÿ˜ณ

Alley's mom gets a text about Alley back at home.


Text Message: "Hello, we'd like to talk about your daughter in regards to an experiment, you'll be paid $500,600 a year for this one. that would be $41,716 or $41,717 a MONTH.

You'll be paid good, all you have to do is this social experiment, along with many others of course.

Your daughter is famous, we knew it'd effect the experiment, we also know fame of the wife won't change or fix the husband."


Her mom agrees saying "Can I have proof of some sort?" Then he texts her the facility he works at.


He says "It's to see how humanity would react to the marriage of a clone to human relationship, they don't have to actually be married, just live together."


Lolita, Alley's mom, says "Alley isn't into sex." Then he says "That's cool since they don't have to get married."


Lolita agreed then sent a text to Alley saying "Dear, we've decided to allow you to be in a social experiment. You'll be fake married to somebody, no sex."


Alley says "What is this?" Then reads the text then yells "I don't wanna be in any experiments!" Then her mom sends her this: "They'll pay us $500,600 a year. But don't quit your job, dear."


Alley looks at it then says "YES!" Then Texts "SURE!"


Alley says to Joe "You know I'm gonna be in an experiment that pays $500,600?!" The Joe asks "Experiment? You gon' get drugged like dem black folks!"


They're both African-American/Black.


Alley went home to meet her mom but a black man was at the door of her house, Alley asks him "Um, you one of moms... Guys?" He says "I'm the guy you're supposed to be dating." He's so light, he's almost pale but it's still around the lines of Brown light skinned.


Alley says "What?" Then asks "Whoa re you?" As Joe walks up behind her and then her mom opens the door saying "You must be Jarred, Alley, you're home! He's the man for the experiment."


In the house about 15 minutes later, Alley is talking to him and they hit it off about the experiment but Alley feels off.


Alley asks the professor that also dropped of Jarred if

"Are we gonna have to live together? I don't-"

The professor says "It's a lot of money." To convince Alley to take the job.


Joe yells "Yo, it's a lot of money but he's a total stranger!" In disdain for the project's requirements.


Alley agrees by nodding slowly, nervously then she smiles at Joe saying "It's cool, you'll watch over me from far."


Joe asks "How?" โ˜•โ˜•โ˜•โ˜•โ˜•โ˜•โ˜•โ˜•โ˜•โ˜•


After 5 days, Alley is sent to live with him but has cold feet yelling at her mom "joe is right, I cannot live with this guy?! How long am I supposed to do this?!"

Lolita, Her mom, states "I spoke with him about this, it'll be for 5 days."


Lolita says "Go, okay. It's $500,600, it's worth it, he's a good guy." Alley says "Fine, I get half of the money. I'm bringing a taser."


After going to the facility built house for home social experiments, the blalck boy she's supposed to date named Jarred says "Listen, this is gonna be filmed, hidden cameras for the experiment." Alley asks "Why? Are we on T.V.? That would explain the money." Then he says "I think so."


Alley refuses to go inside saying "I don't wanna be used!"

He says "$500,600." Then Alley thinks and says "Well, I've been on T.V. before."


Then they laugh and go inside.

Alley lays down the law yelling "No sex, I'm Christian, Asexual, A virgin and I don't like it!"

Jarred says "He told me the requirements."


Jarred is 15, Alley is 14, he's 15 due to legal issues and the fact that pedophilia is illegal.

Alley lays on the couch and says "I'm testing it, you get the least comfy bed or couch. If the couch feels best, it's my bed. If not, this is YOUR bed."


Jarred asks "What do you want?" the couch feel comfy but she lays in the bed, it's less comfy, so she comes out of the bedroom and says "Couch. You get the bed, I get the couch."


He agrees and goes to sleep in there.


DAY 1โ˜•โ˜•โ˜•โ˜•โ˜•โ˜•โ˜•โ˜•โ˜•โ˜•โ˜•โ˜•โ˜•โ˜•


Alley is baking a cake, like she'd do for her real husband just to get into character.


Jarred comes in, casual, boring, Alley says "EAT THIS CAKE, I baked it and it took me awhile and I needed to READ THE BOX which isn't what I usually do so eat it! I wanna go out on a date but you know what?"


Jarred says "Shut up." In annoyed frivols.

Alley asks "Why?" Because she doesn't like that.

Jarred: "I don't want you to talk." In disdain, as usual. This is angering alley.

Alley hugs him saying "I'm your fake wife." In endurance, she's trying to look good for the camera.

Jarred says "Listen, I'm not a clone, I've heard your music, though, good stuff, you can sing, you think you can fork me some cash?"

Alley says "You want my money? We're not actually married, dumbo, I'm not your wife! Plus, you need to be more respectful to me!" Showing her true emotions -- Annoyance if any.

Alley yells "Are you gonna act like a prick all day? I'll eat the cake for you then."

Then she pulls the cake away from him in retaliation, then licks her tongue out at him like a boss.


Jarred says "Go get me actual food." In disdain.

Alley paused in shock, then says "This IS actual food and this IS disrespectful." Then Alley puts the cake on the dinner table, sits in front of it and uses a fork to eat it saying "Apparently, you don't want any. Make your own food. In fact, you don't get cake, or food in general. STARVE."


Jarred acts shocked.

Alley sees his shock in his facial expression then yells "So you cant' take a joke or the fact that you screwed me over?! It'[s only been a day and I'm already ticked off when I tried to be nice and bake you a cake, you started this, not me! When I tried to be nice and bake YOU a CAKE, the best, most delicious item and then you start actin' like you ain't got no sense!"


Jarred says "Sorry, I'll get my own food."

Then Alley yells "No, you gon' eat some of this cake, got dang it!"

Within a day... It's begun.


The disrespect. โ˜•โ˜•โ˜•โ˜•โ˜•โ˜•โ˜•โ˜•โ˜•โ˜•


Alley makes him sit at the table, puts a bib on him, then gets a napkin and puts it on his plate, puts a piece of cake on it and gives it to him "I'm not a piece of cake, you'll respect me, I'm not Hailey Barry, Marilyn Monroe or Dorothy Dandridge, I won't be disrespected, I'm not Billie Holiday, if you hit me, I'm callin' the police, none of that 'I won't call no copper' CRAP! I may be famous but I have feelings too and YOU WON'T DISRESPECT ME BECAUSE YOU ONLY GOT WITH THE CARTOON CHARACTER ON T.V. FOR A DIME!"


Jarred was angry and yells "You're a clone, why are you so grudging?!"

Alley looks at him then ran to the bedroom and locked the door then lays in there out of spite.


DAY 2๐Ÿต๏ธ๐Ÿต๏ธ๐Ÿต๏ธ๐Ÿต๏ธ๐Ÿต๏ธ๐Ÿต๏ธ๐Ÿต๏ธ๐Ÿต๏ธ๐Ÿต๏ธ๐Ÿต๏ธ๐Ÿต๏ธ๐Ÿต๏ธ๐Ÿต๏ธ๐Ÿต๏ธ


He and her are not doing well. ๐Ÿต๏ธ



He asks her at the dinner which is lined with two plates of leftover cake...

"Why are you here?" Then she says "Lots of cash? Us this about yesterday, boy, please, bye. You don't get it, do you?"

He asks "Why?"

She says "You disrespected me, I'm sorry for snapping-"

He yells "You disrespected me!" Then she says "I tried to be nice. I'm sorry for yelling and calling you dumbo and stuff but if you want this to work you gotta act like a nice person."


He says "I don't have to act like nothin'." The way he was acting made her more angry then said "I need a husband that's respectful!" Jarred was light-skinned, almost pale-skinned.


Jarred says "I'm sorry." Then left.

Alley yells "Forgiven! That's all I wanted!"


3 hours later, Alley and Jarred go out on a date.


Jarred looks at her, it's obvious he has something against her, but Alley won't mention it.


Jarred asks the waitress "I'd like you to get my cloned wife a drink."

The waitress looks at her in anger and says "You cloned your wife?! Sick freak!"

Alley yells "No, he didn't, I was cloned by my mother."

The waitress yells "You're a clone, you have got to be kidding me?!"


Alley says "It's not a big deal, you don't have to be rude."

The waitress laughs saying "Are you alive?"

Alley: "That's a ridiculous question."

Waitress: "I mean, like, are you... Do you have a soul?"

Alley: "About to ruffle some feathers, yes, I do."

Waitress: "Don't lie."

Alley: "I do, thank you."


Jarred: "Clones aren't human, they don't have souls. All you guys are is just some product of people playing God."

Alley laughs then says "Oh, baby, you didn't have to be so rude." In the most polite sounding way, kisses the waitress on both cheeks like a French person as a goodbye then leaves.

Waitress leaves awkwardly without even taking their order.

Jarred waits for Alley but no return.


Alley sits across the street at an ice cream parlor yelling at Joe through the phone "He's a freak, so is that waitress!"

Joe: "She didn't mean it!" In disdain.

Alley: "She was rude, then he says I'm nothing more than some product of people playing God and while they are crazy, I'm not an item."

Joe: "I get it. They don't see us as human, I did a background check on him, he's committed anti-clone hate crimes, why would the facility pick him?"

Alley: "What'd he do?"

Joe: "He set a girl's hair on fire at 12, he beat up two clones of the age 14 at 13, he denies all wrong doing and went to Juvie but got out in a year."


Alley feels scared of him now then goes home to her facility house and locks the door.

He came home to the house but the door was locked.

Alley thinks "What if those were lies? Screw it, he's not coming in."

He yells "Alley, what the heck are you doing?!"

Alley: "Do you love me?!"


Jarred pulls out a hairpin and picked the lock and opened the door yelling "What was that?!" In rage, she fumes "You seem to have an issue with me, you would have hurt me, why did you burn that kid's hair at 12?!"


Jarred stares in shock for 5 seconds.

Jarred yells "That was an accident and if you think I'm some racist, I'm not, I was trying to give her the match but her hair got in the way!"

Alley paused then says "How do I know that?"

Jarred says "I changed, I'm a better person, you snobby-"

Alley: "The whole time you've been here, I don't know you, you could be a monster!"

He lost his temper and punched her in the face, she punched him back and used her powers to throw him against the wall then yells "No way I'm letting you do that!"


Then he locked herself in the bedroom.


DAY 3โ˜˜๏ธโ˜˜๏ธโ˜˜๏ธโ˜˜๏ธโ˜˜๏ธโ˜˜๏ธโ˜˜๏ธโ˜˜๏ธโ˜˜๏ธโ˜˜๏ธโ˜˜๏ธโ˜˜๏ธโ˜˜๏ธโ˜˜๏ธ


He left the house to get fresh air, while this happened she wrote an apology letter.


He came back inside for the money then said "Why doe is she messed up?" The read the letter...



"I'm sorry for the way I acted, I just don't know you, I'm trying not to let you treat me any kind of way because so many men do that, then when you hit me I just reacted because I don't want any man to hit me. You won't treat me like garbage. I just want you to know that if we can start over, that's alright. Eve if it's only for 3 days." Then he lights it on fire saying "Yeah right."


DAY 4๐Ÿ€๐Ÿ€๐Ÿ€๐Ÿ€๐Ÿ€๐Ÿ€๐Ÿ€๐Ÿ€๐Ÿ€๐Ÿ€๐Ÿ€๐Ÿ€๐Ÿ€๐Ÿ€


He hit her a lot, yesterday, he's kinda crazy and he did burnt he clone child on purpose.


Alley sat at the dinner table, he also has a lot of bruises. Cuts, he hit her and she still wasn't willing to let that go.


Alley says "Why'd you attack me yesterday?" Tearing up a bit. She wants to quit.

He said "You left that note like you were the victim." Like he was victim all along.

Alley: "I just wanted to start over!" Ticked off that he'd hit her even though he read the letter.

Jarred: "It's only 3 days!" In the fact that they barely know each other.

Alley: "Why did you take this job if you hate clones? And who cares? I'm sorry for the way I acted but honestly you should show the same respect!"


Jarred: "I don't have to respect you, you're some slut I met and I honestly don't love you."

Alley: "That's not my fault!"

Jarred: "You aren't even real, you one of those clones who think clone lives matter, they don't. God didn't make them, man did and that's why y'all so evil. I only came here for the money."

Alley tears up saying "You don't know what it's like to be a clone, you guys try to play God then want to do whatever you want to us, is that the whole point of 'Playing god,' to create something you see as disposable? You wanna create people but leave them to die when they don't do what you want, you wanna feel like God and never do anything to help US when we need help. Why you so cruel." That was a rhetorical question.


Jarred: "I'm sorry, okay?" Alley says "Forgiven." Reluctantly.


DAY 5๐Ÿ’“๐Ÿ’“๐Ÿ’“๐Ÿ’“๐Ÿ’“๐Ÿ’“๐Ÿ’“๐Ÿ’“๐Ÿ’“๐Ÿ’“๐Ÿ’“๐Ÿ’“๐Ÿ’“๐Ÿ’“


Alley has an argument with Jarred saying "Screw you!" Then goes to her room.

Alley was arguing with him about sex, he was whorish and she was famous and pretty.

Alley yells "I don't want to screw you!"

Jarred yells "You know whaty?"

Alley: "What?!"

Jarred: "You clones are just off-brands, trash spin-offs of God's creations, y'all think you got rights and stuff. You think God wanted you, man did and we have the right to end y'all if we want to, man!"


Alley hassled him saying "You don't have the right, you don't have the right, it's my body, you can't do that to it!"

He yells "You think! I'm the man, you're the carbon copy! The abominations of the earth!"

Alley cried then wiped her tears saying "Screw it, I quit. No amount of money is worth THIS."

Alley walked out yelling "You all act like your so much better than us but you don't wanna admit that maybe we are worth a lot like you guys are , maybe we're equal!"

Jarred looked at her as if she was crazy.

Alley left.


Alley met up with Joe who brought her baby brother then Alley says "I left it all behind, he hit me, I hit him, we fought, it wasn't working out. you know what's sad? I can't se what he did wrong at first, I was so mean to him, i mean, he shouldn't have hit me, I don't even know If I was wrong at first."



"Please note, most black men don't act like that, we originally wanted a white man or something else for his role."


Jarred was Anti-Clone.โ™ฅ๏ธโ™ฅ๏ธโ™ฅ๏ธโ™ฅ๏ธโ™ฅ๏ธโ™ฅ๏ธโ™ฅ๏ธโ™ฅ๏ธ


Alley says "I wished I would have stayed nice to him, but he made me too mad and it wasn't worth the money to stay with a man who I don't even know who hits me."

Joe: "He shouldn't have hit you. It was only 5 days, dang, you don't keep anyone long."

Alley: "He was... I just tried to keep him from hurting me, that's all. I made him mad."

Joe says "He was the jerk, don't even worry about it."


Alley: "It got me thinking, why do they regret us? Clones haven't hurt them."

Joe: "It's because of fear..."

Alley: "The fact they feel like we're an abomination to God, they feel insulted by our existence, especially since some of us are used as replacements to be thrown out when the original comes which is angering since we're not just replacements, we're people too."


Joe: "They do that, though."

Alley: "They groom you as a kid to be their dead wife, then get angry when you can't do what they want. They use us as slaves, then get mad at us and say 'You're made to serve me!' When we want to be bigger, famous, get jealous when we make it, feel like we should not exist, I've been kicked out of 16 Churches and fives news stories are about what I was talking about with the clones just used as utilities."


Joe: "Most don't act like this, but some Scientists aren't much better, to them, you guys are lab rats and stones they sculpted but you have no other value to them, like, when God makes a person he knows is a person, he loves them and treats them like people. Humans who play God treat you guys like objects and animals."


Alley: "That isn't exactly true..."

Joe: "Most don't do it but I've seem some that exact thing."


To be continued...