Episode 8 Season 1

Battle of the Clones: Clone Wars


Episode 8


Season 1


Alley lifts her books out of the locker using her telekinesis to carry them onto the floor.

Alley lands the books with grace.

Joe: "You're becoming WAY more open with your powers."

Alley: "You are, too."


Joe: "I'm a Nazarite, I'm supposed to be open."

A girl named Seven runs to them asking "What's that?"


Joe replies "It's a person that God chose to be consecrated to him or something, but they can't eat food that grew from vines, like pumpkins, grapes, wine, they can't cut their hair, they can't touch the dead, um.....let me remember... I forgot if there was more."


Seven: "I'm Seven."

Joe: "You look 17."

Seven: "No, that's my name!"

Joe: "How old are you, anyway?"

Seven: "Senior."

Alley: "17?"

Seven: "18!"


Alley: "Life is like a person & treats people like grass, people see people, but life lets them step all over people and it doesn't say a word."


Seven: "That's deep."

Joe: "I'm scared for you, now."


Alley: "Just don't call social services, they take you from one bad home and then accidentally put you in another."


Seven: "Are you kids okay?"

Alley: "My home life is none of your business-"


Joe cuts her off saying "Alley!" while covering her mouth.

Alley uses her powers to push her hand away saying "No!"

Joe cries a little saying "You hurt my hand!"

Alley stops using her powers quickly saying "What happened?!" Joe walks off.

Alley runs after her.


After school...


Alley goes home to pray & says "I hate my life!"


Alley thinks "I'm overreacting."


Alley goes outside then sees a man, she's in her backyard because she snuck out via a window.


The man is Palestinian and running away from danger, the men chasing him are Mexican.


The Palestinian man is named Barack, Barack runs into the backyard and then he gets shot in the back of the head.


Alley yells "Oh my gosh!" Then Alley uses telekinesis to pull the guns away from the men and point them at them yelling "The heck?!"


Alley uses telekinesis to dial 911 to save the person named Barack, Barack tries to get up, he's still alive, the bullet is roaming around in his body destroying his insides.


God tells Alley "Stop the bullet!" So Alley blindly listens and saves Barack from getting the bullet shot through the heart.


Alley then heard police sirens and ambulances. The no-answer 911 call made the operator say "There's something wrong!"


The ambulance people came in and the police came in, Alley drops the gun in fear and they come in and see her drop the guns but don't know it was her.


The police Don believe she did it and says "Are you alright?" So Alley yells "Those two men did it!" To keep them from blaming her and to get the men in jail.


Once you are at the scene, everyone's a suspect.

Alley's mom named Lolita comes outside into the yard yelling "Alley, what did your little freak self do?!"


The police arrest the two healthy men and the ambulance deals with Barack. Alley is crying hoping she doesn't get arrested.


The police talk to her and ask her "What happened?"

Alley is a black woman.

Alley says "I didn't do anything!"


So the police explain "We are just trying to figure out what happened."


Alley lies "I went into my backyard to see what happened because I heard screaming and I saw those Mexican dudes and this... Arabian? Arabic? This guy running and then they shot him and then I had to stop them!"


The police see how distressed and frightened she is so the black one, an African-American police officer that's a black man hugs her tightly.


Alley screams and cries.


The black officer's name is Rodney.


Rodney hugs Alley saying "It's gonna be alright." Alley screams "I can't control myself!" Then the grass lifts from the ground and the trees are pulled out of the ground so the black guy holds her tightly yelling "YOU ARE DOING THIS?!"


He cradles her in his arms saying "Are you a telepath?? Calm down, Prophetess!" He's a Christian. Alley is a Christian & Nazarite. Not a Prophetess.


Alley calms down and lets the trees and grass down.


At the police station...


Alley is talking to interrogation officers.


Alley says "I don't even know what happened back there." So the Mexican officer named Pedro says "well, we want to know. You were a witness, what happened?"


Alley cries saying "I saw a dude get shot in the back of the head these two guys." So Pedro says "Why?" Alley says "I know nothing about them!"


Then, one of the cloned children that escaped the satanic temple, A Mexican boy from Venezuela named Tom, shows up in the police station, the police escorting him to his interrogation room.


Tom tells them "They tried to kill us, they raped my friend, they murdered our babies and mommies, you won't do anything, they never believe us, you won't do a dang thing, you care, you'll tell us we're lying as they pay you to!"


The Police officer interrogating him is African-American and named Tyrone.

Tyrone says "Well, um, I think you were making up- Well, I understand you getting abused."

Tom says "Don't take us back! If you do, we'll leave again and kill 'em because they'll kill us!" Tyrone asks "Why?" Tom says "We're a flock of goats, thy only make to end us or use us!"


Tyrone thinks "Why does he think of himself as a flock of goats?" So Tyrone ass "Why do you think of yourself as a flock of goats?"


Tom says "Because it's like we're a bunch of sheep that were brought onto a farm to be harvested. Like my use is to impregnate, my sister's use is to get pregnant, my mom's use is to get pregnant, my baby brother's use is to be sacrificed, my cousin's use is to be raped, and my uncle's use is to kill. They treat us like animals on my grandma's farm."


Tyrone is incredibly alarmed, so he asks "You get raped?"


Tom yells "Don't tell anyone I told you!!!" Then he flipped over the interrogation table in panic and uses his chair to break the one-way mirror and the police catch him and have to pull him away from the window. Tom freaks out crying and screaming.


Alley looks at the police and says "I didn't do anything."


A female African-American police officer named Kaelyn burst into the room yelling "A child just broke a one-way mirror!"


The police officers all run to the scene.

Alley slowly steps to it, they are putting a crying Tom in handcuffs.


Alley uses her powers to reassemble the broken glass and grab super glue to glue it all together, the police look at this in shock, she's doing it but they don't know it.


Kaelyn: "WHAT THE HAY?!"

Alley heard a door break-in, her head quickly turns to her left to look for the noise's source.


She sees 40 men in Black robes with hoodies covering their heads. They push the door of the police station and begin to push the door off of the door's hinges.

The 40 men In Black robes and hoodies are actually from the satanic Temple, they are returning to capture Tom and the children.


Tom and the children had escaped the satanic temple.

the 40 men are whispering and nobody knows what they're saying because they're speaking a different language.


Alley hides because she remembers them.

The 40 Men successfully break down the door as the police try to push them back.

The 40-man says in SYNC, "Our focus is the sacrificial children."


Alley uses telekinesis to pick up all the guns and load them with bullets. One of the men in the front named Devil has a demon that crawls up its back onto his shoulder.

The demon is named Pablo.


Pablo says in a weird, strange and eerily creepy voice "She's here... She's here...! She's here! She's here!! SHE'S HERE!!!"


Alley used telekinesis to push the men flying backward into the pavement of the concrete ground, Alley was about to shoot them with the guns but instead took the police's tasers and tased them all for 4 minutes. the tase was very high voltage, enough to knock out but not kill.


Alley got the police involved as the demon was on her trail, she used telekinesis to smash it through the window, to the police, it was a startle, all they saw was the window suddenly break.

Arrested the unconscious men after they put them in the hospital.


After the interrogation, she was sent home.

Alley sat on her bed and thought "How many children go through this..." Then pants heavily thinking "And get ignored?"




To be continued...