Chapter 8: The Second Hot Search on Weibo

Yu Qinghuan got dressed up after he got home and then went to Yipin. It was exactly 5:30 when he arrived.

Only the director team was there. None of the other actors had arrived.

Liu Jia'an smiled on seeing him, and then asked him to sit. He then told Jiang Qi the whole story that day and then said some nice words about him, "This kid is not bad. I can see something in him."

Jiang Qi nodded. His distain about Yu Qinghuan reduced a lot. He then approved, "Hm, this young man is very promising."

For most actors nowadays, whether he/she was a big star or a C-list celebrity, they all tried to put on airs. He/she may already take himself/herself as a super star already after shooting a net play, with no acting skills but a bunch of defects.

On the contrary, Yu Qinghuan had wonderful acting skills, but he was still trying to cover his shortages, and also always keeping a low profile. He had the potential.

On thinking of that, Jiang Qi couldn't help but say, "Qinghuan, don't belittle yourself. You have great acting skills. Seize it if there is any good opportunity."

He knew this kid had nearly missed the role Ye Sheng since he was not confident about his acting skills.

Yu Qinghuan felt a little flattered. It was not because he had no confidence of his acting skills. He just didn't want that role. Of course, he wouldn't tell anyone about this, but could only pretend to be listening to their teachings with all gratitude on his face.

It was nearly six o'clock and all casts were almost arrived. Yu Qinghuan was wise enough to greet Liu Jia'an and then seated himself in a corner. He had just started his career, and was only the third male lead. If he sat too close to the director crew, rumors would immediately spread everywhere the next day. Besides, in this life, he had no desires for fame. He was quite satisfied with his present situation.

Most of the casts met each other for the first time. But soon the already hit it off, and even exchanged their phone numbers. Since Zhao Qingyuan and Wang Chengcheng hadn't arrived, the second male lead Fang Zhongxi and the second female lead Li Hongxiu became the focus naturally.

Both were online celebrities, and took up all front pages of the entertainment sites. So building good relations with them would only do them good.

Yu Qinghua caught a glimpse of those people and sighed in his heart, and then refilled another cup of corn juice. With so many stars here, none was his type. So sad!

Liu Jia'an caught a glimpse of Yu Qinghua and immediately pictured the scene "As a newcomer, Qinghuan wants to get close to the seniors but hasn't got the guts", which made him pity Yu Qinghuan more.

This kid was way too honest. How would he survive in this grotesque entertainment circle? Forget it! Anyway he brought him into this circle and he was quite well-behaved. He had the responsibility to boom him.

When he got up and was about to beckon Yu Qinghuan to come to his side, the door was pushed open suddenly. Wang Chengcheng's laughing was heard before she came in, "Alas! So many people here. Am I late?"

Everyone there immediately stood up and said smilingly, "No, we haven't started yet."

"Right. Miss Cheng, you are here right on time."

Wang Chengcheng nodded, and then said with a smile, "Then I won't feel guilty of myself." She scanned all the places and saw the nearest seat to Liu Jia'an was taken by Li Hongxiu. So she walked on by her and said softly, "You're…Hongxiu? The second female lead, right?"

Li Hongxiu got up instantly, feeling flattered, "Yes, yes, it's me. Hi, Miss Cheng."

Wang Chengcheng stretched out a hand, "Wish we have a pleasant cooperation. "Once her palm touched Li Hongxiu, she immediately took it back. She then blinked at her, "I am a little late. So, could you switch your seat with me? I want to talk about the scripts with director Liu."

Li Hongliu got dumbfounded and then immediately moved aside, "You sit. You sit."

"Thank you then." Wang Chengcheng said thank you, and totally ignored those who were trying to hook up with her and started to talk to the director crew.

It seemed Li Hongxiu was still drowning in the thrill of the scene that Wang Chengcheng talked to her first. She even bumped into a chair when walking, which aroused a blast of guffaw. Only Yu Qinghuan could see she had already clenched her hands tightly.

What a wonderful drama!

It seemed as if Liu Jia'an had already told the waiter. At 6:15, they started to serve the dishes. Yipin Private Home Cuisine was mainly Cantonese dishes, good quality but with a small amount, perfectly fitting the celebrities dining together.

Right in front of Yu Qinghuan was Durian Snow Mei Niang, white and cherubic. One could tell it should be very delicious judging from its look. He looked around, finding that no one was even trying to grab a bite, so he appropriated it to himself aboveboard.

Durian desert was always his favorite.

"Director Liu, why hasn't Zhao arrived?" After digging some food for a while, Wang Chengcheng asked director Liu randomly.

"Zhao?" When she mentioned Zhao Qingyuan, the smile on Liu Jia'an's face became much more sincere, which indicated they were on good terms, "He is a little occupied today. He will be here later."

"I see." Wang Chengcheng rolled her eyes, with her finger rubbing on the glass in her hand, and then protested coquettishly, "We're gonna punish him for being late later."

Liu Jia'an chuckled, "Sure, sure."

In this balcony, everyone had their own intentions, trying to enlarge their connections, only Yu Qinghuan was left in a corner digging his food. He even didn't notice someone sat next to him.

That person had a large scarf on his face. It seemed he sneaked in without being noticed. Even if someone noticed him, one would only take him as a nonsignificant cameo role judging from the way he acted.

Yu Qinghuan caught a glimpse of him while digging his food. At this time, that person had already taken off his big scarf, exposing a beautiful but effeminate face.

Kind of familiar. Yu Qinghuan thought for a second but didn't recall his name. So he lowered his head and kept digging his food.

Anyway he was not his type. So he didn't care who he was.

Zhao Qingyuan thought this newcomer was different from others. Only he sat there chowing down, quite unlike others. Besides, he was sure he saw him right in his eyes, but he looked unperturbed at all.

"But shouldn't he stand up with reverence and awe and immediately come to say hi and ask whether I would like to eat some food?" Zhao Qingyuan thought to himself.

Zhao Qingyuan decided to show his posture as the best actor winner to teach this young man a lesson. But the next second, he saw that newcomer picked up a big piece of honeycomb tripes with his chopsticks and put it into his mouth. The way he ate was quite graceful and prissy, but somehow, it could arouse one's appetite.

Zhao Qingyuan rubbed his belly and also felt a little hungry now. This newcomer was satan!

"Is it delicious?" Being neglected for too long, he was even no better than a dish of honeycomb tripes, which made Zhao Qingyuan a little frustrated. So he could only move his ass and pick up a talk with Yu Qinghuan.

"Sure." answered Yu Qinghuan without even raising his head.

Zhao Qingyuan, "…"

"Why is this newbie such a maverick?"

Zhao Qingyuan thought, at this moment, only one sentence would exactly describe his present mood: Great! Young man, you've successfully attracted my attention.

While he was still thinking, Yu Qinghuan pushed that plate of honeycomb tripes to his side, "Eat."

His tone was like he was talking to a cat or a dog that came for some food.

Zhao Qingyuan, "…"

"Never mind. I should fill my belly first."

So another person joined the 'chowing down' team.

Both Yu Qinghuan and Zhao Qingyuan were big eaters. Soon they had almost finished those dishes on their side. Meanwhile, the two of them became foodie friends without even knowing each other's name.

"Durian layer cake is also quite tasty." Yu Qinghuan said to Zhao Qingyuan, "Really. Try it."

Zhao Qingyuan immediately turned his head, with all disliking written on his face, "I'm not into durian."

"Durian is good." Yu Qinghuan sighed and shook his head, "That's your loss."

Zhao Qingyuan snorted, "I don't think so! I'm gonna have a taste! You're dead if it tastes bad!"

Speaking of which, he already squeezed a bite into his mouth with his eyes closed. He thought he would spit it out for its smelly smell, but it turned out to be pretty good.

Yu Qinghuan noticed the subtle change on his face, he then raised his eyebrows, "Not bad, huh?"

Zhao Qingyuan put on a weird look, "Yeah…kind of…" It seemed durian was not so smelly as he imagined. In fact it was pretty good.

Although Yu Qinghuan was only in his twenties, he had seen a great deal of life. Even if he didn't mean to make friends with Zhao Qingyuan, he could still amuse him. While on the other hand, Zhao Qinghuan looked shrewd, actually he was the naïve one. And they really hit it off. Finally they already acted as very close friends.

Zhao Qingyuan took out his phone and asked to exchange their phone numbers and follow each other on weibo.

After saving his phone number, Yu Qinghuan said awkwardly, "I'm sorry. I don't have a weibo account."

"Huh?" Zhao Qingyuan picked his ears and thought he misheard it. Was there any actor who didn't have a weibo account now? Even he had quite a few anonymous accounts. Noticing Yu Qinghuan was not like lying, he said, "Then sign up for one. You may use it in the future."

Actually Yu Qinghuan didn't want a weibo account at all. He liked being forgotten after he finished his own acting part. But Zhao kept pushing him, and he could not come up with a reasonable excuse, so he could only take out his phone.

"Hee hee. I will be your first followed one." Zhao Qingyuan held him on his shoulder, giggling, "All right. I followed you. Come on! Follow me back!"

Yu Qinghuan nodded, and clicked the new follower message on the top right corner. When he saw the nickname and avatar, he got stunned, "You are…Zhao Qingyuan?"

"You don't know me???" Zhao Qingyuna popped out his eyes, staring at Yu Qinghuan like he was an alien, "Seriously?"

Yu Qinghuan nodded and then followed him back, mumbling, "Sorry I didn't recognize you."

Now Zhao Qingyuan understood why he hadn't talked to him when he saw him. That was because he really didn't know him! He caught a glimpse at Yu Qinghuan, thinking, "Is this man from Mars?"

He was the hitting star now. And besides, he was popular among all ages, from elementary school students to those housewives over fifty, everyone knew him. Now someone from the entertainment circle didn't know him, which triggered Zhao Qingyuan's curiosity. And he kept asking Yu Qinghuan this and that.

As good-tempered as Yu Qinghuan was, his patience got worn out finally.

Before he came, he had searched all leading roles' materials of The Line of Life and Death on the internet. If he recalled it correctly, Zhao Qingyuan's character setting was a cold-faced prince. But now…his character setting totally collapsed…

Cold-faced prince? He was a total Huskie type!

And while Yu Qinghuan was still complaining in his heart, he had no idea that Zhao Qinghuan followed a weibo account with only one follower and following only Zhao had been recommended on the top trending searches.

Those who were familiar with Zhao Qingyuan knew that he was bland, plus his family was super rich. He entered into the entertainment circle only for fun. So unlike other celebrities, his weibo was only for personal use. And he only followed those he wanted to, and posted things as he wanted.

But now he followed an anonymous account, with not even a single post!

Who was this Yu Qinghua? Why would Zhao Qingyuan follow a dead account?

This immediately exploded the whole weibo! And "Looking for Yu Qinghuan" topped the hot searches instantly.

So, after the two photos crisis, with only a name, Yu Qinghuan again topped the hot searches some celebrities had been dreaming of…

The author has something to say: Qinghuan's OS: Who am I? Why am I always so lucky…confused…