Chapter 10: He Caught the “I-can’t-look-at-Qinghuan” Disease

On the cab, Yu Qinghuan asked Huo Qu, "What would you like to eat? Cantonese cuisine, Sichuan cuisine, or Southeast Asian cuisine? I'm OK with all these. You can pick one you like."

Huo Qu sat stiff there, with his black eyes looking ahead. No one knew what he was thinking. He had no response to Yu Qinghuan's words at all.

So Yu Qinghuan couldn't help but poke his arm with his finger, "Hey, I was talking to you."

Huo Qu reacted like a startled rabbit. His stiff body trembled. With his thick eyelashes moved a bit, Huo Qu stammered, "Qing…Qinghuan…"

"Are you OK?" Yu Qinghuan leaned closer to him and tried to look at the direction he was staring at but didn't find anything unusual. He then raised his head and looked at Huo Qu, "Why do you look so nervous?"

It was in the midwinter. The weather was overcast and cold moist, while Yu Qinghuan was like a small sun around. Even his breaths were warm, which were blown gently on the side of Huo Qu's face, like a small downy hand itching his heart.

Noticing Yu Qinghuan was staring at him, confused, he immediately got blushed, and stammered, "I…I'm not nervous."

Oh lord! What was wrong with him? His heart started to beat fast. He felt like his whole body was burning hot even with a peep at Qinghuan. Had…had he got the "I-can't-look-at-Qinghuan" disease?

But Qinghuan was his best friend. How could he not look at him?

Huo Qu pursed his lips anxiously and was nearly crying.

"Are you sick?" Looking at his burning red face, Yu Qinghuan was afraid that he even had no idea he got sick. So he leaned forward and put his hand against Huo Qu's forehead. And he immediately got startled after feeling his temperature, "You got a fever!"

"Ah? Oh…" Huo Qu nodded muddleheaded, thinking, "So it turned out I got sick. No wonder I would have those strange reactions."

"Let's take you to hospital." Speaking of which, Yu Qinghuan already clicked open the mobile map, trying to search the nearest hospital. At this time, Huo Qu pressed his hand.

Once having intimate contacts with Yu Qinghuan, Huo Qu felt like his heart was beating in his throat, like a bouncy rabbit jumping in his chest, which made him nearly out of his breath. After taking a few deep breaths, he then plucked up some courage and said, "But…you said we're…having dinner."

Yu Qinghuan got dumbfounded, "Are you hungry? I'm gonna buy you some food later. But we have to go to the hospital first."

With his whole body burning like fire, he still hadn't forgotten about the dinner thing. Oh man! He was an absolute foodie!

"No!" said Huo Qu anxiously. He firmly shook his head and insisted, "Have dinner first."

He had agreed to have dinner with Qinghuan. He couldn't stand him up.

Yu Qinghuan, "…"

He tried to persuade Huo Qu out of it, "You're sick now and has no appetite. You wouldn't eat much even if we have dinner now. So…"

Before Yu Qinghuan said "go to hospital first", Huo Qu already cut in decidedly, "I have the appetite. I can eat a lot."

Yu Qinghuan, "…'

Since he couldn't convince him, he could only say, "OK, OK. You can eat a lot. Let's go eat now."

On hearing what he said, Huo Qu finally felt happy, wearing a shy smile with the eyelashes fluttering slightly.

Actually Yu Qinghuan liked Sichuan cuisine, spicy enough. But since Huo Qu fell ill, he dare not take him to have food with strong flavor. So he chose a marmite gruel restaurant.

He ordered pigeon gruel and some specialties the waiter recommended. After thinking for sec, he ordered a portion of roasted razor clams.

After ordering the dishes, he warned Huo Qu, looking quite serious, "You can't have this dish, you heard me?" A sick one could not have seafood. He meant to share weal and woe with Huo Qu, but at last he couldn't resist the temptation of the seafood and gave up…

"I know." Although Huo Qu didn't know why, he firmly believed that any word Qinghuan said made sense.

His too much obedience made Yu Qinghua a little guilty. Sometimes a kid who was too well behaved was also a kind of burden.

It was workday today, so there weren't many guests here. And dishes were served quite fast. In his precious life, Yu Qinghuan liked the marmite gruel of this shop. Pity that he was way too popular, so every time he went out for dinner, he had to be extremely careful, even the restaurants were carefully selected. So even he wanted to, he never had a chance to come again.

At that time, he had fame, money and status, but he couldn't even eat the marmite gruel he loved. So in this life, he would never live such a pathetic life.

With a full spoon of fragrant gruel sent into the mouth, Yu Qinghuan felt quite satisfied with his eyes narrowed, enjoying it. Living a freewheeling life was the biggest present he got gifted after his rebirth.

Pity that not long before he had tasted the flavor of freedom, he got interrupted by some kind strange sound. After he followed the sound and saw the scene, Yu Qinghuan got totally stoned.

Huo Qu was trying to clamp the broiled eggplant. Pity his fingers were stiff. He was acting like a foreigner using chopsticks for the very first time. Forget about clamping it. He nearly poked it into a sifter. And the clashing of his ironwood chopsticks and the porcelain dish made kind of tinkling sound.

Huo Qu's face was aflame with blushes. Qinghuan had no idea whether he was too sick or too anxious. Huo Qu pursed his lips, staring at the eggplant like it was the class enemy. Looked like he would never give up before putting it into his mouth.

Yu Qinghuan, "…"

So how did this dude grow to this big safe and sound?

He rolled his eyes secretly and then put a strip of the eggplant in Huo Qu's bowl, "Eat."

Watching Huo Qu eat the eggplant so seriously, Yu Qinghuan couldn't help but ask, "How do you usually eat at home?"

It seemed Huo Qu didn't even know how to use chopsticks. So did his family hire someone who specially fed him?

"?" Huo Qu raised his head, confused, with all questions marks in his black eyes, thinking,

"What does Qinghuan mean? I always eat this way."

Yu Qinghuan rubbed his forehead and changed an easier way for Huo Qu to understand, "I mean, suppose you are home having the eggplant, how are you gonna pick it?"

Huo Qu carefully thought about his question. But he really could not remember how he ate eggplant at home before. So he could only look at him like an innocent little puppy, "I just eat it this way.'

"Forget it." Yu Qinghuan gave him another pair of chopsticks for the roasted duck, completely giving up talking with him on this, "Eat."

Only if they ate their fill could they go to the hospital.

"Hm!"After receiving Yu Qinghuan dish-serving service again, Huo Qu smiled happily, and nodded his head hard.

While they were glutting themselves with delicacies, the Huo brothers were squeezing in the car, reading the papers in their hands, which were the results they had investigated about Yu Qinghuan.

"This son is so pathetic, "After a few seconds silence, Huo Rong opened his mouth since he was the first to finish those.

Yu Qinghuan was born in a village and his parents had died when he was young, but still he went to the best college. What was more, this guy, who had been poor since he was young, donated over half of the lottery money he won to his hometown.

"Watch your language, son!" Right after Huo Rong said that, Mrs. Huo slapped his back of head. She was really pissed off every time she saw her two useless sons.

She could give it a go that they opened an entertainment company. But they also learned those bad habits from the circle, dyed their hair, and became nocturnal animals like the owls.

"Look at Qinghuan, well disciplined, with great personalities." Mrs. Huo looked at Yu Qinghuan's photo and praised, "I wish that I could have him as my son. How could you badmouth him like that? You…"

Mrs. Huo poked Huo Rong's forehead and said, "What should I say about you?"

Huo Rong could not stand his mother's poking, and tried to dodge away.

Hadn't she also started from a C-list star? Now on seeing Yu Qinghuan materials, she immediately changed her tone and even scolded them.

They wouldn't mind if she thought they were no better that their little brother. But now they couldn't even compare with an outsider? What kind of mother was she?

"Are you still trying to quibble?" Looking at her second son, Mrs. Huo raised her chin and asked with a sneer.

Feeling like his father's sharp eyes suddenly fixed on his body, Huo Rong's body got stiff and he immediately surrendered, "No, no, no, every word you said is absolutely right."

Mrs. Huo goggled at them, "why don't you drive home now? Not enough shame?"

Huo Rong: "OK."

Mrs. Huo then said, "I told you that Qinghuan is an employee of your company, so you should take good care of him. If he hadn't sent Qu back that day, the consequences would be disastrous, you know?"

"Yeah, I know," Huo Rong made a turn and watched his mom from the rearview mirror, and said, "I promise I'm gonna give the best resources to him, OK?"

Mrs. Hall snorted." That's more like it."

They left just in time, because Yu Qinghuan and Huo Qu just finished eating.

"According to the map, there is a market for flowers, birds, insects and fish nearby. I don't know if they sell fish in winter." Yu Qinghuan put away the phone and said to Huo Qu.

Just now they were sitting in a small box. The boss was very good at decoration, putting a tank of colorful goldfish in the corner. Since he wouldn't move his eyes from it, Yu Qinghuan could only promise to buy him one.

"Yes," Huo Qu gave him a confirmative answer like he had gone there before.

Yu Qinghuan crossed the road according the navigation. On the half away, he saw that Huo Qu was still standing there, as silly as a toad. He remembered that this kid didn't know how to cross the road. So he immediately went back to pull him, "You've got me."

He still didn't understand why Huo Qu couldn't cross the road. Even if he couldn't himself, he had him now and he could just walk after him.

"Qinghuan, don't be afraid of me." On hearing Qinghuan was blaming him, he immediately got nervous and snatched a corner of Yu Qinghuan's clothes.

He also knew that he was different from others, but he had never cared about others' judgments about him before. Now he heard Yu Qinghuan said that he was afraid, and suddenly his heart skipped a beat and a kind of indescribable pain rippled in his chest.

Huo Qu vaguely touched his chest, he was really ill.

"…I'm not afraid." Yu Qinghuan twitched his mouth while touching his forehead with a hand. Seeing Huo Qu's suspicious eyes, he added," I'm not afraid of you at all."

Afraid that Huo Qu might say something shocking, he pointed to the milk tea shop in front and said, " I'll buy you a cup of hot drink. You stay here and don't you ever talk to anyone, you got it?"

"Got it." Huo Qu put his hands along the creases of his trousers and nodded his head like a chicken pecking at rice.

"Don't go anywhere by yourself."


Yu Qinghuan then felt a little relieved and went to buy him a hot drink.

The moment Yu Qinghuan entered the milk tea shop, a group of people carrying cameras ran to Huo Qu.

It is a new entertainment show launched by the national TV station. A fixed part of the show was interviewing passers-by. Huo Qu was handsome, tall, and bland, looking quite outstanding among the crowd. So they immediately nailed him.

Although the national TV station had a detached status, most of its programs were too serious, so it was not in line with the taste of young people. The newly appointed director had great ambitions, so he directly decided to launch a variety show specially aiming at the young people.

National TV production, of course it would make a hit, plus the great contrast between an entertainment show and the orthodox national TV station, of course it had attracted a lot of audience. Therefore, once this program was launched, it swept all over the country. Before Season I was finished, lots of people were already urging Season II on Weibo.

The program crew stopped in front of Huo Qu, the hostess put the microphone before him," Hello handsome boy, we are the national TV program "Young People Want High", may I interview you?"

The hostess looked beautiful and graceful, with a sweet voice also. Now she was wearing a sweet smile, which no one could not resist.

While she was confidently waiting for Huo Qu's affirmative answer, he suddenly turned his face to the other side with a cold eye.

Qinghuan told him he should not talk to strangers, so he listened to his words!

The hostess: ��…"

Other people of the crew, "…"

Are they so scary??? Monsters growing on their faces??? What is going on? Confused…