Chapter 15: I Know! He Is a Parrot!

When Huo Rong took Huo Qu to the filming site, Yu Qinghuan had just finished shooting the final makeup photos.

And this time Liu Jia'an looked quite satisfied with this set of photos and praised them without precedent. He asked the assistant to post them on Weibo right after.

Poor Yu Qingyu! The weather as very cold and there was no heating devices here. Besides, he had to sustain the perfect state. Even if he nearly got frozen, he still had to pose.

After the shooting, he immediately wrapped himself with the Canada Goose Wang Zhensheng delivered him. He even didn't want to stretch out his hand for the hot water Zhao Qingyuan handed him.

"Qinghuan!" The filming site was quite noisy, where all casts wearing all kinds of costumes worked their asses off. But Huo Qu saw Yu Qinghuan who was hiding in a corner on the first sight. He called him happily and carried the fish and walked to him.

"What are you doing here?" asked Yu Qinghuan surprisingly, and then stood up to welcome him.

Huo Qu caught a glimpse of Zhao Qingyuan who was next to him warily, then pulled Yu Qinghuan aside and offered his fish tank before him like he was presenting a treasure, "Look!"

Zhao Qingyuan who got excluded out of this, "…"

Just two goddamn fish! Like he would kill them with his Monkey King's eyes!

What is wrong with this dude?!

Zhao Qingyuan winked at Yu Qinghuan, wanting him to introduce Huo Qu. But Yu Qinghuan didn't look at his side at all. All his attention was on Huo Qu's freezing hands.

"Why do you bring me two fish here in such a cold weather?" He then paused, realizing his tone was a little harsh, so he immediately changed a soft voice, "Are you cold?"

Huo Qu felt a little wronged by Qinghuan's blame. He sniffled piteously, and squeezed a word, "Yes."

"Then why don't you wear gloves?" Yu Qinghuan took the fish tank from him with one hand while pulling open the big side pocket of his down jacket with the other, "Come on. Put your hands in here."

"Careful! Careful!" said Huo Qu anxiously while watching the violently shaking fish tank as if he didn't hear Yu Qinghuan's words at all. He quickly went to the other side of Qinghuan and said, "The fish are jumping out!"

"I'm watching." said Yu Qinghuan blandly. On seeing that his attention was still on the fish, he directly grasped his hands and squeezed them into his pocket and then brought him to the rest room.

This is Zhao Qingyuan's personal rest room, which was decorated with all kinds of furniture and heating facilities. Yu Qinghuan turned on the heater the moment he walked in and then pressed Huo Qu on the couch, saying with a long face, "Sit!"

Huo Qu's pet-like intuition told him Qinghuan was not in the mood, so he just sat there straightened up, with his hands on his knees, like he was waiting for Qinghuan's scolding.

Yu Qinghuan now had tons of questions to ask him.

How did he know he is shooting here? How did he get here? Did he tell anyone else about this? But on looking at his innocent face, he just couldn't spit them out.

Since Qinghuan didn't say anything, it made him more upset, thinking, "So Qinghuan is angry with me. I failed to cheer him up. And he doesn't like my fish at all."

Suddenly kind of suffocating pains were felt in the chest, not strong but continuous, like the all-pervasive air stuffing up his whole chest, making him nearly lose his breath.

This was kind of strange and terrifying feeling. Huo Qu pressed his chest restlessly, nearly crying.

When Yu Qinghuan came to himself and saw that Huo Qu was like in great pains, he nearly jumped out of his skin. He just cast everything behind and sat down beside him. He asked Huo Qu anxiously while patting his back to help him breathe, "What's wrong? Are you sick? Where does it hurt?"

"Here." said Huo Qu while pointing at his heart, "It hurts a lot."

Yu Qinghuan's face immediately darkened. His heart hurts? This isn't a good sign. Does he have heart trouble?

He patted his back and then got him some hot water, and did anything he could to make him feel better. Until he looked a lot better, Qinghuan started to ask, "How about now? Feeling any better?"

Huo Qu rubbed his chest and then looked at Qinghuan blankly, "Yeah, better."

So weird! Once Qinghuan lean to his side, the pains were gone. What kind of disease is that?

Yu Qinghuan heaved a sigh. Though he didn't say anything, he had already made up his mind to take him to the hospital for a health examination. He had a fever the other day and now a heartache. It totally freaked him out.

"Qinghuan!" while he was still thinking, a hand pulled his clothes. Yu Qinghuan lowered his head and saw Huo Qu was pulling his clothes gingerly, exactly like the first time he saw him.

Yu Qinghuan's heart immediately softened, "What?"

"Are you…are you still upset?"

Yu Qinghuan got struck dumb, "Hm?"

"My second brother told me." Huo Qu cast a glance at him and immediately got blushed, "He said you are very sad now."

Yu Qinghuan totally had no idea where this came from.

Since when does he feel upset? Who is his second brother? How did he know?

When glancing at Huo Qu's worrying face, Yu Qinghuan suddenly understood what was going on. So Huo Qu came here because he thought he was upset? And even brought his favorite fish to make him happy?

Since he parents died, no one had ever cared about him like this.

His folks were good to him but not in such a thoughtful way. They thought it'd be enough as long as he had clothes to wear and food to eat, while his agent in his precious life thought he was almighty. He wouldn't notice the subtle changes of his feelings.

Huo Qu was the very first one who put his feelings in his heart and cared about him clumsily.

Suddenly a kind of sour and sweet feeling filled his chest, like a seed with a little thorn taking root in the soil deep in his heart.

Yu Qinghuan asked him chokingly, "So you came all the way here…only for this trivial matter?"

"This ain't trivial matter!" Huo Qu talked him back for the very first time, "Qinghuan's matters are all the most important!"

Speaking of which, he looked up at Yu Qinghuan with all expectations in his eyes, "So…are you feeling better now?"

"I am very happy now!" Yu Qinghuan took a deep breath and looked at Huo Qu smilingly, "I am happy because you are here."

"Really?" Huo Qu immediately jumped up on hearing him, "Are you serious, Qinghuan? But…but I don't know how to comfort people…"

He made a pause and tried to explain, "I…I'm not a fool. I got myself tested. My IQ is 170-180. I'm not a fool, really. I'm just…I'm…"

He looked anxious with his face turning all red, but he still couldn't find a suitable word to describe it, while Yu Qinghuan cut in, "I know. I know you are very good at comforting people. I'm not upset at all now."

"That's…that's great." Huo Qu puckered up his lips shyly and smiled showing a little dimple on his left face.

"Are you hungry? Have you had lunch?"

Huo Qu touched his belly and said, "Not yet."

"Then I'll cook some ramen for you."

Since having known that Yu Qinghuan could cook, Zhao Qingyuan had stuffed the fridge with a bunch of fast food. Yu Qinghuan routed out a few packs of Japanese ramen among that huge pile. After turning on the induction cooker, he then started to cook ramen while chatting with Huo Qu.

It was kind of weird. Even Huo Qu's families couldn't find a way to pick up a conversation with Huo Qu. First, Huo Qu didn't like talking. Second, they always had no idea what Huo Qu was talking about while Huo Qu didn't understand them either.

But Yu Qinghuan was different. He could always accurately extract what he was trying to express from Huo Qu's words.

"That is to say, you are going abroad for an academic conference in a few days?" asked Yu Qinghuan while opening the lid and putting the ramen in the pot.

"Mm." Huo Qu nodded and then added, "I have to go."

Yu Qinghuan knew why he added those words. So he smiled at him while squeezing the seasoning bag, "It's OK. I will call you then."

Speaking of which, he saw Huo Qu take out a booklet and quickly write a string of characters."

Yu Qinghuan was curious, "What are you writing?"

Huo Qu then smiled at him innocently, "To remind myself to bring my phone."

The hot ramen diluted the coldness in the air. Yu Qinghuan then filled half a bowl of ramen for Huo Qu, "Eat while it's still warm."

Huo Qu nodded and then picked up the chopsticks obediently.

Pity that he could barely use chopsticks, plus the Japanese ramen was a little too slippery. He tried a few times but still couldn't pick up any.

Yu Qinghuan couldn't' bear to see it. Huo Qu wouldn't have a bite till the ramen got cold. So he rolled up his sleeves and helped him.

He rolled the ramen with the chopsticks and blew them before sending it by Huo Qu's mouth, saying, "Open your mouth!"

As naïve as Huo Qu was, he at least knew he was an adult and it was embarrassing to be fed like a baby. He then got all blushed, even his ears. He wanted to step back, but dare not disobey Yu Qinghuan's words, so he could only implore him, "Qinghuan, I…"

But once he opened his mouth, Yu Qinghuan already slipped in a mouthful of ramen, "Eat."

One was feeding while the other was eating. When they nearly finished half of the ramen, Zhao Qingyuan's exciting and unique voice was heard from outside, "Qinghuan, what did you cook this time?"

After pushing the door open, he immediately threw himself at the ramen and totally forgot that Huo Rong was behind.

Huo Rong didn't mind it, cuz they had known each other for a long time, so he knew what Zhao Qingyuan was like.

"Are you Yu Qinghuan? I entrust my little brother to you." Huo Rong then walked before Qinghuan. When he saw the bowl in Qinghuan's hand and his little brother's bulging cheek, he immediately wore a meaningful smile, "I'm Huo Rong, Huo Qu's second elder brother."

Yu Qinghuan, "…"

Yu Qinghuan had no idea what to say. He just picked up this poor kid by the road, it turned out he was his boss' little brother? Why is he always so goddamn lucky?

"Hi. My pleasure." poker-faced, Yu Qinghuan shook hands with Huo Rong.

"Hm?" On hearing their conversation, Zhao Qingyuan who was digging the ramen finally raised his head, looking at Huo Qu blankly, then turned to Huo Rong, "So this is your genius little brother? He doesn't look any different from us."

Huo Qu felt someone was staring at him while he was eating ramen. When he raised his head and saw Zhao Qingyuan who he didn't know at all, he just ignored him.

If it had been before, Huo Rong would just leave him alone. But now was different. Huo Qu had changed a lot. So Huo Qu hoped to encourage his little brother to learn to socialize. He then introduced him, "Qu, this is Zhao Qingyuan. He is…"

Before he finished his words, Huo Qu suddenly turned his head and looked at Zhao Qingyuan innocently, "Brother Rong, I know him. He is a parrot."

Zhao Qingyuan, "…"

You are a parrot! Your whole family including Huo Rong are parrots!

The author has something to say:

Qingyuan's OS: …Huo Qu! I hate you! For all my life!