Chapter 17: Shocking News! After He Did This, Zhao Qingyuan could not Get up from Bed, Crying!

On that day when Zhao Qingyuan slammed the door and left, he thought Yu Qinghuan would chase him out to apologize so he could pretend to be entangled by the latter and then made peace with him.

This was the normal process after the quarrel between good friends!

However, what he had never expected was that Yu Qinghuan was a person who did not play according to common sense.

Zhao Qingyuan understood that Yu Qinghuan was young with strong self-esteem so he could forgive Yu's absence on the first day, but the latter still showed no appearance on the second day.

Not only did he not come, but also he followed others out without even informing him!

"For god's sake!" Looking at Zhao Qing Yuan, who was braving the anger all over, as if possessed by deicide, his broker gave him a wry smile. He kneaded Zhao's shoulder and tried to persuade him, "You are ten years older than Qinghuan. What kind of disputes are you having with him? Isn't that just about an apology?"

Even his broker could not tolerate him to lose his temper like a girl.

However, as soon as the broker mentioned this, Zhao Qingyuan's anger immediately came up, "I tell you! From now on Yu Qinghuan is off my list! We are done!"

Then Zhao Qingyuan thought it for a moment and felt a little unintelligent about his unilateral break-up.

So he took out his cell phone and sent a Weibo.

Zhao Qing Yuan: Friendship over [Goodbye] @ Yu Qinghuan

After posting it, Zhao Qingyuan did not quit but stared at the screen for his fans' comments.

Since his fans loved him so much, hearing their idol end his friendship with Yu Qinghuan, they would unconditionally defend him and then condemn Yu Qinghuan together, thought Zhao Qing Yuan.

Well, facts had proved that he obviously thought too much.

The number of new messages snowballed at the speed visible to the naked eyes. Zhao Qingyuan felt himself stupid in an instant when he clicked into these comments.

Hadn't his fans agreed to share weal and woe with their idol? All of them were commenting like he was telling jokes.

[yoyoyoyo~ Our Yuan has got a hard mouth again. Gee.]

[yoyoyoyo~ Why you @ Qinghuan on Weibo? Aren't you on the same set? You acted like a grumpy young girl! , Guys, keep rank!]

[yoyoyoyo~ I can't help but look at the time in the lower right corner of the screen. Must you say this early in the morning? What body position is it for your breakup sex, by the way?]

[yoyoyoyo~ I feel sorry for our Yuan, he was abandoned by Qinghuan just because of his reticent and indifferent public image."

Liu Jia'an released the first photos of The Line Between Life and Death this morning. All the netizens had known Zhao and Yu were on the same cast, so they felt free to tease them two.

As a steel-like straight man, Zhao Qingyuan only surfed the internet for photos of beautiful women and skin flicks, and had never discovered those fields as his fans said, so he just threw away his phone and decided to quit the internet for one day.

However, Yu Qinghuan, whom he bitterly cursed, followed Wang Zhensheng to the Capital People's Grand Theater.

On the stage, the actors were rehearsing the play Su Tungpo, which happened to be Su Tungpo's disaster relief scene in Hangzhou.

The actor playing Su Tungpo was wearing a loose blue and white gown. Blazing with anger in his eyes, he denounced the inaction of the subordinate officials.

Compared with ordinary TV plays and movies, stage play was more exaggerating. The emotions of the actors were more outward, and the movements were also more vigorous. Accompanied by sorrowful music and the amplification effect of the stage, the performance would be very infectious.

"So", Wang Zhensheng looked at Yu Qinghuan with a smile, "How do you feel?"

"I cannot do it." Yu Qinghuan sighed. His slightly impetuous heart had finally settled down since his rebirth.

It was not easy to be able to perform in a stage play. The actors' actions, expressions and even voices must be consistent. If they were not able to be fully integrated into the role, the performance would be disastrous.

Not only that, on the empty stage, the actors' psychological quality must be strong, otherwise they could not be able to support such a big stage with their performance at all.

Wang Zhensheng shook his head, "You'll never know whether you can do it if you don't give it a try."

Yu Qinghuan seemed wised up, "You mean…"

Wang Zhensheng walked before the stage, grabbed the person in charge and said a few words. The latter immediately showed a respectful expression on his face, raised his hand to suspend the performance on the stage, handed Yu Qinghuan a script and said to him with a smile, "Go up and have a try. This is the first time Mr. Wang has brought someone here."

Yu Qinghuan thanked him, took a quick glance at the first few pages of the script, took a deep breath and stepped onto the stage.

Standing on the stage was totally different from the sitting on the seats below. Although Yu Qinghuan did not suffer from stage fright, he was still not as comfortable as when he was on set.

He first simulated the scene in his mind and read the lines out out according to the script.

When he was filming, he never felt that he was poor in acting. However, this time, he suddenly realized his shortcomings.

Not only was his acting immature, but his infectivity insufficient.

He spoke with his own voice, and if he raised the volume slightly, he would not only have his voice cracked, but also feel pains in his throat. Although unwilling to admit it, Yu Qinghuan knew in his heart that his acting was simply not good enough.

He was once smug that he had won many awards and felt that he no longer needed to improve his acting skills.

"Professor Wang," after only a short performance, Yu Qinghuan was somewhat breathless. He stepped off the stage and walked beside Wang Zhensheng with his eyes shining, "thank you so much.

Wang Zhensheng found that although the boy realized his shortcomings, he was not sad and lost. Instead, his whole body was full of unprecedented energy. The elder patted him on the shoulder with relief, "Good boy."

This boy had lived up to his recognition.

When Yu Qinghuan left the Grand Theater, he was alone with a camera from Wang Zhensheng in his hand. The predecessor asked him to film his daily practice and then to review the recordings to find his own shortcomings of his acting.

Wang Zhensheng also suggested he find a vocal music teacher to practice his vocalization, which would give him an advantage at capturing his original sound when filming.

Looking down at the camera in his hand, Yu Qinghuan sighed with a complex complexion.

He obviously had not planned to enter the entertainment circle again after his rebirth, but it happened that things were not under his control, as if everyone was pushing him forward. As a perfectionist, he could not bear to muddle along.

Even if he might quit being an actor in the future, he still wanted to improve his acting skills as much as possible during the contract period, which led his further cultivation in the entertainment circle and hardships to withdraw even if he was willing to.

He glanced at the couple passing by enviously, slouched, and stroked his camera. If things went on like this, when would he be able to have a real relationship as he wanted?

Alas, what a hard life!

Yu Qinghuan was not a fun-loving person. Although he did not have his part today, he still returned to the movie set. Unexpectedly, he met Yu Xin at the gate.

"Come on, help me carry the cans!" Yu Xin dragged half a sack of canned food, tired like a dead dog. The moment he saw Yu Qinghuan, stars flew out of his eyes.

"What a relief!" In such a cold winter, Yu Xin tired out a head of hot sweat. The moment he entered Yu Qinghuan's room, he immediately collapsed on the sofa.

"Dude, thanks for your hard work." Yu Qinghuan poured him a cup of hot water, watched him gulp it down and laughed, "I'll give you a big red envelope for the New Year."

"Don't." Yu Xin put down the cup and glared at him. "Do you think you are quite rich now? Let me tell you, after buying the house, you will have nothing left! You may even lack money for clothes."

With a large sum of money donated without blinking an eye, Yu Qinghuan was still spending money like water! What made Xin Yu even angrier was that he was, to some extent, an accomplice!

"I need some sleep, don't bother me." Afraid of seeing Yu Qinghuan would make himself angry with internal injuries, Yu Xin left the word, then pushed the door and went into the bedroom.

In fact, even if Yu Xin did not say so, Yu Qinghuan would not bother him. Yu just opened the camera Wang Zhensheng bestowed him and recalled today's scene at the Grand Theater. When he was ready to practice again, there was a sharp knock at the door.

Afraid of disturbing Yu Xin, Yu Qinghuan trotted to open the door before he could even turn off the camera. Unexpectedly, it was Zhao Qingyuan.

"You're finally willing to come back." Zhao Qingyuan coldly said such words, with his chin raised, like a cock equipped with full fighting capacity, came in with his head held high.

"Eh-hem!" Yu Qinghuan thought of the parrot at the sight of him and explained with a smile while restraining himself from laughing, "I wanted to visit you, but I didn't expect you to come already."

Before Zhao Qingyuan could talk back, Yu Qinghuan stuffed a canned yellow peach into his arms, "I have a specialty for you. Do you like it?"

"You wanna bribe me with a can?" Zhao Qingyuan snorted, paused, glanced at Yu Qinghuan, and said wearing that long face, "then… I… I'll try it first. You're dead if it taste awful!"

Zhao Qingyuan drew out a knife from not-know-where, pried open the can, and eagerly scooped a spoonful into his mouth.

The yellow peach was thick with slight hardness. Took a bite and the sweet juice immediately overflew the whole oral cavity. Its cool and refreshing flavor was very special in winter.

Zhao Qingyuan originally wanted to stop after eating only one bite, but he could not stop after eating more than half of it. Finally, Yu Qinghuan, fearing that Zhao would have a stomachache after eating too much cold food, stretched out his hand and grabbed the can directly.

"Let me have another bite!" Licking the sweet yellow peach juice on his lips, Zhao Qingyuan had long forgotten his anger. He leaned to Yu Qinghuan and said, "just one more bite."

"It's too cold for your stomach." Yu Qinghuan refused, but Zhao Qingyuan turned a deaf ear to him. Taking advantage of Yu Qinghuan's inattention, he grabbed the can, lifted it directly and poured the left yellow peach into his mouth even without using a spoon.

Yu Qinghuanwatched him, dumbfounded, until the other party slipped away secretly holding two cans.

He had no choice but to let him go. He took this opportunity to count the number of the cans and sent them to the staff in the film crew as a gift.

That night, Zhao Qingyuan did not resist the temptation and ate another canned yellow peach. As a result, the next day he was lying on the bed with a stomachache, whining all the time and refusing to get up. Yu Qinghuan was angry and almost choked Zhao to death with the stomach medicine.

"I was wrong, Qinghuan," Zhao Qingyuan apologized to him. Although his voice was soft and weak, he did not forget to take out his mobile phone and refresh his Weibo, long forgotten about the decision to quit the internet for a whole day.

"You deserve it.I told you not…" Without finishing his words, Zhao Qingyuan suddenly exclaimed, and struggled to jump off the bed.

It nearly scared the shit out of Yu Qinghuan, "What's wrong with you?"

"Look at this!" Zhao Qingyuan angrily handed the mobile phone to Yu Qinghuan and cursed angrily, "These bloody paparazzi! What the hell are all these gossips!"

Yu Qinghuan looked at the mobile phone, only to find that the scene when Zhao Qingyuan entered his room was filmed! Since the latter was unable to go to the movie set due to illness the next day, the media coverage was simply… wonderful.

[Yu Qinghuan, a man sleeping in the bed of Zhao Qingyuan, the best actor winner!]

[Big news! Zhao Qingyuan sneaked into a handsome rookie's room of the same set late at night and could not even crawl out of bed the next day.]

[Zhao Qingyuan, the best actor winner, had an anal injury, and the 'criminal' turned out to be…]

"Shocked! After he did this, Zhao Qingyuan could not get up from bed crying."


Yu Qing Huan was totally speechless.

The place where they lived now was a three-star hotel close to the filming set. Before the actors moved in, the film crew had already done the clean-up work. So it was very abnormal for those paparazzi to sneak in.

"Fuck those goddamn media!" Zhao Qingyuan's face turned all red with anger and he could not contain his temper at all. "We should find someone to give them a good lesson!"

Yu Qinghuan was afraid that he might lose controle, so he quickly comforted him, "All right, stay calm. I'll ask Director Liu about how to deal with it."

Yu Qinghuan turned to leave. While, Zhao Qing yuan's faint voice sounded behind him just as he gathered pace. "Qinghuan, even if we really did something, you should be the one who cannot crawl out of bed."

Yu Qinghuan took a deep breath, turned around coldly, and hurled a word at Zhao Qingyuan, "Get out!"