Chapter 19: I Wanna Forward a Koi on Weibo

Actually Huo Qu's seat was in the front row, very obvious, but he just couldn't find it. It was almost time that the stewardess started to check the shelf, Huo Qu still hadn't found his own seat.

And it happened that this group of scientists was all unfamiliar to Huo Qu. When they saw that he was walking up and down in the cabin, they thought Huo Qu the genius was thinking something serious, sighing in their hearts that geniuses were really different from common people, and they all said hello to him.

"Hi, Professor Huo!"

"Professor Huo, it's really an honor to meet you!"

"Professor Huo, if…I mean if you have some time, can we talk about something about astrophysics?"

Huo Qu was a good-mannered young man. So whenever someone talked to him, he would stop to nod as a response.

His face was quite deceptive, comely, and also majestic when he was serious. So everyone who passed by didn't notice his predicament.

Finally it was Cheng Ya's father who noticed something ain't no right. He rushed to him and put him back in his own seat.

Actually he saw everything when his daughter was talking to Huo Qu. He didn't plan to let his daughter have a relationship so early. But things would be different if that person was Huo Qu.

Huo was young and handsome physicist with a bright future. Besides, he had a kind heart. He was an ideal candidate for his son-in-law. What was more, Huo Qu's genes could only be seen once in a hundred years. And they would have a baby, maybe it'd be a genius without parallel like Huo Qu!

He had been pampering his imagination all the time, so he didn't stop his daughter picking up a conversation with Huo. But what he hadn't expected was Huo Qu showed no interests in his daughter at all!

Cheng Ya's father peeped at Huo Qu's charming side face. He then rolled his eyes and decided to make good use of his "first come first served" advantage to pocket this good seedling home!

Since his daughter failed, it's OK! He would "take him down" in person!

"Eh-hem! Eh-hem!" Ya's father dry coughed trying to attract Huo Qu's attention. Pity that Huo Qu was totally focused on his phone and ignored him completely!

Before Huo Qu went out, he had learnt from Huo Rong how to send messages again and again. Now he was texting awkwardly according to the tips he wrote on his notebook.

He was sweating all over fearing that he ain't got enough time. But the more anxious he was, the more mistakes he made. He sent out a few messages but all with messy code.

"Professor Huo, are you sending a message?" Ya's father waited on and on and finally could hold it and tried to pick up a talk.

"Hm." Huo Qu responded, still with his head down. Actually his palms were totally wet with sweats.

It was difficult! It was really difficult to send a message!

"Maybe I can help." said Ya's father. After a pause, he dropped his pride and added, "I am an expert on sending messages."

This sentence successfully attracted Huo Qu's attention. He immediately turned around and handed his phone Ya's father seriously, "Sorry to trouble you."

"No trouble! No trouble!" Ya's father, who thought he had left a good impression in Huo Qu's heart, pleasantly took up the phone and promised, "What's the content? Just read it to me. I type super-fast!"

Huo Qu licked his lips and smiled showing a happy dimple on his left face, "OK."

"Professor Huo," Ya's father tried to cotton up with him while typing, "What do you think of my daughter Ya?"

Huo Qu looked at him blandly, totally didn't get what he was trying to say.

Ya's father had also heard a little about Huo Qu, so he knew maybe his question was a little inappropriate and hard for him to comprehend, so he immediately changed another way, "The girl who talked to you is my daughter. What do you think of her?"

Huo Qu, "?"

He still didn't get what Ya��s father was trying to say.

Huo Qu bit his lips looking quite embarrassed. He racked his brain and finally remembered that his second brother had ever said that when someone brought up his kid before you, actually he wanted you to praise his kid.

On thinking of that, Huo Qu patted on Ya's father's shoulder seriously, "Congratulations!"

Ya's father, "…"

Being choked by this word for quite some time, Ya's father nearly sent a wrong message. When he accidentally looked into Huo Qu's anxious eyes, he realized he made a mistake and immediately corrected it.

Ya's father felt really frustrated now.

He just wants a smart son-in-law. Why is it so hard?

Under the urge of anger, he decided not to hide his real intention anymore. He decided to say it directly!

"Professor Huo, my daughter is studying physics in Hua Univ.. Do you have a girlfriend? What about I introduce her to you?" After a pause, he continued with a tempting tone, "And then you can study together and do experiments together. Isn't it a good idea?"

"Why do we have to study together?" asked Huo Qu while looking at Ya's father, confused, "I can do it by myself."

Ya's father, "…"

But he kept brainwashing Huo Qu, "A man and a woman would make a job easier."

"But it's also easy for me to do experiments myself." said Huo Qu innocently.

Ya's father, "…"

Forget it! He decided to give up on this son-in-law-to-be!

It is a proud thing to have a talented son-in-law! But the premise is Huo Qu hasn't driven him crazy and he is still alive before that!

The old man fell into his seat pressing his chest who suddenly understood why some people were destined to be single for the whole life.

While at the filming site, Yu Qinghuan had just finished a group scene.

The battlefield was near a village. Some kids accidentally broke into a minefield, and nearly half of the village was blown up. Peng Cheng played by Yu Qinghuan and Le Chen played by Wang Chengcheng had just got off the plane and directly went for the rescue operation.

Among a bunch of serious and also anxious doctors, Ye Sheng who wore a long face looked quite conspicuous.

And what Yu Qinghuan needed to do was to express such "antipathetic" feeling.

Liu Jia'an was good at full-length shots. And his films were famous for the aesthetic but uncluttered full-length shots. So he was extra strict with the group scenes.

When it finally passed, Yu Qinghuan and others had done NG for four times. So on hearing that Liu Jia'an said yes, everyone felt much relieved.

In this group scene, Yu Qinghuan and Wang Chengcheng were the ML and FL. In order to show that kind of racing against time feeling, they had to keep rushing forward again and again and again, which was quite strength consuming. Yu Qingchuan was OK, but Wang Chengcheng nearly collapsed.

Fortunately Yu Qinghuan supported him, or she would really sit on the ground, which would be embarrassing for an actress.

"Thank you, Yu." After resting for a few seconds holding against the pillar, Wang Chengcheng regained her elegance as usual. She then turned around and gave Yu Qinghuan a soft smile, "You did me another favor."

When before Yu Qinghuan, she never held her head high as a senior, looking quite accommodating.

Yu Qinghuan shook his head, "Chengcheng, don't say that. That's the least I can do."

"Oh come on." Wang Chengcheng smiled, and then put her white and smooth hand over Yu Qinghuan's shoulder, "Last time when Director Liu yelled at me, it is also you who debarrassed me."

Yu Qinghuan was a little startled, and immediately understood what Wang Chengcheng was indicating.

While Liu Jia'an was yelling at her, and she had to stop her part and went back to adjust herself, Yu Qinghuan passed the first shooting and even got praised by Liu Jia'an.

It would have been nothing if he was an experienced actor, but he was an absolute newbie in this circle.

It was kind of like slapping Wang Chengcheng in her face.

"Qinghuan?" On seeing he wasn't talking for quite a while, she waved her hand before his eyes and said gently, "Actually, I am loyal to my friends. I will keep those who have ever helped me in my heart, always."

After a pause, she looked at Yu Qinghuan's eyes smilingly. "So when you got something on mind, you can come to me."

Speaking of which, she patted Yu Qinghuan's shoulder and walked away elegantly.

Watching her walk away gracefully, Yu Qinghuan heaved a sigh in his heart, thinking he had offended Wang Chengcheng to the ground.

He ain't no fool like other newcomers. If he really took Wang Chengcheng as a good friend, he wouldn't even know when he would step on a landmine.

When he was thinking how to deal with her, Yu Xin's penetrating loud voice was heard from behind, "Qing—huan! Qinghuan!"

It was exactly like the way when they won the lottery last time.

"I haven't bought any lottery after that!" thought Yu Qinghuan. At this time, Yu Xin had already run into his face, with his fat symmetrical face shaking regularly.

"Qinghuan!" Holding Qinghuan's hands tightly, Yu Qin raised his eyes and looked at him, "Be it rich or poor, friends should always stick together!"

Yu Qinghuan, "…Human language!"

Yu Xin, "Oh."

Yu Xin, "Tell you what! The Asian principal of Chicly has just contacted me, wanting you to be the spokesman of their dust coat!"

Chicly was a French entry lux that had entered the market of Hua Country these years, targeting those white collars. Though it could not compare with those luxury brands, it had its own style.

And now Chicly wants to cooperate with Yu Qinghuan!

Xin Yun felt like being carried away!

"And I have promised them. I knew you are free tomorrow morning. We're going for the audition then!"

"They…How did you know about me?" Yu Qinghuan was kind of confused. He was only a newcomer who seldom showed his face would be picked by Chicly as their spokesman! Maybe it was because of his good luck after his rebirth, but he couldn't stay poised now.

"Oh, here." Yu Xin clapped his hands, "So I told you you are a lucky dog! One day the Asian principal of Chicly saw your first photo of The Line of Life and Death on Weibo by accident and found you are very suitable for their dust coat, so they want you to have an audition."


After keeping a silent for a while, Yu Qinghuan turned to Yu Xin blandly, "Do you know if there's any temple near here? I want to burn some incense." Then he could beg the heaven to take back his weird good luck!

Actually he didn't have any ambition in the entertainment circle. He just wanted to be an ordinary person. Why is it so hard?

"No, Qinghuan," Yu Xin wailed. "If you still need to burn incense for good luck, what about us?"

After a short pause, he looked at Yu Qinghuan wickedly, like he had known what Qinghuan was up to, "Do you still want to buy lotteries? Count me in this time, huh?"

Yu Qinghuan touched his forehead, "Dude, I won't buy lotteries. So drop it."

"All right," said Yu Xin disappointedly. When he was about to ask more, he suddenly remembered something and stopped, then turned around and held his phone at Yu Qinghuan, "Qinghuan, make a pose!"

Yu Qinghuan immediately adjusted his pose instinctively. After Yu Xin took the photo, he then asked, "What is this for? Chicly asks for it?"

"Of course not." Yu Xin grinned at Yu Qinghuan, and said reasonably, "I want to forward a koi on Weibo using your photo!"

Yu Qinghuan, "…"