Chapter 21: Unless…That Person Is Gay!!!!!!

Huo Qu was extremely anxious and ran with all his potential. He almost flew and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

The fellow scientists were almost scared out of their wits!

They had heard a lot about this young man these days. It was said that he was a man who could get lost the moment he stepped out of his house. Now he even said he wanted to return home alone!

Whether the young man would attend the academic conference or not had become less significant now. It was not worth losing a physics genius with a bright future just for an exchange conference. Besides, they did not want Huo family's anger and complaints afterwards!

What a bad luck!

Those grey-haired old men scolded the one sending message to Huo Qu several hundred times in their hearts and were almost worried to lose their last straws of hairs. People from their delegation, even the young girl Cheng Ya, all went out to look for Huo Qu.

"Use your flexible legs and feet, Ya. Search all the places near the hotel!"

On the plane, Cheng Ya lost her face all because of Huo Qu, so she had been hard on him these days. However, knowing that this was not the time for willfulness, she took her room card and mobile phone and stormed out.

She did not know if she should buy lottery tickets today, because the moment she just walked to the parking lot exit behind the hotel, she had seen Huo Qu. After a long period of mental construction, the little girl finally made up her mind to open her mouth to stop him. However, she saw Huo Qu turn around, and suddenly walked into the parking lot.

Cheng Ya: "?"

What is he doing? Did he find a kind car owner in the underground garage who could take him to the airport?

Cheng Ya wondered in her heart, and followed Huo Qu far behind him. Then… she witnessed the scene that totally refreshed her conceptions…

There was no kind car owner at all! Huo Qu just turned round and round in the parking lot like a headless fly. Finally he felt exhausted and returned to the exit, and then… he looked around doubtfully and got into the parking lot again.

The process repeated for two or three times. Finally, Cheng Ya felt unbearable of standing idle, and she ran over and grabbed him.

"Stop, don't you know you've already made several rounds in the parking lot?"

She thought it was unbelievable. She always listened to her father at home about how excellent Huo Qu was, how many difficult problems he had solved, and how many truths he had discovered. But such a brilliant brain even could not remember the road?

"Is that so?" Huo Qu looked back and stared at the road he had walked by. After a while, he suddenly raised his hand and hit his head hard.

Qinghuan being bullied and needed him very much.

But he could not even find the way to the airport.

After so many years, he was still a useless person, a monster different from everyone else…

"Hey, don't do this to yourself!" Cheng Ya got startled by his action. Although still having resentment with him in her heart, she could not get angry seeing this extremely handsome face.

"Well, then… Go home with me. My dad and everyone else are looking for you. The conference will begin soon."

Going back? Huo Qu chewed the two words repeatedly and then shook his head firmly.

No! He would not go back!

He was going home! To find Qinghuan!

"How could you be so selfish?" Cheng Ya was so furious to stamp her feet, "Do you know how worried my dad and other people are? What are you doing now?"

"I'm going to find Qinghuan…" Huo Qu could not listen to her, slouched and kept mumbling, "Qing Huan was bullied, I'm going to find him…"

Cheng Ya keenly grasped the key word from what he was saying, "Who is Qinghuan?"

"Qinghuan is my best friend." Huo Qu was especially sensitive to these two words, and he replied without hesitation when he heard this.

"Because he was bullied, you didn't even want to attend the meeting and wanted to go back?" Cheng Ya felt a trace of something unusual.


Cheng Ya asked again, "Is Qinghuan a pretty girl?"

"Ah?" Hearing her words, Huo Qu paused, and then shook his head, "Qinghuan is a man."


She just knew it!

No one could resist her charm!

Unless… that person is gay!

"Do you insist on going back?" Believing that she had found out why Huo Qu ignored her, Cheng Ya felt much more comfortable and found Huo Qu more pleasing to the eye, so she asked again.

"Mmm!" Huo Qu nodded vigorously.

"Have you taken your passport and ID card? Have you bought the air ticket? Most importantly, do you know how to get to the airport?"

This series of questions turned Huo Qu's eyes into question marks. He looked blankly at Cheng Ya and did not understand what she meant.

"Forget it," Cheng Ya held her forehead, "let me help you."

Although not knowing why, she felt a little bit excited in helping him…

After hiding Huo Qu in a corner of the street, Cheng Ya sneaked back to the hotel, picked up Huo Qu's luggage, bought him a ticket and took him to the airport.

"Thank you." Before boarding the plane, Huo Qu thanked Cheng Ya politely and praised her sincerely, "You are very capable."

Huo Qu admired Cheng Ya for remembering such a difficult procedure for returning home.

"Have a safe journey. Go!" She asked a person on the same flight to look after him and pushed Huo Qu impatiently into the boarding gate. Looking at Huo Qu's tall and straight back drifting away, she could not help but spat, "Bah! What's the use of his handsome face!"

It turned out he was not into women!

In the film set, Yu Qinghuan had already put on makeup and sat on one side, waiting for his part, the part he played for his audition.

Since the cost of renting the plane was high, the film crew only rented it for three days, during which they had to finish all the scenes that needed the plane, so both Liu Jia'an and the actors felt the great pressure.

While Yu Qinghuan was thinking about the next plot in his heart, Zhao Qingyuan sneaked to his side fromnowhere. He took Yu Qinghuan by the shoulder, tugged at his arm hard, with a disgusting smile, "Are you nervous about acting with me later?"

After the picture in his mind interrupted, Yu Qinghuan glanced at him casually, "Why should I be nervous?"

"No way." Zhao Qingyuan was unwilling to believe it, he walked around to the front, staring at his eyes, "You don't feel nervous acting with such a person like me? You must be lying!"

"What kind of person are you?" Yu Qinghuan asked, "Who chatted with my automatic reply all afternoon? Or someone who cannot get up after eating my canned yellow peaches?"

Yu Qinghuan's voice was like freezing spring water, cold and clear, and usually sounded pleasant. However, his voice could be especially ironic when he said something sarcastically.

Zhao Qingyuan choked on his words, suddenly stood up and looked at Yu Qinghuan condescendingly, "Just wait! I will not go easy on you!"

In the film studio, several cameras were set. Liu Jia'an gestured to the actors to take their places, and he could not wait to say, "Action!"

"I'm not going! Anyone else but not me!" Yu Qinghuan adjusted his mood in an instant. The veins stood out on his forehead and his handsome face twisted. Despite the obstruction of the flight attendants, he rushed at the hatch with all his strength, "Back off! Get out of my way! I want to go back! Let me out!"

"Stop!" Peng Cheng, played by Zhao Qingyuan, came hurrying forward, grabbed his arm and dragged him backwards. "Don't embarrass our hospital here! When you get to the battlefield, you can go wherever you like. Nobody cares!"

"Bullshit!" Ye Sheng looked back at him maliciously, "You think I don't know? I could never go back if I fucking go there! I…"

"Cut!" At this time, Liu Jia'an suddenly told them to stop.

He stared at the frames in the camera and frowned, "Qing Huan's mood was a bit wrong. Adjust it and start it over."

"Okay, Director Liu." Yu Qinghuan apologized and took the water from Yu Xin. He drank it while thinking about what went wrong.

"I think you played quite well," Zhao Qingyuan was a little confused. He squatted beside Yu Qinghuan, recalling the scene just now, and said so.

In fact, Yu Qinghuan's acting skills startled him. If it were not for the familiar face, he even thought he was facing a rival of the same competence rather than a newbie.

Why was Liu Jia'an still unsatisfied?

Liu Jia'an came over when he was still pondering, "Qinghuan should be more intense in his mood," he paused and looked at Zhao Qingyuan, "You are the same, the atmosphere of the acting of you two was tense, but I want to see you two confront each other with daggers."

The two men nodded to digest Liu Jia'an's meaning, and then they rehearsed it again in private. Only then did they signal Liu Jia'an that they could start over.

Unfortunately, this time their performance still failed.

"What the hell was going on?" Zhao Qingyuan was somewhat anxious and grabbed his hair.

He and Qinghuan both played very well and could not see any flaw in the camera. Was Liu Jia'an deliberately messing with them? But no director would make fun of this.

Yu Qinghuan could not answer his question either. He pondered for a long time and did not know what was wrong with him. Finally, he even went to consult Wang Zhensheng.

However, Wang Zhensheng only answered, "Like Director Liu, I also felt something wrong, but I can't tell where. You need to figure it out yourself."

Yu Qinghuan and Zhao Qingyuan tried to figure it out while they were filming. They repeated it a dozen times. At last, Yu Qinghuan was numb to hearing "NG", but they still did not meet the requirements of Liu Jia'an.

They filmed all afternoon. Yu Qinghuan looked exhausted and cold. His whole person looked very tired and his eyes were bloodshot. Not only that, because of the continuous emotional outburst, his voice already hoarse. Yu Xin felt distressed and made him a cup of throat-moistening tea.

"Oh, don't worry, I'm fine." Yu Qinghuan breathed a sigh of relief, only spoke one sentence to Yu Xin, and then fell back into thinking.

Liu Jia'an had always said that his emotions were not intense enough, but he felt that he had already shown enough. Was it necessary to be more exaggerated? No, it was not…

Yu Qinghuan then changed his way of thinking. He thought that the reason why Ye Sheng had a conflict with Peng Cheng was that he did not want to go to the battlefield, while the reason behind it was…

Yu Qinghuan's eyes suddenly beamed with light! He got it! Ye Sheng was afraid of death!

What he was excepted to show was Ye Sheng's fear of death!

No wonder Liu Jia'an always said his mood was wrong!

Fearing that this inspiration would pass away, Yu Qinghuan quickly took the initiative to find Liu Jia'an.

Sure enough, Liu Jia'an did not stop this time, and his performance finally passed.

Yu Qinghuan finally felt relieved and took the down jacket from Yu Xin and put it on. When he was just about to ask Zhao Qingyuan if he would return with him to have a rest, he heard the other party talking on the phone, "Mom? Why are you calling me so late? Me? I'm filming. Of course I'm tired. I'll go back to rest right away. No, do not come. I'm losing weight. I can't eat anything you send to me…"

Zhao Qingyuan was garrulous, mincing and capricious, which was the exclusive right of the children who watered by love.

Yu Qinghuan's eyes gradually dimmed. He took a deep breath and turned to Yu Xin. "Dude, let's go home."

Yu Xin saw that his face was not quite right, and finally he did not refrain from asking him, "Qinghuan, are you angry with Director Liu? Hey, why did you suddenly become narrow-minded? Don't be angry, just show yourself well next time."

Yu Qinghuan let out an "Emm", and withdrew his uncontrollably envious eyes casting on Zhao Qingyuan.

The author has something to say:

Huo Qu: Let me go! I want to return home to help Qinghuan!

Cheng Ya: I bet you cannot even walk out of the parking lot, huh…