Chapter 37: “Qinghuan, You Are Lying to Me!”

Long after Zhao Rui had gone, Yu Xin still kept blaming himself.

Sitting down and getting up, sitting down and getting up, he kept spinning in the room restlessly, and then he asked Yu Qinghuan, "Qinghuan, am I too cold-blooded? Urgh…do you think whether I should give him a call to apologize?"

He never expected Orange was adapted from Zhao Rui's personal experience. He thought Zhao Rui was pretending to be a decadent man to catch up with the trend. If he had known about this earlier, he would never make jokes on his painful memory.

"It's OK," Yu Qinghuan comforted him, "you weren't on purpose. Zhao Rui wouldn't put it on mind."

After a pause, seeing Yu Xin's face was still written with guilt, he then said, "If this is really something he can never touch, he would never adapt it to a script and even shoot it into a film."

This immediately brightened Yu Xin, "You are right. I'm really so silly."

Yu Qinghuan poured him a glass of hot water, pushed it to his side, then tried to skip this topic, "Ge, go find me a dietician. I wanna lose some weight."

"Qinghuan, are you really gonna do it?" Yu Xin was still a bit worried, "We still have no idea whether it could be released."

Since the Orange crew was short of money, and they would start shooting next week, Yu Qinghuan really had no much time. To lose so much weight in such a short time would bring irreparable damage to his body.

Yu Xin heaved a sigh. If possible, he really didn't want Yu Qinghuan to hurt himself for a movie.

"I know what I am doing. I won't lose too much weight." Yu Qinghuan patted the tea table, saying while still thinking, "In the former half of the month, it wouldn't be so strict with my image. So it reserves me three weeks' time, during which I plan to lose eight jin. It should be no big problem."

Yu Qinghuan actually was already pretty thin. If he could lose another eight jin, it would very obvious. With the help of special effects makeup, it would be enough for him to play Zhao Qingping.

He made a pause, then turned to Yu Xin and said with a serious tone, "Ge, since I already decided to take it, I should be responsible for it."

"OK." Since he had already made up his mind, Yu Xin knew it was no use arguing. He then went to find him the dietician.

Yu Qinghuan meant to stay with Zhao Rui for a few days before the shooting, so he could have a better understanding of the script and his own role. But Ada's call ruined his plan.

Because of the incident about Shen Ji, Yu Qinghuan was still hot on the internet. So Evenson decided to strike while the iron is hot, to release the news that Yu Qinghuan would be the new spokesman of their abstinent series watch ahead of schedule.

Thus, Yu Qinghuan had to lay down everything at hands and went to shoot the commercial for Ada first.

Fortunately Ada had worked in extra hours to work out the commercial project. Thanks to the experience in his previous life, when facing the camera, Yu Qinghuan performed pretty good, which even won the cameraman's praises.

Only two days, the commercial had been finished and was released on Ada's official Weibo in the first place.

In the first photo, Yu Qinghuan wore a total black suit. His hand rose slightly, perfectly exposing the watch with silvery white watch-face around his wrist. That kind of breathtaking beauty of white and black weaving together could catch one's eyes on the first sight.

In the second photo, he sat on a dark sofa, wearing a crimson shirt few people would wear in commercials. He put his hand wearing the watch on his chin that was slightly raised. He looked both abstinent and noble.

After seeing those photos, all those netizens were amazed and praising his pretty face.

[My god! I am dead! How could Qinghuan's wrist be so pretty?! Ah!!! And the watch is also pretty!]

[Ah!!! It kills me! I decide to buy one for my boyfriend! So damn pretty! Don't you feel that you have that kind of indescribable impulse on Yu Qinghuan wearing that watch?]

"So goddamn cool!! I have been not so into Ada's products! I always think their design is too mature and dense. But this time it Amwayed me! I got hooked!]

[Wow! Wow! Wow! The price of this series is pretty beautiful! Eating a month's instant noodles, maybe I can afford one! But I 've got a question! Will they offer Qinghuan's poster if I buy a watch? I'll buy one if they do.]

[Totally agreed.]

While the netizens were heatedly discussing about Yu Qinghuan's commercial, Fang Zhongxi in the hotel smashed his mobile phone on the floor. He glared at Evenson, "You tricked me?!"

Fang Zhongxi had a bland face. Now his eyes turning red, and he looked very wronged but still held it there, which immediately turned Evenson on. It seemed that he didn't see Fang Zhongxi's angry eyes at all. He stretched out a hand and pulled him into his arms. He then teased by his ears, "Baby, you mistake me. I have never promised you anything."

Evenson was a total playboy. For him, all is fish that comes to the net. Even he himself had no idea how many men he had slept with. But no one had ever been so attractive to him like Fang Zhongxi. He even thought he was pretty even when he lost his temper.

"Fuck off!" Fang Zhongxi pushed him away hard. He then had a hard bite of the tip of his tongue to prevent himself from breaking down, "Evenson, you will get your karma!"

Now the smile on Evenson's face was totally gone, not because of his curse, but the disgusting expression on his face.

He knew that Fang Zhongxi was not into men and even often insulted him on this when doing it.

Straight? So what? He was still his toy in bed!

As for how Fang Zhongxi felt, he didn't give it a shit at all. It was only a moment's joy. After it, they were total strangers.

But now when Fang Zhongxi looked him with that expression, Evenson suddenly felt chest stuffiness. He could barely breathe.

"Who gave you the guts?" He pinched Fang Zhongxi's chin hard, "You are just a whore."

Fang Zhongxi's body shivered. After quite a while, he brushed Evenson's hand off and said coldly, "You said I am a whore? Did you pay me? I whored the design director of Ada. I'm so goddamn lucky!"

Then he turned around and was about to leave.

The moment he took a step, Evenson grabbed his wrist. His voice sounded calm, but mixed with undisguised anger, "Where are you going?"

"Of course I'm gonna find someone who would afford to pay me!"

Evenson sneered, "You are really a bitch! You can't live without men for even one day! Well, you don't have to. Don't you want the endorsement of Chirly's windbreaker series? Stay with me for another month and I can get it for you. What do you say?"

"Are you taking me as a fool? They have already nailed their spokesman?" Fang Zhongxi swung his wrist, trying to get rid of him, but failed. He then said while panting, "You wanna trick me again? No way!"

"Trust me!" said Evenson with a deep voice, "I chose Yu Qinghuan as the spokesman of our watch is because I owe Huo Rong. As for Chicly, if you want it, it is yours. Just a lousy brand. Only someone like you would want it so badly."

Huo Rong!?

Fang Zhongxi's whole body shook. No wonder Ada would choose Yu Qinghuan! So it was Huo Rong behind him!

Isn't Yu Qinghuan pure and lofty? Doesn't he look down on him? Actually they have no difference!

But, why is he always so lucky? Now he even rode on Huo Rong's coattails! While he himself…he looked at Evenson right before his eyes! Why would he have to sell his ass to this idiot?

"So what do you say?" asked Evenson disdainfully while rotating the mobile phone in his hand casually.

Fang Zhongxi then closed his eyes. He wanted to slap Evenson right in the face and then get out of here. But…he can't.

After a short silence, he heard his own quiet but strange voice, "I agree."

Yu Qinghuan had no idea what was going on under the table. His recipe had been set. So these days he had to lose weight strictly following the requirements on it.

Every time Yu Xin saw him eat such little food, he felt like Yu Qinghuan was self-abusing

Yu Qinghuan was only in his twenties when he had enormous appetite. But he only ate so little every meal, even a saint couldn't bear it. What he couldn't think through was Orange was special-interest everybody could tell. Even it was lucky enough to be released, few people would go to the theatre to watch it.

Life is already a mess in reality. No one doesn't want to relax in the theater. How would they choose such a depressive movie? For such a movie that was an absolute failure, is it really worth it?

"Eat some more," Yu Xin pushed his own food before him. He knew the dietician made the recipe for him, there would be no problem. But he still couldn't bear it, "If you keep on like this, you would already break down before the shooting. It doesn't matter to eat some more for one or two meals."

Yu Qinghuan didn't even look at those delicate dishes. He just kept digging his own salad, and said, "No need. Ge, you eat. I'm fine."

Before Yu Qinghuan, Yu Xin had never seen a celebrity who had such strict self-control. They knew that they would look terrible in the camera if they were fat, but they still couldn't control their mouths.

Only Yu Qinghuan kept his own words and did what he said, no discount!

Sometimes one would also feel quite worried if his own kid was too dependent from him.

Yu Xin heaved a sigh. He raised his head to catch a glimpse of Yu Qinghuan who already became thinner, and took those dishes to another room.

On the fifth dieting day, Yu Qinghuan joined the shooting crew. Zhao Rui was really short of money. Such a low budget movie Orange was already a heavy burden for him. Yu Qinghuan's remuneration of 850 thousand was already his limit.

All the facilities were very simple and Zhao Rui also had to wear many hats. Even the place they lived in was only some simple wooden makeshift houses built near the construction site.

"Oh my god!" Seeing rows of low and shabby wooden makeshift houses, Yu Xin jumped while patting his own forehead.

This Zhao Rui really knew how to save money! He even suspected that whether Zhao Rui would ask those actors to prepare tents themselves if it had been summer now. So they could directly sleep on the filming site!

"Qinghuan, come here." Yu Xin cleaned Yu Qinghuan's room roughly. He even had no time to clear up the luggage, but plugged in the electric blanket and said to Yu Qinghuan, "Get in bed to warm yourself. This place is…"

Before he finished his words, the thin wooden door was blown open by the strong north wind, and, "bang", it fell on his back.

The piercingly cold air immediately burst into the room. Yu Xin couldn't help trembling. Having no time to care about his own back, he quickly turned around to shut the door while chattering, "This is horrible! This is horrible…"

"Zhao Rui wants to see me later," Yu Qinghuan shook his head, then put on that pair of gloves Huo Qu sent him and said, "Ge , you go back later. There won't be too many things to take care of here. Doesn't my house need decorations? You take care of it for me."

"All right. Then I gotta go. Call me if you need me." Yu Xin knew Yu Qinghuan didn't want him to suffer here with him. So he accepted his good intention and drove his second-hand Audi to leave.

After sending away Yu Xin, Yu Qinghuan planned to go to the filming site and look around. He met Zhao Rui at a corner, who looked in a good mood today because there was a big smile on his face which was rarely seen. Maybe because he hadn't smiled for too long, it was kind stiff, giving one goose bumps.

"Brother Rui," Yu Qinghuan said hello. When he was about to say something, he saw a little girl behind him. She was totally covered behind Zhao Rui, so Yu Qinghuan didn't see her.

This little girl looked about 6 or 7 years old, big eyes, curled hair, wearing a pink down jacket, so pretty like an angel.

Yu Qinghuan immediately guessed it should be his little sister in the movie.

Zhao Rui nodded as a response. Then he took a step back and introduced, "This is Wang Ruirui. She is playing Zhao Qing'an."

Then he turned to Wang Ruirui and his voice also became soft. He pointed at Yu Qinghuan, "This is Yu Qinghuan. He is playing your elder brother Zhao Qingping in the movie."

"Hi, Ruirui. I'm Yu Qinghuan. You can call me brother Qinghuan." Yu Qinghuan moved forward and squatted down before the little girl.

It seemed Wang Ruirui was a little afraid of Zhao Rui, because she looked a little tense. But when facing Yu Qinghuan's handsome smiling face, she loosened up a lot and even smiled at Yu Qinghuan, "Brother Qinghuan."

The little girls' voice was soft and cute, with that pair of big and watery eyes blinking at Yu Qinghuan, which immediately melted Yu Qinghuan's heart.

He couldn't help stretching out a hand to rub her downy hat, "Are you cold? Where is your room? I can take you there."

"She lives in the hotel over there." Before Wang Ruirui answered him, Zhao Rui cut in, "She is too small. She can't live in the wooden house."

"Yeah, a right decision." Yu Qinghuan nodded, showing he totally understood. Then he got up and wanted to send Zhao Ruirui to her room with Zhao Rui, but Zhao Rui turned him down, "I can do it by myself."

Before Yu Qinghuan had any response, Zhao Rui already walked away holding Wang Ruirui's hand.

It seemed Wang Ruirui really wanted to stay a bit longer with Yu Qinghuan. But seeing Zhao Rui's darkened face, she dare not say anything but went away with him.

Watching the two gradually fade away, Yu Qinghuan heaved a sigh.

Apparently Zhao Rui was sensitive of him trying to get close to Wang Ruirui. Maybe because his little sister's thing had left him tremendous psychological shadow, he was guarding against every grown man trying to get close with a little girl.

Yu Qinghuan was not mad at it. He just felt sorry for him.

He only hoped that Zhao Rui could finish this movie to fulfill his wish, then walk out of the shadows and live a normal life.

The second day Yu Qinghuan joined the crew, the movie started shooting, and everything went unexpected smooth.

Everyone could tell Wang Ruirui liked Yu Qinghuan. Even though Zhao Rui never allowed her to be with Yu Qinghuan alone, she still went to Yu Qinghuan's side often whenever she got a chance.

As result, when shooting, she really performed that kind of feeling a little sister to her elder brother, which was kind of happy surprise.

Yu Qinghuan also liked Wang Ruirui. Although this little girl was young, she had acted in quite a few movies. So her acting skills were really not bad. The more precious thing was she also had good personalities. Even under such rough conditions, she never complained but only did whatever the director asked her to.

When there wasn't her part, she would sit beside quietly, reading some fairy tale books or staring blandly alone.

The only time she cried was that she fell over herself and shed some tears due the huge pains.

After a whole day's shooting, Zhao Rui sent Wang Ruirui back to the hotel himself and then came back to pack the equipment.

Instead of going back to his own room, Yu Qinghuan stayed to act as his assistant.

"Brother Rui, what is Ruirui's situation? She is out shooting a movie at such a young age. Why is there no one around taking care of her?"

Seeing Zhao Rui stop smoking, Yu Qinghuan finally couldn't hold it and ask the question which had confused him for a few days.

On hearing him, Zhao Rui took a heavy puff of the smoke and snorted, "The day she joined the crew, her mother already couldn't wait discarding her to me."

It turned out not long after Wang Ruirui was born, her parents got divorced and soon had their own new families.

As for wang ruirui, both sides don't want her, and they kicked her from one side to the other like a football. The reason Wang Ruirui came out shooting movies was mostly because her parents thought they could both make some money and stay away from their daughter.

"Those scumbags!" swore Zhao Rui sullenly while gnashing the cigar.

After hearing him, Yu Qinghuan also felt awful. They brought the kid into this world themselves. How could they do this to her? What's more, Wang Ruirui is so obedient and thoughtful.

Sometimes this world is really cruel. He always wanted an intact family, while some didn't cherish it at all when they owned it.

Since something was on his mind, after Yu Qinghuan fell asleep, he had a bizarre dream that night. Early the next morning, after washing his face with some cold water, he then came to himself.

When he arrived at the shooting site, Zhao Rui was adjusting the monitor, while Wang Ruirui sat behind him, head lowered like she was thinking something.

Yu Qinghuan noticed the little girl was a little down. So he went to her side and asked gently, "Ruirui, have you had breakfast?"

Wang Ruirui nodded, still didn't raise her head.

"What is it?" Yu Qinghuan stretched out a hand and pushed the bangs covering her eyes aside over her hat, "Why bullies our little princess?"

"Brother Qinghuan," Wang Ruirui sniffed and asked him with a very low voice, eyes red, "Am I very annoying?"

"Of course not," Yu Qinghuan took out a White Rabbit (a candy brand), and removed the wrappers for her, "Ruirui is pretty and smart, and has wonderful acting skills. We all like you. How could you be annoying?"

"But why neither my dad nor my mom wants me…" Wang Ruirui bit her lips, tears rustling down, "They only like my little brother…"

Yu Qinghuan heaved a sigh, saying while wiping the tears for her, "Don't cry, or you won't look pretty." Then he held her up and put her on his knee, saying gently, "It's not your problem. Sometimes adults will also do some stupid things. Like Snow White you watched yesterday. There are also some people who don't like her. But you can't say she is not pretty or not kindhearted, right?"

"Mmm." Wang Ruirui nodded heavily and finally melted into smiles. She then slipped into Yu Qinghuan's arms like a little bird and said, "Brother Qinghuan, you are really nice."

What an easily satisfied kid! Yu Qinghuan gently stroked her little head, feeling pitiful for her.

Zhao Rui didn't give Yu Qinghuan much time to prepare. Soon he handed today's schedule to Yu Qinghuan and started to shoot one scene after another.

Yu Qinghua was the male lead, so his shooting intensity was heavy. Seeing him nearly exhausted, even the working staff beside felt sorry for him. But Zhao Rui showed no mercy. He just shot as scheduled, leaving him no time to rest.

Everyone in the crew was afraid of him. So no one dared to persuade him. Except Zhao Ruirui, Zhao Ruirui always wore that long face.

Wang Ruirui was a precocious kid. Soon she noticed Zhao Rui looked horrible but actually doted on her and was always at her beck and call.

Seeing Yu Qinghuan's face turn a little pale due to exhaustion, the little girl made an excuse saying she was tired and timidly asked Zhao Rui whether she could take some rest.

"OK." Zhao Rui didn't see her through, so he immediately agreed, forcing a stiff smile at her.

"Thank you, uncle Zhao." After thanking him, the little girl immediately ran to Yu Qinghuan. She looked up at him, asked with a caring tone, "Brother Qinghuan, are you exhausted?"

"No." Yu Qinghuan squatted down and looked at her gently, "Our little princess is so sweet."

Wang Ruirui pursed her lips and then smiled shyly.

Such a good kid! How could her parents be so coldhearted to abandon her?

He thought he should be good to this kid, even it was only one and half months.

As Zhao Rui said, it was really a 'short' break. Yu Qinghuan took a break and started the shooting again.

In the movie Orange, his part took up as much as about 70%. So under the whole crew's sympathetic eyes, he became the poorest person.

After a whole day's shooting, Yu Qinghuan returned to his icehouse-like room. After taking a bath, he plunged into his bed and was about to sleep. But right after he closed his eyes, the phone rang.

He struggled to stretch out a hand to get his phone, "Qingyuan?"

At the other end of the phone, Zhao Qingyuan's voiced sounded extremely exciting. He was like a Husky that had been locked up for too long and finally had a chance to go out for a walk, "Qinghuan! My movie is wrapped up finally! Are you home? I'm going to your place now!"

"I just received a new movie." Yu Qinghuan sat up, trying to make himself sound not so exhausting, "I'm at the filming site."

"Fuck!" Zhao Qingyuan couldn't help swearing, "You are fast! Where do you shoot the movie? I'll go visit you."

After telling him the site, Yu Qinghuan added, "Don't you come. The condition here is not so good. There's even no place to sleep."

Zhao Qingyuan thought he was making an excuse not to let him come, so he was very unhappy and questioned him instead, "Then where do you live?"

Yu Qinghuan rubbed his frontalis and explained, "I am now sleeping in the shack of a construction site, shabby and pretty cold, are you still coming?"

He thought Zhao Qingyuan would give up on hearing it. But instead, he said excitedly, "A shack? I have never seen one! You triggered my curiosity. Wait for me! I'm going tomorrow."

Yu Qinghuan, "…"

Never mind! As long as he is happy.

The he said to Yu Qinghuan, "Bring me something when you come." After thinking for a while, he continued, "Buy two headbands for me, I mean the cute kind."

For a normal person, one could tell Yu Qinghuan would want to send them to someone as a gift. But it happened Zhao Qingyuan's brain circuits were different form a normal person. On hearing that, he thought Yu Qinghuan wanted them for his own use.

After a few seconds' silence, he tried to confirm, "You want headbands? Aren't they for girls?"

"Mm." Yu Qinghuan felt a little confused by his question. Shouldn't only girls use headbands? Does he have to ask again to confirm?

"OK. Got it." Zhao Qingyuan thought he really didn't understand those gays. Why would they use headbands? But still he promised with a kind of mixed feeling, "You can count on me. I will definitely pick the cutest ones."

After hanging up, he patted his chest and screamed like he saw a ghost, "My god! I never expected Qinghuan has such a special hobby."

The next day Zhao Qingyuan got up early in the morning. He first went to the company to deal with some trivial things and then went to buy headbands for Yu Qinghuan. But not long after he went out, he came across Huo Rong.

Huo Rong was speaking on the phone, looking a little embarrassed, "I'm going abroad later. I don't have time. If he really wants to see Yu Qinghuan, let the bodyguard send him. It's OK, mom. He won't get lost…"

Zhao Qingyuan moved forward and patted his shoulder. Huo Rong thought he got something, so he covered the receiver and turned to him, "What is it, Qingyuan?"

"Your little brother is going to see Qinghuan?"

Seeing Huo Rong nod, Zhao Qingyuan continued, "What a coincidence! I'm also going to Qinghuan's place later. What I about I give him a ride? So you parents would feel eased."

"I will be more worried if you drive him!" thought Huo Rong in his heart.

But he can't turn down his kindness directly. So he could only say, "OK. You can go pick him up at home later. Call me in the first place if there is anything." After thinking he might be still on the plane at that time, he added, "You can also call Qinghuan."

"I know." Zhao Qingyuan bragged, "You can count on me!"

When Zhao Qingyuan arrived at the filming site with Huo Qu, Yu Qinghuan just finished a scene and was restoring his strength leaning against a wall. On seeing him, Zhao Qinghuan popped his eyes out, "Oh my god! Qinghuan! How could you become so fucking slim?"

Yu Qinghuan, "…"

He knew he was slim now. But where did the 'fucking slim' come from?

Zhao Qingyuan's face was very conspicuous, plus his iconic loud voice. Now the whole crew knew he came to visit Qinghuan. Everyone looked super excited. Some even tried to get close to him. Yu Qinghuan could only bring the two of them back to his little shack.

Since Huo Qu was here, he didn't say a word. Yu Qinghuan noticed he was a little abnormal. So he walked before him and asked, "Huo Qu, are you ok? Not in the mood?"

Huo Qu pursed his lips, and looked at Yu Qinghuan who was so slim that only a gust of wind would blow him down. He said, "Qinghuan." He carefully touched Yu Qinghuan's fingers and asked, "Are you sick? How come you are so slim?"

"No, don't listen to Zhao Qingyuan's nonsense." Yu Qinghuan was afraid he might not understand if he explained too much, so he made an excuse, "This is the special effect of makeups. I'm neither slim nor sick."

"No, you become thinner." Huo Qu shook his head, stressed while staring at Yu Qinghuan, "much thinner."

This person became harder and harder to fool, Yu Qinghuan sighed in his heart. But still he stayed calm and collected, "I'm not. I…"

Before he finished his words, Huo Qu suddenly bent over.

When Yu Qinghuan was wondering what he was doing, the next second Huo Qu directly gave him a Princess hug.

"You are thinner, a lot thinner than last time." Huo Qu said affirmatively after weighing him with his hands.

He then lowered his head, staring at Yu Qinghuan, "Qinghuan, you are lying to me."

Yu Qinghuan felt a little guilty under the staring of his pair of bright and innocent eyes.

"Put me down!" He moved his body and acted tough to order him.

"No!" Huo Qu turned him down blandly, "Unless you tell me the truth."

But…Yu Qinghuan touched his forehead. When he was thinking how to make him understand, suddenly he felt something ain't no right…

"Wait! You said last time? What does it mean? When is the last time you held me like this?"

The next second he saw Huo Qu's face slowly turned all red.