Chapter 39: Finally! He Is Not Alone!

So, all the foreshadowing is only for this last appealing?

Yu Qinghuan squinted at Huo Qu, thinking, "Since when this person has learnt to be so cunning?"

He hummed and then flipped slightly on Huo Qu's forehead and said, "No."

Huo Qu never expected Yu Qinghuan would deny it. For a moment he got dumbfounded and completely had no idea what to do next.

His eyes wide open, filled with shocking and unbelieving in the black pupils, making him both silly and adorable.

Yu Qinghuan couldn't help but tease him a bit. So he kicked him under the quilt, and said lazily, "What? Is there any problem?"

Huo Qu's face reddened all over. He opened his mouth, wanting to say something, but didn't know where to start.

"It serves you right." Yu Qinghuan snickered, "Will you tell a lie again? Let me tell you…"

Before he finished his words, a 37° warm body pounced at him, rudely swamping down on him.

"Huo Qu, what are you doing?" Yu Qinghuan could barely breathe, so he tried to push him away.

But the harder he struggled, the tighter Huo Qu held him.

Yu Qinghuan just had a bath, only wearing a thin shirt. The warmth of Huo Qu's body was transmitted onto his through that thin layer of cloth, like a tiny kindling instantly igniting a big fire inside his body, crackling, nearly having burnt his sense away.

Yu Qinghuan was into men, and Huo Qu absolutely met all his aesthetical standard, plus he was only in his twenties…His breaths immediately became quite heavy…

"Huo Qu, get up." Yu Qinghuan tilted his head slightly and said to him, panting, "Be good."

Huo Qu didn't respond like he didn't hear him at all, still burying his head in Yu Qinghuan's neck, rubbing like a cat.

When Huo Qu's soft hair gently swept his sensitive skin, Yu Qinghuan felt numb in the scalp and nearly couldn't control himself and do some nasty thing. Having no choice, he could only use outflanking tactics, "This is not the right way to hug. Get off me. I will teach you."

"No!" said Huo Qu sullenly, but also firmly to express his determination.

Yu Qinghuan, "Huo Qu, are you trying to piss me off?"

Huo Qu shook his head, saying nothing.

It really have Yu Qinghuan a big headache! What is wrong with Huo Qu today? If he had known he would be like this, Yu Qinghuan would never tease me. Anyway he wouldn't lose a pound of flesh giving him a hug!

He sighed and stretched out his hand to stroke Huo Qu's hair.. Huo Qu thought he still wanted to push him away, so he directly held his hand in the air and pressed his hand on the bed, ten fingers clasped.

Yu Qinghuan pretended to be angry, "Are you trying to suffocate me?"

"No, I'm not." retorted Huo Qu, aggrieved.

"Then why don't you get off me?"

"I just…I just want to hug you."

After a pause, Yu Qinghuan laughed in spite of himself, "How can you hug me like this? Be good. Get off me first."

Huo Qu still shook his head. While he was speaking, Huo Qu's wet lips skimmed over Yu Qinghuan's skin gently, giving him a wave of shudder. Yu Qinghuan's corner of his eyes slightly reddened. When he raised his chin and meant to say something, Huo Qu's pitiable voice sounded, "Qinghuan, don't you want me to hug you?"

Yu Qinghuan pretended to be angry and said, "No, I don't."

He thought he could 'bully' Huo Qu this time, but on the contrary, Huo Qu's voice became astoundingly joyful, "I know! No is yes, right? Qinghuan, I knew it!"

Yu Qinghuan, "…"

Suddenly he felt that he had dug a pit for himself, and then buried himself in, and finally stepped on to consolidate it.

Having stayed with Yu Qinghuan for a few days, Huo Qu had to go back to work since the holiday ended. Finally he got picked up by Huo Zheng.

After informing Zhao Rui, Yu Qinghuan went out to see them off.

"Come to our place this Spring Festival." Huo Zheng suddenly invited him, "My parents both appreciate your favor and want to see you."

Yu Qinghuan was a little surprised and then shook his head, saying, "Please tell uncle and auntie, thank you for inviting me." He then pointed at Zhao Rui wearing a long face not far away, and said smilingly, "I'm afraid I'm gonna spend my Spring Festival here in the crew, otherwise Director Zhao will flip out."

Spring Festival is a big occasion. However harsh Zhao Rui is, he couldn't forbid the actors having a family reunion dinner. As smart as Huo Zheng was, he immediately understood Yu Qinghuan was excusing himself from their invitation.

He couldn't expose him, so he just gave Yu Qinghuan a meaningful look and said, "All right then. Come visit us when you have time. Our gate is always open for you."

"All right." Yu Qinghuan nodded. After Huo Zheng got into the car, he then waved his hand at Huo Qu who was staring at him through the window and went back.

"Your little kid has gone?" Seeing him come back, Zhao Rui snorted, with a cigar in his mouth.

He had a severe craving for cigarettes. The cigars were almost never off his fingers, unless Wang Ruirui was around.

Yu Qinghuan couldn't help but persuade him, "Smoke less."

"It's fine. Everybody dies." Zhao Rui then threw the butt into the trash can unconcernedly, still looking gloomy, "Hurry up! We are too slow these days."

Yu Qinghuan sighed and then followed him to work.

Last time when Zhao Rui was digging his wallet, he dropped a picture out of it. Yu Qinghuan picked it up for him and saw a little girl in it.

About 7 or 8 years old, round face, round eyes, smiling like a little sun, very cute. He immediately guessed it should be Zhao Rui's late little sister.

The little girl looked somewhat like Wang Ruirui, which was why Zhao Ruirui treated Wang Ruirui specially.

He saw that Zhao Rui wore a rather stiff smile at Wang Ruirui and felt sore in his heart.

In the next few days, Zhao Rui felt like he was possessed by Zhou Bapi (a landlord in Chinese fable who tries to drain his laborers. In ancient China, when the cock crows, it means it's dawn, so the laborers have to get up to work. So Zhou Bapi would pretend to crow like a cock even earlier than the cock, so his laborers have to wake up to work ever earlier.) He wished that he could shoot 24/7. As young and energetic as Yu Qinghuan, he nearly couldn't hold it.

In the film crew, everyone had got dark circles under their eyes caused by lack of sleep and complained a lot. However, this kind of complaint reached to its peak when hearing the sound of firecrackers set off by the villagers nearby.

They were on the outskirts of the city, next to a small village.

In villages there was no firecracker control. Only after 23th of the twelfth lunar month, be it adults or kids, people all began to set off fireworks to celebrate.

The deafening sound of firecrackers brought a strong atmosphere of the Spring Festival and the whole crew already had no heart to work. But after some people who tried to ask for a leave got told off by Zhao Rui, no one dare ask a leave then.

In the morning on lunar December 30th, they shot a scene taking advantage of the morning sun. When everyone cleared up the props and was preparing for the next scene, ZhaoRui suddenly said, "Today and tomorrow, two days off. You can go."

Some froze there, jaws dropped, some dropped the props accidentally, and some even thought they got phonism.

On seeing that, Zhao Rui snorted, "Anyone who doesn't want to go home could stay and keep working."

Hardly had his voice faded away, all the crew fled helter-skelter, even fast than the rabbits, like the director would go back on his words the next second.

Zhao Rui lowered his eyes, took out a cigarette, put it in his mouth, then picked up his phone and made a call, voice cold and rough, "We have two days off for the Spring Festival. When are you coming to pick Wang Ruirui home?"

No one knew what the person on the other side of the phone said, Zhao Rui's face suddenly grew livid. When he was about to say something more, the other side already hung up.

He took a deep breath and dialed another number, but only got busy tone.

"Fuck! Son of a bitch!" Zhao Rui cursed, even his hands trembling. After quite a while, he lit the cigarette in his mouth.

"Ruirui's parents won't come pick her home?" Yu Qinghuan was standing beside. So he could tell what was happening through his performance.

"Hm." Zhao Rui responded, and then said, "They asked Ruirui to stay in the crew. If everyone was gone, she got to stay with me!" He then swore angrily, "These two assholes!"

They just entrusted their daughter to a stranger they only met for once. They never considered whether this person had special hobbies, whether this person would abuse their daughter, whether this person would be good to their daughter. How could such irresponsible parents ever exist in this world?

Otherwise his little sister wouldn't have died at such an early age!

ZhaoRui held the phone tightly, eyes as

"Brother Qinghuan," Not far away, Wang Ruirui put down the book and called him with a very sweet voice, on her head was still wearing the headband he bought for her.

Yu Qinghuan felt sour in his heart. He couldn't help but said to Zhao Rui, "Brother Rui, if you got things to do, I can spend the festival with Ruirui."

Zhao Rui looked up at him, "Won't you go home?"

Yu Qinghuan said lightly, "I am all alone. So it's all the same where to spend it."

Zhao Rui lowered his eyes and didn't say a word, so Yu Qinghuan had no idea whether he agreed or not.

When it was noon, almost everyone was gone. Even the delivery man came to tell them no service on the Lunar New Year's Eve and Day. So now only the three of them were left.

Wang Ruirui seemed to sense something. The little girl lowered her head, eyes reddened, afraid that she would be left alone. Instead of acting afraid of Zhao Rui as before, she followed him closely and even dare not make sound of her steps.

It made Yu Qinghuan's heart ache. Ignoring whether Zhao Rui agreed or not, he held up the little girl and walked to his own shack, "Ruirui, let's spend the Spring Festival together, OK? I feel so lonely myself."

The little girl immediately widened her eyes, with tears in them, "Brother Qinghuan, are you also alone?"

"Hm." Yu Qinghuan gently stroke her curling hair, "So I need your company. Will you agree?"

"Yes, yes, of course!" The little girl nodded hard and then held Yu Qinghuan around his neck and turned tears into smiles.

Yu Qinghuan went to the store in the village and bought some meat and vegetables, wanting to prepare a hearty New Year's Eve dinner for Wang Ruirui.

There was no gas in his shack, but only an induction cooker which he could make do with.

From afternoon till evening, Yu Qinghuan finally prepared eight delicate and tasteful dishes.

"Brother Qinghuan, you are awesome!" looking at a full desk of dishes, Wang Ruirui's eyes were full of admiration.

"This is your reward for accompanying me." Yu Qinghuan smiled, put the little girl on the stool beside the table, and handed her a pair of chopsticks, saying gently, "Have a try. See if you like them."

"You eat first, brother Qinghuan," Wang Ruirui shook her head, smiling shyly, and muttered, "I like any dish you make."

The child is really too sensible, which nearly melted Yu Qinghuan's heart. He only thought that if he himself could have such a little daughter, he would pick up a star even at the cost of his life only if she wants it!

When he sat beside Wang Ruirui and was about to eat, the door was pushed open, a chill mixed up with snowflakes poured in. Yu Qinghuan raised his head and saw it was Zhao Rui.

He had two bottle of Red Star Erguotou (a brand of Chinese wine). He put them on the desk and sat on the opposite side of Yu Qinghuan.

Of course Yu Qinghuan prepared his share when he cooked. So since he came, he didn't say a word, only passed him a pair of chopsticks.

Zhao Rui opened his mouth, like he wanted to say thank you, but he felt like his throat got stuck and he couldn't make a sound. Finally, he just shut his mouth, wiped the cup he brought with him with his clothes and poured a cup of wine for Yu Qinghuan.

On New Year's eve, three people crowded in small shack, circling around a short desk to have their reunion dinner. Under the warm yellow light, two tall men hunched down, picked dishes for the little girl now and then, receiving the little girl's sweet sweet smile as their bonus.

No fancy restaurant, no exquisite dishes.

But Yu Qinghuan thought this was the best Spring Festival he had spent in the past over ten years.

Finally, he is not alone!