Chapter 41: Koi Sect That Swept Whole Weibo

As soon as the Spring Festival was over, the film crew of Orange began to get busy again.

It seemed that Zhao Rui wanted to speed up the filming and finish it in the first month of the lunar calendar. He not only rearranged the schedule, but also hired a few more staffs, which was epoch-making for him.

"Brother Rui, I'd like to ask for a leave tomorrow." On the evening of the 14th of the first lunar month, after filming the last scene, Yu Qinghuan walked up to Zhao Rui and wiped the mud on his face while saying, "One of my previous endorsed products needs me to retake the pictures."

Yu Qinghuan received a call from Ada today and it was said that the product had found another spokesperson for their exquisite watches and asked Yu Qinghuan to take some group photos with him.

Although it was just some group photos, it would still take a lot time for two who did not know each other to have a perfect cooperation and produce photos of high quality. Thus, this process may take longer than one day.

Hearing this, Zhao Rui suddenly frowned. One day delay meant more money would be spent. He had to save money to publicize the movie. To be fair, no director would like this.

Just as he was about to ask if Yu Qinghuan's arrangement could be rescheduled, Yu Qinghuan continued, "Brother Rui, tomorrow is the 15th day of the first lunar month. Everyone wants to go home for family reunion. You might as well give everyone a day off."

Ever since the New Year's Eve meal, Yu Qinghuan and Zhao Rui had become much more familiar and they could even play jokes on each other.

He found out Zhao Rui was actually a man with a sharp tongue but a soft heart. The reason why he squeezed the time of the cast was to give everyone two days off during the Spring Festival.

However, his harsh words would only offend people. Who would care about his real intention?

Yu Qinghuan gave him a gentle pat on the shoulder and said, "Brother Rui, Ada's schedule cannot be changed. Please be kind to give me a day off and let everyone rest for a day."

The filming was already approaching the ending. It was estimated that it would be finished in less than a week. In this case, to let everyone go back on the Lantern Festival for a day's off was not a big deal.

Zhao Rui was silent for a moment, then gave him a gloomy look, "Do I have other choices?"

Yu Qinghuan was the absolute leading role in this play. If he was absent, the movie had no need to be filmed. Since he wanted a break, it was meaningless for the film crew to stay. Zhao Rui had little space for negotiation.

"Thank you, Brother Rui," Yu Qinghuan smilingly thanked him and put on the down jacket Yu Xin handed over to him.

"Brother Qinghuan, I…can I go with you?" While Yu Qinghuan was talking to Zhao Rui, Wang Rui Rui kept her ears on one side.

The girl's deepest fear was the word "vacation", which meant that she may have to stay alone in the hotel again, or be put somewhere else. She glanced at Yu Qinghuan's face carefully and finally could not help asking.

To tell the truth, Yu Qinghuan was somewhat embarrassed. Ada's shooting scene was full of people, and he had a tight schedule tomorrow. Once he started to work,, there would be no time for him to take care of her. It was really inconvenient for him to take her over there.

But when he bowed his head to look at the girl's big expectant eyes, his refusing words immediately turned into "okay".

After getting along with her for more than a month, this was the first time that Wang Ruirui had made a request. If he really refused her, she would be even more afraid to express her thoughts to the outside world.

Yu Qinghuan sighed and thought, "Forget it, let Yu Xin take care of her tomorrow."

The whole film crew had been used to Zhao Rui's "abuse". When they suddenly heard there would be a holiday tomorrow, they just thought it was false news. Some even took out their cell phones to see if April Fool's Day had come.

When the news was confirmed not to be a lie, the cheerful howling immediately resounded through the entire filming site. Within an hour, the shooting scene had already been emptied.

"Zhao Rui is really cruel to his staff," Yu Xin said. The leaving speed of these people was like fleeing from some plague. Then, he looked at the small face of his artist, thin and sunken, and agreed with his own words all the more.

"Brother Rui has no choice, either," Yu Qinghuan picked up the talk, and then took Yu Xin back to his little shack.

Early in the morning the next day, Yu Qinghuan was woken up by Yu Xin. Their current location was at least one hour's journey from Ada. After hastily tidying up, the two men walked out of the door. Just as they were about to go to the hotel to pick up Wang Ruirui, they saw Zhao Rui leading the little girl toward them.

Seeing Yu Xin's shocked eyes, Zhao Rui tried to explain, "I'll go with you."

"All right." Yu Qinghuan made a pause, and then immediately nodded. With Zhao Rui there, he would not be distracted when shooting. Although Zhao Rui looked rough, he was more careful than anyone in taking care of Wang Ruirui. One hundred of Yu Xin couldn't compare with one Zhao Rui.

Now the film base was really empty.

The three of them sat on Yu Xin's shabby second-hand Audi and they drove towards the city in a wobbly way. They did not know that shortly after they left, a large truck driven by a drunk driver overturned on the road outside the gate of the film base, directly pressing on the gas pipeline exposed to the outside because of long years out of repair, causing an explosion of the entire main gas pipeline.

A big fire immediately burned up instantly and rushed into the film base in an unstoppable speed from all directions.

The simple makeshift houses and various props temporarily set up for the shooting were swallowed up in the big and intense fire.

By the time the firefighters arrived, the filming base had already turned into a sea of fire.

The villagers nearby heard a loud explosion and came to see what was going on in twos and threes. When they saw the situation on the spot, they sighed as well as lamented.

"God, how could this happen? The entire cast may not survive, I'm afraid…"

"Yes. A really unexpected disaster! There was a young man in the cast who was really kind-hearted. He stuffed a handful of sugar into my daughter's hand last time. Alas…"

The media came when they got the news. Hearing these comments, they immediately felt horror. A reporter chose a random villager and asked, "Is the scene of the accident a film team? Was there anyone on the set when the explosion occurred?"

"Yes, I guess." The man sighed and said, "I don't know how many people will survive. I heard that the movie will be finished soon. Never expected such a thing to happen…"

The rest also echoed, "Yes, the film crew often ordered lunch boxes from us. The staff inside said that their team was pretty poor. But they never defaulted on our money."

"Well, it's all because of lacking of money, so the director made full use of every minute to shoot and never let the actors out. Now I'm afraid they are all over."

"My daughter once acted as an extra in the movie, saying that their movie was called Orange. It was very touching. My daughter even cried when she knew what the movie said."

"Well, they ordered food from my sister's restaurant. My sister said that although their director was stingy, he was really nice. What a pity!"

Before the reporters arrived, although they had expected casualties, they did not expect that the entire film crew was in. How many people could there be? They felt numb just thinking about it.

Just now they have learned the specific theme of the movie from the extras who once appeared in Orange.

The theme was about a topic that had been heatedly discussed in recent years: Sexual abuse of children.

There had been more news about the phenomena in recent years. When people first saw the news, they would be very indignant and some even wanted to chemically castrate these "beasts" that raped children. However, nowadays, social media was stuffed with huge news, and people received more information every day. News came and was gradually being forgotten.

At this time, there was an urgent need for a good movie that could uncover the seriousness of this topic and deeply imprint the crisis on every parent's mind.

However, such a film was often not welcomed in the market. Under such circumstances, it could be seen that the director named Zhao Rui had his own belief and persistence in his heart.

There was also a leading actor named Yu Qinghuan in the cast. Villagers familiar with the crew said that the crew was as poor as the church house and the actors even slept in the shacks on the construction site, so the leading actor definitely did not ask for a high salary.

Young actors who were on the rise would seize every opportunity to shoot something that catered to the market. This one was different, there was even no news about his personal life, but he was working silently for the protection of children.

Because of what the villagers said, the reporters all thought that the film crew of Orange were all in the scene of the accident. With the fire so fierce, the chances for the people inside to survive were extremely slim.

Why couldn't nice guys get what they deserved? The reporters sighed and rushed to send the news to the Internet. This sad tragedy was the most eye-catching news and could win the sympathy of netizens.

For a while, both the paper media and the network media were full of news about the big explosion, and they all mentioned the unlucky Orange film crew.

Orange started its filming even without a start-up ceremony. Zhao Rui was worrying about the late publicity fee every day. Unexpectedly, the headlines of major social media triggered a huge wave of discussion on the Internet about the film crew and the movie.

"Well, I don't know what to say. I'll just say prayers ray for them."

"Ah! Don't! I've just fall in love with Qinghuan! Yesterday, I just complained that he always had no news, but such news is not what I've expecting for. I'm in a panic now. I hope he's fine."

"I cried, really. I hope everyone is ok and I will go to the theatre to support the movie when it's released."

"This kind of theme is rare in China. I can see that the director is a passionate filmmaker. I wish them all safe and sound."

"Good actor, good director. Anyway, I will definitely go to the cinema to support this movie. I hope everyone on this set will be safe.

At this time, Yu Qinghuan, who had just arrived at the downstairs of Ada, received numerous greeting calls.

He didn't know what was going on at first, but when he did, his face suddenly became very solemn. He replied to those who cared about him one by one. Then he put down the phone and said to Zhao Rui, "Brother Rui, we must hurry back right now."

Although none of their cast members were present on the site, the costumes and props they used for filming were still there, and they had to go back and make an inventory of what had been destroyed. Most importantly, they had to show up in front of the media and tell the public that they were all right.

After Yu Qing Huan finished speaking, he phoned Evenson directly to explain the current situation, and he was very sorry to hope that the other party could postpone the shooting date. Although Evenson was somewhat embarrassed, he also knew that this was not a trivial matter, and he agreed after hesitating for a moment.

On the way back, Zhao Rui kept silent. Yu Qinghuan thought he was panicking and wanted to comfort him, but he couldn't think of any appropriate words and could only give up.

As soon as they arrived at the gate of the filming site, they were recognized by the reporters. They had been communicating with people all the year round, and their ability to remember faces was first class. Besides, they had just seen the photos of Yu Qinghuan and Zhao Rui.

"Were you, were you not at the filming site?"

The reporters stared at them with disbelief on their faces. Even one reporter's microphone almost fell to the ground.

"There was no one on the set." Zhao Rui's words settled down everyone's heart. "There were only the props we used for filming."

"No one?" Those reporters suddenly felt that their heads were a bit inadequate. Didn't they say that the film crew was desperately trying to speed up the process every day? How could there be no one on the set!?

This doesn't make sense!

Zhao Rui could only tell the whole story to them. The reporters were dumbfounded and looked at Yu Qinghuan as if they were looking at a human-shape koi.

Was he ever kissed by God?!

If it weren't for his day break and the application to Zhao Rui to give the whole cast a holiday, the entire film crew might have been engulfed by fire! One person saved the entire cast!

Everyone thought it was a human tragedy, but it turned out to be a happy ending. This huge reverse was simply incredible!

These reporters were silent for a few seconds, then rushed to post the follow-up on the Internet.

In order to attract people's attention, extremely exaggerated headlines and words were specially used to describe this incident, which led all netizens to know Yu Qinghuan's good luck overnight.

They all clamored to forward his microblog for good luck. Some were even more exaggerated, changing the name of their microblog name to "Yu Qinghuan's small scales" and "Yu Qinghuan's koi beard".

Outside the base, Zhao Rui looked at the darkened venue, then at his cell phone, and finally fixed his eyes on Yu Qinghuan.

He looked fierce with a gloomy temperament. His staring at Yu Qinghuan was like he was planning to pick a fight!

Just as Yu Xin couldn't help asking him what he was looking at, Zhao Rui suddenly opened his mouth, "Do you have any photos? Send me one, I also want to forward a koi on Weibo."

Not only did Yu Qinghuan save the lives of an entire film crew, he also made the major media promote the movie for free. It was truly a big profit with small capital!

He was obviously not superstitious, but at this time he could not help but want to follow the crowd, thinking if he could be stained with some luck if he also forwarded a koi on Weibo.

Before Yu Qinghuan could answer, Yu Xin's eyes brightened and he rushed over excitedly. He stood on his toes, put his arms around Zhao Rui's shoulder with great effort and said, "You also want to forward a koi? Emm, I do this every day and am especially experienced! You can see which of these photos is better, and I'll send you one!"

Zhao Rui, with a serious face, stared at Yu Xin's cell phone for a full minute. Finally, he reached out his hand and pointed, "This one."

"OK, OK, OK. I will send it to you. Ah? What is your Weibo account? Let's follow each other. I'll @ you in the first place if I get new pictures."

"Movie Maker Zhao Rui."

"Well, I followed you!"

"I followed you back."

Yu Qinghuan, who was left behind by the two, was totally speechless.