Chapter 44: A Fierce and Brutal Cub

"This is my friend, Qin Zheng." Qu Qinghuan came from behind Huo Qu and introduced them, "Ge, this is Huo Qu."

Two men looked at each other for a few seconds, and it was Qin Zheng who nodded first.

Actually Huo Qu had no idea how to say hi to strangers. But facing such a situation, he only thought he couldn't lose to Qin Zheng, so he also learnt to nod back at Qing Zheng.

"Are you going to have dinner together?"Huo Qu turned to Yu Qinghuan, asking him with a low voice.

"Yeah." Yu Qinghuan responded. Seeing him wearing that wronged face, he restrained himself and asked, "What took you so long?"

"I miss you," '""Huo Qu replied without thinking. He then gave Qin Zheng on his other side a glimpse and then lowered his voice, "while you are going to have dinner with someone else."

After a pause, he added pathetically, "I haven't even had breakfast."

"Why didn't you have breakfast?" He immediately won Yu Qinghuan's sympathy. Yu Qinghuan ignored his first sentence and blamed him while giving him a look, "Do you hate you have a too functional stomach?"

"Qinghuan," Huo Qu grasped his wrist and said with am imploring tone, "take me with you. I also want to eat some food."

Huo Rong who was standing aside, "…"

If he recalled it right, his young brother ate two bowls of pumpkin porridge, and a pork pie! So here comes the problem? Since when did his younger brother who had never lied learn to tell lies?

He gave Huo Qu a complicated look, sighing in his heart. Suddenly he found that his white paper like young brother was actually a sly fox or wolf or what….This totally overturned his cognition.

"Of course you are coming with us." Yu Qinghuan touched his head and then turned to Qin Zheng, "Ge, do you mind we share a table?"

"Of course not." Qin Zheng laughed. "Your friend is my friend. Besides, Huo Rong and I have met before."

Yu Qinghuan felt that he was implying something, but couldn't figure it out. So he could only nod and skip this topic.

As they spoke, Huo Qu's eyes kept circling around Qin Zheng, as if assessing the weight class of the enemy. While Qin Zheng, while Yu Qinghuan took his eyes away from him, would immediately stare back at Huo Qu.

Huo Qu also didn't show a bit of guilty after being busted. He only looked at Qin Zheng right into his eyes unyieldingly.

Yu Qinghuan the dumb one didn't notice the 'undercurrent' at all. He was worried that Huo Qu might have a stomach and was focusing on a suitable restaurant on his phone.

Fortunately there was a private home cuisine downstairs. So Qu Qinghuan took them there and asked for a private room.

When choosing a seat, Huo Qu performed what was 'quick, resolute and accurate' to the extreme. Before everyone made any reactions, he already rushed forward and settled his ass next to Yu Qinghuan.

Qin Zheng who was about to pull out the chair, "… "

He suddenly had a feeling that this logy imp was not easy to tackle with.

He narrowed his eyes and settled down to sit on the opposite side of the Yu Qinghuan.

Since Huo Qu had always so clingy to him, Yu Qinghuan didn't notice anything wrong at all. He shoved the menu the waiter out on a corner of the table to Qin Zheng, "Ge, order the dishes you like. I'm all good."

"OK." Qin Zheng took the menu, lips curled, casting a glance at Huo Qu smilingly.

Huo Qu was already unhappy since Yu Qinghuan gave the menu to Qin Zheng First. And now provoked by his stare, Huo Qu felt more upset now.

Although he didn't why, Huo Qu was pretty sure he didn't like this person since the first sight.

He even wished that he could cover his eyes so he would never see Qinghuan!

"What's the matter, Huo Qu?" Speaking of which, Yu Qinghuan put his own menu in front of him and turned a page. When he was about to ask what he was gonna eat, he saw that Huo Qu was in a daze. So he elbowed him gently and asked him with a smile, "Hunger stole your brain?"

"I…" Huo Qu opened his mouth unwillingly. When he was about to ask why Yu Qinghuan gave the menu to Qin Zheng first, his eyes suddenly shone and he immediately turned from sorrowful to overjoyed.

Qin Zheng was looking at the menu alone while Qinghuan was sharing the same menu with him!

So who was closer to Qinghuan was quite obvious now!

"I want this…this…and this!" Huo Qu immediately turned happy, showing his little dimple on the left cheek. If he had grown a tail from behind, it should be wagging victoriously.

"OK." Yu Qinghuan had no idea why his emotions had changed so fast and he was disinclined to care about it. When he saw the dishes following Huo Qu's finger, he was struck dumb.

Huo Qu ordered Sweet and Sour Spare Ribs and fried shrimps with cashew nuts, both of which were his favorites.

"You like these, too?" Yu Qinghuan flipped down the page, pretending to ask casually.

"Huh?" Huo Qu froze for a moment, then shook his head, No." He had no preference for food.

"Then why are you ordering these?" Then when Yu Qinghuan was about to ask the waiter to cancel those two dishes, Huo Qu said reasonably, "But you like."

At that moment, Yu Qinghuan could not describe how he felt. He just felt he became much light, sore and swollen inside the nose, and could barely hold his tears that were going to pop out.

He lowered his head to hide his gaffe, and after quite a while he started to go through the menu again.

Huo Rong who was sitting beside got shocked again!

Has his brother become so considerate and thoughtful now? He even remembers what those who are close to him like eating?

Thinking of this, his silly brother was beside himself with excitement. He rubbed his hands and looked at Huo Qu with emotions, "Qu, help me order a dish."

"Ah!"Huo Qu raised his head in a daze and seemed to be at a loss about his request. After a few seconds, he nodded. "Ok, what do you want to eat?"

Huo Qu, who had been immersed in excitement, now nearly got a heart attack, "Huh? Don't you know what the second elder brother wants to eat?"

Huo Qu's face remained unchanged, "No, I don't."

Huo Rong,"… "

Looking at her brother's handsome face without any guilt, Huo Rong whispered, "You don't know? Then what do you know?"

He thought his voice was small enough, but Huo Qu still heard him.

Huo Qu answered his question honestly, "I know what Qinghuan likes to eat."

Huo Rong, "… "

Brother!!! Actually you don't have to answer it!!

Those people waited for a while, and the dishes were all served.

Those four men were all big eaters. Their table was covered with all kinds of dishes. But unfortunately almost all the dishes Yu Qinghuan liked were put before Qin Zheng.

Nothing was more important than eating in the world. Yu Qinghuan never remained reserved before food. He directly stretched his chopsticks into that plate of fried shrimps with cashew nuts. But the ferric chopsticks were too slippery, so he failed.

Putting down his chopsticks, Yu Qinhuan rolled up his sleeves and was about to change to a spoon when Qin Zheng scooped up a spoonful of shrimps and put them in his bowl.

"Thank you, ge." Yu Qinhuan picked up a shrimp and put it in his mouth, secretly sighing in his heart whether it was ten years ago or now, Qin Zheng was always so thoughtful.

In the previous life when they ate food, Qin Zheng was also like this, always tried to take care of him.

The private cuisines here were really not bad. The shrimps were sweet and delicious. After eating one, Yu Qinghuan immediately stuffed another one into his mouth, which made Huo Qu rather anxious now.

Imitating what Qin Zheng did, he also tried to pick up dishes for Yu Qinghuan.

Pity that he couldn't use a spoon well, plus that he was a little anxious in his heart, he just couldn't spoon things out. Finally he even got cold sweat on his forehead.

"Here, eat." While Huo Qu was hot and bothered, Yu Qinghuan suddenly scooped a spoon of shrimps and put them in his bow, saying gently, "What else do you wanna eat?"

Huo Qu looked at his smiling face, and bang, the light in his head was illuminated!

Couldn't use a spoon proficiently = Qinghuan picked up dishes for him in person

In other words —

Sometimes disadvantages would also turn into disadvantages!

Eyes lowered, Huo Qu wore a light smile, and again showed that little dimple on his left cheek. When he raised his eyes again, it was only left the innocence on his face already, "Qinghuan, I want that, and that…"

After a pause, he bit his chopsticks and asked tentatively, "Will you pick up all of them for me?"

"What else?" Yu Qinghuan looked at him wearing a smile, "You can't use chopsticks."

During the whole meal, using this method, Huo Qu successfully draw all Yu Qinghuan's attention on himself. One was responsible to pick up dishes while the other one was responsible for only eating. They acted like there were only the two of them on the table.

Qin zheng's eyes look slightly sunk. Looking at the undisguised gloat in Huo Qu's eyes, he felt kind of sullen.

No the reason, he just couldn't learn his move. Even if he could learn it, he had no face to use it.

During a meal's time, everyone was holding his own thoughts. And when they paid the checks, they got another situation.

Yu Qinghuan was pretty clear of his position. Even if Qin Zheng had a good impression of him in this life, their relationship was different from that of the previous life, so there was no reason he should let Qin Zheng pay.

However, Qin Zheng thought he was the senior, plus he had a good impression of Yu Qinghuan, of course he should pay.

Neither of them could convince each other. When Yu Qinghuan was thinking whether he should take a step back, Huo Qu suddenly stretch out to hold his hand, "Qinghuan, I have paid. Let's go."

Huo Rong, who just received the bank card from the cashier, "…"

He was the one who paid, OK? Since when did his little brother become so not adorable!

"Huh?" Hearing Huo Qu, Yu Qinghuan suddenly didn't know how to respond. After quite a few seconds, he nodded and found Huo Qu was already dragging him to leave.

"Wait a minute," Yu Qinghuan asked him to stop and then turned back to Qin Zheng, "Ge, where are you going?"

"Solving the car issue first." Qin Zheng lowered his head and smiled at him, "You have my numbers now. Call me! And come to me if you need me."

"Thank you, ge." Yu Qinghuan then smiled back at him. When he was about to say something, Huo Qu already dragged him out urgently.

Yu Qinghuan felt a little embarrassed and could only say goodbye to Qin Zheng and follow Huo Qu's steps.

He didn't see that as soon as he caught up, Huo Qu suddenly turned around and gave Qin Zheng a look.

That pair of cold and provoking eyes were filled with dense warning, like a fierce and brutal cub.

After Yu Qinghuan and Qin Zheng's group photo was released on Ada's Weibo, it immediately caused a sensation.

No one expected that the spokesman of Ada would be Qin Zheng.

Yu Qinghuan was really lucky. He only endorsed a low branch watch of a big brand and could already be related to Qin Zheng, which made a lot of people jealous.

Qin Zheng was not a little fresh meat who relied on his face or an idol type with no acting skills.

He was 33 years old this year, who not only had wonderful acting skills, but also elected as the World's Hot 100 Men every year, definitely one of the hottest actor in the entertainment circle. So many little star out there wanted to have connections with him.

However, Qin Zheng had always kept a low profile and no one knew his schedule at all. Not only that, o avoid being tied up and hyped up, Qin Zheng almost never got too close to anyone. So such close photo was really a rare thing to him.

[Ah!!!!!! Zheng stuns me so much that I couldn't help spreading my legs for him! Now I believe Yu Qinghuan is a real koi!]

[My Zheng! I wanna marry you!!]

[Ah, my two husbands appear in one photo!. Which one should I pick to take home tonight? Waiting online! Emergency!]

[Wake up! Don't daydream!]

"Qinghuan has really lost a lot of weight! Alas! In order to shoot "Orange", he really put a lot in it. He has my knees!]

However, there was far than that. Qin Zheng forwarded this Weibo and @Yu Qinguan, which only happened once in a blue moon.

Qin Zheng V: @Yu Qinghuan, happy cooperation. Let's have dinner together next time! [HANDSHAKE]


This time those excited netizens felt like their blood boiling!

[I don't know why. Suddenly I smell kind of special bromance…]

[Suddenly I feel kind of emotional. I think Zheng and Qinghuan really hit it off. I have been following him for five years. This is the first time he supports a junior.]

[I can't hold my tears. My Zheng finally has a friend in the circle. Say no more. Only for this, I'm gonna support Qinghuan my whole life.]

Due to an update on Weibo from Qin Zheng, Yu Qinghuan's followers boomed, plus the followers before, now it broke 10 million!

By rights, when a star's followers broke 10 million or 20 million on Weibo, he should say something or send some photos or presented the autographed photos to thank the fans. But having been waiting for a few days, Yu Qinghuan still hadn't updated his Weibo, no news at all.

By the end, the fans were all desperate.

Although it was a good thing for their idol to keep a low profile, they should at least updated his Weibo now and then or even sent a photo or what.

If Yu Qinghuan had not posted two or three tweets before, they would have thought it was a dead account.

In desperation, those capable fans unexpectedly had busted Yu Xin's Weibo and urged him to urge Qinghuan.

Yu Xin felt both funny and annoying and could only hand his phone before Yu Qinghuan, saying, "You have some pity on your fans. See? .They even ask your photos under my Weibo."

Yu Qinghuan just finished his shooting, and still didn't get a minute's rest. On hearing him, he said, "Didn't you take a lot of photos of me saying you wanna forward a koi? Just pick one."

Not long the Orange crew resumed their work. After gaining a high media exposure, a lot of investors came to Zhao Rui, asking for cooperation. Even their shooting site was borrowed by the person in charge for free.

Orange now only had some tail-in work, which would only cost less than a week. Besides, judging from the netizens' focus on this movie, it wouldn't flop. Now they wouldn't have to cost him a penny, and also could curry favor with Zhao Rui. Why not do it?

"Your fans want to you to send it." said Yu Xin.

Now he was highly doubted why he insisted keeping a cold image. Maybe he had already planned it. He was just too lazy and didn't want to manage his own Weibo.

"And I see that Qin Zheng @you. At least you should forward it, or people would say you are too poised."

Yu Qinghuan got struck dumb, then quickly took out his phone and saw Qin Zheng's new update.

He frowned. While forwarding it, he had a doubt and had a feeling that Qin Zheng was a bit strange, maybe…he had a little more vigor and pushfulness?

If it had been before, for Qin Zheng's personality, he would never @him and had a date for dinner on Weibo.

But giving it a second thought, Yu Qinghuan found it reasonable. In his previous life Qin Zheng was already forty when he knew him, but he was only 30 in this life. Of course they were different.

"Qinghuan, come here!" Soon after Yu Qinghuan put down his phone, Zhao Rui already pushed him aside.

"Coming." Yu Qinghuan tidied up the costumes and hurried to the set.

Like he wanted to make up for the last few days, Zhao Rui got even more excessive. He even shortened the break to 10 minutes.

Fortunately, after the big explosion, everyone was full of the joy of surviving the disaster, and instead blaming his workaholic behavior, instead of complaining, they all willingly did whatever they were asked to do.

Under this kind of intense work, Orange only took three days to complete the filming, and then waited for the film to be edited and released for review.

Because the later publicity can save a lot of money, Zhao Rui was also in easy circumstances now. He chose the top editors of the industry, working extra shifts, and finally finished the editing job in only a month.

Maybe because of the raising of public's attention, Orange got the public release permit quite smoothly. On the day the result was out, Zhao Rui even shed some tears and asked Yu Qinghuan out for a drink and settled the release date on April 18th.

Since Orange was Yu Qinghuan's first film released in theaters, so Zhao Qingyuan and Qin Zheng had informed him that they would attend the premiere.

"Ge," Before they left, Chen Ming asked him, "why are you so good to a minor star?"

"Am I?" Qin Zheng's hands that were tying the tie slightly shivered.

"Aren't you?" Chen Ming listed while counting with his fingers, "Forget about helping him attracting more followers, now you even go to the premiere of such a shabby movie because of him?"

One should know so many actors and director couldn't get him even they would like to pay a lot.

"What does shabby movie mean?" Qin Zheng's sharp eyes nailed on Chen Ming, "Every movie is the great efforts of the directors and the casts…"

Before he finished, Chen Ming shouted, "look at you! I didn't say anything and you already tried to speak for him."

Qin Zheng got struck dumb, frowning.

All in all, he and Yu Qinghuan only met trice. Although he had a good impression of him, did he really need to defend him like this?

"Probably last life I owe him." Qin Zheng said jokingly, then pulled the door open and walked out.

The premiere of Orange was a big success. Zhao Rui wasn't a social man. So after a very brief opening, he started the movie.

Most of the people who were present had thought Orange would be a very heavy movie, but when it got on soundings, the audience found that they were wrong.

The theme of Orange was very heavy, but its focus was not on that, but on healing.

Zhao Qing'an, who suffered from both physical and psychological blows, finally could face herself and walked out the shadow in the past under the appeasing and encouragement of her brother Zhao Qingping.

In this film, however, the touching part was not only Zhao Qingping's care of his sister, but also neighborhood, and also care from school, from her teachers and classmates, and even from doctors and the judges.

In the film of one hour and forty minutes, through all kinds of details, it tried to express the moving feelings between people.

Sour and sweet, sweet and sadistic, very touching.

Yu Qinghuan's performance was natural and smooth. He could precisely express all kinds of emotions, which easily brought the audience into the movie. Wang Ruirui's performance was also commendable. Especially her interaction with Yu Qinghuan, which earned a lot of the audience's tears.

After the movie was over, no one spoke, and it was after quite a few minutes that the theater burst into thunderous applause.

Three months' efforts finally got paid off. Be it Zhao Rui or Yu Qinghuan, they both felt much relieved.

Now what they should do was only waiting for the audience's reaction after it was released.

When Yu Qinghuan was going to get up and turn on the light, suddenly Zhao Qingyuan's sobbing came to his ears, "Qing, Qing, Qinghuan…did you bring tissues?"

Yu Qinghuan turned around and looked right into Zhao Qingyuan's eyes that were swollen like walnuts.

Yu Qinghuan: "… "

Well, now he really had no idea whether he should feel happy or disgusted.

"Do you think I'd carry tissue with me?" Yu Qinghuan raised his brows, stretched out a hand to press his head down and intimidated him, "Adjust your emotions now, or the paparazzi would shoot ugly photos of you!"

"I also don't want that!" Zhao Qingyuan was still choking with sobs, "I really shouldn't have come if knew it's such kind of movie, I…"

Yu Qinghuan deliberately helped him to get out of the mood affected by the movie, so he joked, "What about you wipe your tears with the sleeve?"

"You think I don't want to?" Zhao Qinghuan peered at him, "But I borrow the suit and I have to give it back later. Oh!���

Yu Qinghuan: "… "

So he really wanted to wipe his tears with the sleeve!?

Finally, the media still captured the crying Zhao Qingyuan, which they took as a blister. After they got back, they started to focus on this point crazily, which happened to add some gimmick stunt for Orange.

When being interviewed by the media receiving Qin Zheng's congrats, Yu Qinghuan collapsed onto a chair and exhaled a long breath of relief after all the honored guests left.

After resting for a while, when he was about to ask zhao Rui of the next arrangements, suddenly someone sat next to him. He gave that person a casual look and immediately got his back straightened up because of great astonishment, "Huo Qu, what are you doing here?"

He suspected that he got dazzled by watching the movie and even rubbed his eyes childishly.

Isn't Huo Qu supposed to sleep at 9? Now is already 2 in the morning! What is he doing here?

"I come to watch your movie of course." Huo Qu put his freezing cold hands into his palms.

Yu Qinghuan asked, "Why didn't I see you?"

Huo Qu smiled shyly, "I was at the back. This is your time. I can't disturb you." After a pause, he looked at Yu Qinghuan's eyes, "Qinghuan, congratulations. I'm really happy for you."

Yu Qinghuan was a little dumbfounded and then smiled, "Who taught you to say these? Your second brother?"

Huo Qu nodded, "No."

"Then how do you to say such words?" asked Yu Qinghuan, "Do you know what the movie tells us?"

"No." Huo Qu shook his head. When Yu Qinghuan picked his smile, Huo Qu said word by word, "But it doesn't affect that I'm proud of you."

He then said, "It's simple. You may not understand it as much as I do on stage, but it doesn't matter, because I know you'll be just as happy for me. Right, qing huan?"

After keeping silent for quite a whole, Yu Qinghuan said while restraining his rolling emotions, "Yeah."

"Well…if I make speech next time, will you also wait for me down there? I want you to look at


"Because…I also want you to be by my side when I am at the important time of my life."