Chapter 48: It’s OK if You don’t Have Time to Come to See Me, I Can Come to See You

The theme of this episode of Young People Want High was Travel on a Budget.

The director not only got frenzied to expropriate all the money on all the honored guests, but also deliberately gave them very ugly make-up to make sure no passer-by would recognize them. Then like unloading goods, he just threw all of them at the airport.

This was really a big-budget crew. In each episode they would invite a big star to ensure their ratings. And this time they invited the legendary superstar Ye Yunlan who had been hot in the circle over ten years.

Ye Yunlan's career was very smooth. When she made her debut at the age of 16, she immediately had a shot to fame. And then all the movies she participated had received quite good rating and box office, and for her, she had won numerous acting awards.

Although she was already 35 years old this year, but she had great maintenance and still looked like a young women in her early twenties, delicate skin, beautiful face, and a pair of breathtaking big and watery eyes.

When Yu Xin saw her, his eyes couldn't move from her. He pulled Yu Qinghuan's sleeve excitedly and kept saying, "Qinghuan! I see my goddess! Oh my god! She is even more beautiful now!"

Although they were in the same circle, Yu Xin was only an agent from the bottom. He rarely had a chance to contact Ye Yunlan at all. For all these years, he even had few chances to look at Ye Yunlan from afar, let alone join the same show.

Yu Xin's face turned all red, and his heart was beating fast. When he nearly couldn't control himself and rushed to her, Yu Qinghuan stopped him.

"Ge, we are recording. Don't make trouble." Yu Qinghuan's face was a little pace, with obvious blood streaks in his eyes, which made him even more haggard than when he was shooting Orange.

His voice was hoarse and exhausting, which immediately dragged Yu Xin back from his dream. Between his goddess and his own star, he chose the latter finally.

"Losing sleep again?" Yu Xin looked at Yu Qinghuan, a little worried, then took out a bottle of eye drops from his bag, "Here. Your eyes are like the rabbit's eyes now. It'd be bad if the reporters shoot them."

Yu Qinghuan nodded, then took the eye drops. When he was about to use it, Yu Qinghuan suddenly asked, "Did you have fight with Huo Qu? Look at you. How could you even…

Before he finished his words, Yu Qinghuan's hands shook suddenly and the light red eye drops were squeezed all over his face.

"Oh come on! You are an adult and you don't know how to use eye drops?" Yu Xin complained. When he was about to do it for Yu Qinghuan, he only found Yu Qinghuan's face was full of light red liquid, and he could only give ip.

"You come with me. I'll ask the staff if they got any tissues, and also say hi by the way."

"OK." Yu Qinghuan nodded. After wiping off the eye drops flowing down his cheeks, he then went away with Yu Xin.

When the late spring breeze blew over his face, it felt pretty cold, even his whole body felt pretty cold. Yu Qinghuan took his steps woodenly, and his thoughts involuntarily laid on Huo Qu.

What is he doing now? Is he still waiting for his call obediently? Is he still expecting that he could go to see him?

He was such a simple person and would believe whatever he said. He never knew that the promise he had made to him would never come true.

But it didn't matter. The less they contacted, the better, and they'd also become distant slowly. Besides, Huo Qu had been much better now. After some time, maybe he would make some or even a bunch of new friends. And at that time, he would forget about Qinghuan.

On thinking of such a scene, Yu Qinghuan felt like his throat was stuffed with a ball of hemp rope, making him hard to breathe.

Such a good Huo Qu, that Huo Qu who he had taught to change little by little, now he was going to let him go.

"Qinghuan, Qinghuan!" Yu Xin's loud voice instantly dragged Yu Qinghuan back to reality. He raised his head and looked right into the eyes of those who were in front of him.

"I'm sorry," he said with an apologetic smile." the eyes drops are a little spicy, so I got a little distracted."

"This young man is kind of delicate." The director laughed and tried to tease him. After a pause, the director then went on, "What makes you think you could borrow tissue from those tough men? Huh?

Pointing at the direction where Ye Yunlan was at, he winked and whisper with an joking tone, "See? Goddess Ye is over there. You should borrow tissues from someone like her."

Just as his voice died away, before Yu Qinghuan said anything, Yu Xin already leaned forward excitedly, saying with both an exciting and shy tone, "Can I really borrow them from Goddess Ye? Well, I…I can do it."

The director did not think he really bought it, and got choked on his question.

But as the director of a variety show, he was born with talent of humor. After he came back to himself, he suddenly wanted to make a prank. Before everyone could react, he suddenly shouted to Ye Yunylan's direction, "Goddess, some little child wants to ask some tissue from you! Do you have some?"

Ye Yunlan was still tidying her hair that got messed up by the wind. They still hadn't stared recording, so she was close to them and immediately heard the director.

Ye Yunlan had high EQ, and enjoyed great popularity in the circle. Having been in this circle for so many years, she rarely had scandal saying that she didn't get along with someone else, who was quite well-known for her good temper.

On hearing the director, she really moved to their side while looking in her pockets.

"Sorry I didn't bring tissues with me. But I got two pieces of cotton pads." Said she smilingly, "What wants it?"

"It's him!" The director then pushed Yu Qinghuan forward, saying with a smile, "Look at his face with eye drops all over. One would think he is crying."

Ye Yunlan's eyes then fell on Yu Qinghuan, beaming.

Today Yu Qinghuan wore a mint blue shirt. He looked a bit exhausted, but he was young. Instead of looking sluttish, it made him clean and crisp, with that kind of vigor belong to young men.

This kind of young men was Ye Yunlan's favorite. She slightly paced up and said, "This is…"

"Yu Qinghuan, our honored guest in next episode." The director introduced Qinghuan to her with a smile, "He is in the same agency with you. He is…" Before he finished his words, suddenly a booming sound came from ahead, which flooded his left words.

Then they all looked ahead and immediately jumped out of their skin. The spot where Ye Yunlan had been standing lay a small advertising board which now had already fallen into pieces. If Ye Yunlan hadn't come to give Qinghuan the tissues, this board might not have smashed onto the ground but her head.

The board was not big, but it fell from such a height. Even if Ye Yunlan wouldn't die, she would have gotten her pretty face disfigured.

Everyone on spot felt a burst of cold down their spines, especially Ye Yunlan whose legs nearly turned into jello. If her assistant was supporting her, she would have sagged wearily down.

Ye Yunlan was not some common A-list star. Her fans were all over the world and covered all age brackets. If something had happened to her today, the whole national station would be drowned by their condemning, let alone the program crew.

While everyone of the crew was felicitating in their heart, Yu Xin suddenly held Yu Qinghuan in his arms and cried, "Qinghuan! Thank to your blessing! Great! My goddess it fine!"

All the others, "???"

Seeing the question marks on their faces, Yu Xin immediately explained about the whole story and now everybody knew what had happened. No wonder the name Yu Qinghuan was so familiar to them. So he was the guy who helped the whole crew of the movie Orange from that big fire!

All of a sudden, the way everyone in the crew looked at him changed!

This is a living koi, right?

–Yu Qinghuan got a little creepy by their staring. When he was about to tell them not to listen to Yu Xin's bullshit, a huge crowd of people flocked to him.

"Qinghuan, come on! Send me some photos of yours. I want to same them to forward a koi!"

"Me too! Me too!

"Anyone who gets the photos shouldn't keep them to himself! Set up a chat group! We should share them!"

What surprised Yu Qinghuan was not the crew, but Ye Yunlan who also joined the crowd of forwarding a koi!

Maybe stimulated by the joys surviving from a disaster, this goddess of the entertainment circle was no longer so elegant and graceful as before. She was saving his photos more crazily than anyone else and even gave Yu Qinghuan her personal number.

"Qinghuan, can I make a request to you?" Unlike a big star, instead Ye Yunlan was more like a young girl. She saluted to Yu Qinghuan with her hands crossed, saying softly, "When I am recording the show, could you please stand behind me? It was really horrifying. If it hadn't been you, I'm afraid I would have lied in there under the board."

After a pause, she added, "Those how want to forward your photos are too many. What if I can't have your luck?"

Many people in the entertainment industry firmly believed this, and Ye Yunlan was among them. Almost getting hit by the advertising board still made her shiver with huge fear. If

"No problem!" Before Yu Qinghuan answered her, Yu Xin who wanted to blast his presence before his goddess already answered for him. After casting a glance at Ye Yunlan with his face reddened, he then reluctantly turned to Yu Qinghuan, "Right, Qinghuan?"

In the place where Ye Yunlan couldn't see his face, Yu Xin crazily winked at Yu Qinghuan, with all imploring in his eyes.

Having worked together for such a long time, Yu Xin seldom begged him to do anything. So Yu Qinghuan wouldn't turn him down. Plus he had also contacted Ye Yunlan in his previous life. Though not very deep, he had a pretty good impression on her. So he agreed.

Then Ye Yunlan exhaled a sigh of relief and walked into the scope of the camera, looking back every step.

Maybe just to seek kind of psychological comfort, when Ye Yunlan was recording, she always subconsciously looked over to Yu Qinghuan's direction. One or two times might be OK, but too many times would make it a problem.

The director's assistant couldn't help but gently reminded the director, "This isn't good. She has looked over to Qinghuan for too many times. The audience would notice it whichever way we edit it."

The director was also a little worried. But Ye Yunlan was a big star. It was already not easy to invite her. It was almost impossible to ask her to rerecord.

He heaved a heavy sigh. When he was finally determined to remind Ye Yunlan, suddenly some idea popped out of his head.

Maybe he didn't have to cut the scenes that Ye Yunlan frequently looked at Yu Qinghuan! More than that, he could use this to attract more audience.

The super star of the entertainment circle nearly had an accident, but got saved by the legendary koi, so Ye Yunlan could only feel safe if she could see the koi. Such fantasy but true things happened, which would definite help their ratings climb higher!

The director who had thought it through looked extra excited. Under the assistant's confusing eyes, he even shot more of how Ye Yunlan looked for Yu Qinghuan.

Only two day's shooting and Ye Yunlan would leave. Before she went, she especially invited Yu Qinghuan to visit her place when he had time.

She didn't mean something else. At her age, though sometimes she also fancied about energetic fresh meat, but she could tell Yu Qinghuan was not that kind, so it was no use wasting time on him.

Ye Yunlan was only a bit greedy. Compared with those who wanted to forward Yu Qinghuan's photo for good luck, she wanted to get some luck from Yu Qinghuan personally.

After Ye Yunlan left, Yu Qinghuan stayed with the crew for two more days. Not until Liu Jia'an called him asking him to talk about the future promotion of The Line of Life and Death did he get packed up and plan to go back.

"Let's hit the road, Qinghuan." After rechecking the room carefully and making sure they didn't miss anything, Yu Xin turned around and said to Qinghuan.

"OK." Yu Qinghuan nodded, then dropped some eyewash and waited till the blood streaks were gone, and then pulled out the room card.

Just as the two went out of the room, Yu Qinghuan's phone rang. He lowered his head and saw it was Huo Qu, he immediately slipped back into his pocket.

"Are you a pupil? Still playing not receiving the call to avoid things?" Yu Xin rolled his eyes at him, grabbed the phone from him and pressed the answer key, "Answer it!"

"Qinghuan!" Huo Qu who finally got through to the phone sounded very happy, "Can I go to see you tonight?"

Yu Qinghuan's heart quivered a bit. Trying very hard to swallow the word "OK", he said, "I am still shooting in some other city. I won't be home recently. So don't come over. When I am back, I will go to see you."

After keeping silent for a few seconds, Huo Qu spoke again. But the excitement in his voice was already totally gone. He held the phone tight and confirmed it repeatedly, "Qinghuan, are you really shooting in some other city and wouldn't come back today and tomorrow?"

"Hmm." Yu Qinghuan's voice was very calm, "I will be busy recently." After a pause, he said apologetically, "The director is looking for me. I gotta go. Be good and go to work. Wait for me."

And then he immediately hung up.

On the other side, listening to the busy tone, Huo Qu's eyes immediately turned red. He clicked open his Weibo, his finger tip lingering on a passage and kept that move for a long time.

It was recorded the recent agenda of Yu Qinghuan. Those fans specially tipped him that Yu Qinghuan would come back tonight and a lot of fans even urged him for the airport pickup.

Huo Qu felt a huge pain in the chest and he could barely breathe. Qinghuan is coming back tonight, why would he like to me?

Qinghuan is a total liar! Every word he said is a lie!

But he still likes him, even if he lies to him, he is still enjoying it.

But he did not want to wait any longer, he had been waiting for him so long, since Qinghuan said he had no time to come to him, he could go to see Qinghuan!

He wanted to see Qinghuan, he wanted to prove to him that he was not a useless person, also…he wanted Qinghuan to like him.

When Yu Qinghuan got home, it was already over nine o 'clock in the evening. He had not slept well for several days and had been tossing about for hours on the plane. So he felt quite exhausted right now. After taking a quick bath, he was about to go to sleep, suddenly someone was knocking at the door.

Who could it be? Was it Yu Xin who had something urgent?

He walked quickly to the door and pulled it open. When he saw the person outside, he froze "Huo Qu? What are you doing here?"

Huo Qu's new blue windbreaker was crumpled and covered with dirt, his trousers had some small holes in them, and even his face was streaked with blood, making him super awkward.

Yu Qinghuan felt his heart was bleeding. When he was about ask him what had happened, Huo Qu suddenly stretched out a hand and pulled him into his arms violently.

His body quivered slightly, the tiny blood beads on his cheeks rolled down on Yu Qinghuan's neck, Huo Qu said while panting, "Qinghuan, I can…I can find your house. It doesn't matter if you don't have time to come to see me. I can come to see you."