Chapter 51 - Professor Huo Would Never Be Mad at a White Radish

Promoting a film not only was kind of physical work but also required money for an actor.

Attending different occasions required different clothes, and also corresponding accessories. Although after Yu Qinghuan made his name, a lot of big brands had extended their olive branch and hoped to set up partnership, he could not always borrow clothes. He had to prepare more suits for personal use.

"Let me tell you, Yu Qinghuan! If you keep blowing your money or donate it, I'm gonna quit!" shouted Yu Xin angrily sitting on the floor. He then looked up him, "What are you laughing? Did you hear me or not?"

This prodigal son! Only a watch and he cost all the money! Fortunately one third of the pay of How to Love You been transferred into their account, otherwise he really had no idea how to buy him clothes.

Other agent's artist would purchase real estates or do some business after going viral, while his artist would spend it all every time he earned some money!

"I know, ge." Yu Qinghuan set sat next to him and made him the promise, "This is the last time. I promise I will tell you in advance if there is anything involving a big sum of money."

Yu Xin responded with a 'hum' and kind of accepted his promise. After a pause, he asked, "Where is the watch? I wonder what kind of watch would be so expensive!"

When Yu Qinghuan went to fetch the watch, he was still steamed, so he didn't follow in. Now he remembered it and was kind of curious of it.

Yu Qinghuan was always bland to everything. What would it be that made him so into it?

Yu Qinghuan coughed and looked unprecedentedly embarrassed, "Ah-hem, I sent it to someone."

"What?!" Yu Xin stood up and glared at Yu Qinghuan, like he had done some unpardonable thing, "Such an expensive watch and you just sent it away?"

Yu Xin nearly blacked out. When he just about to say some swear words, suddenly something flashed in his head, "Wait! Did you use the watch to kiss up to a girl?"

Yu Qinghuan held his forehead, "Ge, I'm gay…"

"Oh, I am so angry that I forgot." Yu Xin patted his forehead, "Did you use it to kiss up to some fresh meat?"

After sizing Yu Qinghuan up and down, from inside to outside, he then said amazingly, "Tell me the truth! Have you been hooked by some slut out there?"

Yu Qinghuan, "…"

Huo Qu liked the watch so much that he even wouldn't take if off when he was sleeping. Yu Xin knew that day would come sooner or later. Besides, Qinghuan didn't mean to hide it from him in the beginning.

"Ge, stop your random guess. I sent it to Huo Qu."

On hearing him, Yu Xin felt much relieved. But meanwhile, he felt something wasn't right. Why would Qinghuan sent Huo Qu such an expensive watch? If it was only between friends, wasn't it too formal?

An impossible idea suddenly popped out of his head which frightened Yu Xin. He opened his mouth, wanting to say something, but Yu Qinghuan said it first, "As you are thinking, I like him."

Bang! Yu Xin felt an explosion in his head, and then slumped himself on the ground.

After whole five minutes, he gradually came to himself. He pinched Yu Qinghuan's shoulders and yelled, "Are you crazy? Huo Qu…do you think that kind of person would respond to you? Besides, he is your boss' young brother!"

If Huo Rong knew Yu Qinghuan had such feeling for Huo Qu, forcing him out of this circle would be minor punishment.

"Ge, chill out." Yu Qinghuan got a little dizzy by his shaking. He tried to get rid of his hands and said beamingly while rubbing his shoulders, "But he also likes me."

Yu Xin was stunned. He had known Yu Qinghuan for so long, and it was the first time he had seen such a childish expression on his face.

Sweet with a little bit satisfaction, as if he had received the world's most precious gift.

Those lessoning words suddenly got swallowed back by him. Yu Qinghuan really had a tough life in this life. However indifferent he appeared to this world, Yu Xin could still feel his loneliness.

Never mind. Just let it be. Anyway he was born like this. He would find a man sooner or later. Both had a 'third leg", so forget about i!

Yu Xin thought it through and he suddenly found that Huo Qu was not bad. Forget about he was member of Huo family. He was really the best choice for Yu Qinghuan.

Someone who never lied and was not stingy. Expect Yu Qinghuan, anyone else was like air to him.

Such kind of person could give Yu Qinghuan real sense of security.

"Are you already together?"

"Nope." Yu Qinghuan shook his head, and subconsciously touched the little pendant before his chest, "Before that, at least I should tell the public my sex orientation."

On hearing that, Yu Xin gasped.

Yu Qinghuan even wanted to put his relationship before the public? Before they did something like kissing, they already had to receive people's curing and denouncing. Was it really worth it?

But he knew, since Yu Qinghuan told him so, it meant he had already made up his mind. No matter what he said, he wouldn't change his mind.

Thinking of this, Yu Xin heaved a sigh and gave Yu Qinghuan a pitiful look.

It was not hard to tell what kind of family Huo Qu had. They would never allow Huo Qu to be labeled as a homosexual. If the two really wanted to be together, they really had a long way to go.

Yu Qinghuan might even displease the whole Huo Family and lose everything.

But, since this was a matter of two people, why should Qinghuan take all the responsibilities? Even it was Huo Family, they couldn't be so unreasonable!

As long as he was with Qinghuan, he would try everything he could to protect him. Although his little koi had no family, no one could bully him.

The worst scenario was he lost this job. Anyway he was still a nobody after having stayed in this circle for over twenty years. He could still find a good job somewhere else!

Yu Xin rubbed his sore temples and said to Yu Qinghuan, "All right, as long as you know what you are doing. Talk to me if you need me. Don't make any haste decision by yourself."

"I know," Yu Qinghuan lowered his head and his eyes were red.

When someone's agent was confronted with this kind of situation, his first reaction was to ask his own artist to cover his sexuality so as not to interfere with his own job.

But Yu Xin, everything he did was putting him in the first place.

"Ge, thank you."

"Don't, I got goose bumps." said Yu Xin, frowning and trying to find his painful vertebra in a pile of fat, "If you really want to thank me, then earn as much as money as you can."

After a pause, he added, "Since you and Huo Qu haven't been together. You should watch what you do outside. Now you are hot. Those paparazzi are tailing after you trying to dig some tidbits."

"I know."

After they had talked it through, neither of them had ever mentioned it again. Since Yu Qinghuan had nothing to do these days, he just stayed home and tried to memorize the lines of How to Love You. But only two pages and Yu Xin was knocking at the door, "Qinghuan, your folks had mailed you a bunch of canned yellow peach. Would you like to have a taste?"

Yu Qinghuan put down his script and went out, only seeing a full jut bag of canned yellow peach. He immediately struck dumb. Had his folks sent him the whole year's share together?

"Ge, take as much as you want. I won't stand on ceremony anyway." Yu Qinghuan said to Yu Xin, "I'm gonna call the old man out?"

"Do I need you to tell me?" said Yu Xin smilingly. Then he took a can, prized it up, slipped into the kitchen and found a spoon to eat.

Yu Qinghuan found the old village head's number from the address book, dialed the number, waiting for a long time, it was connected.

"Qinghuan! Have you received the canned yellow peach?" "Asked the old village head.

"Yes." Yu Qinghuan raised his pitch, and shouted by the speaker, "Uncle, don't send me so many next time. I can't eat them all myself."

The old village head worked in the mine when he was young, and his eardrums were damaged by the all-year-round rumbling sound. The older he got, the worse his hearing loss became, so Yu Qinghuan had to shout when he spoke to him.

"Ah? You can't eat them all?" In the microphone, the old village head's voice was full of anger. "As a young man, you can't even compare with me?!Or are you being nice to us again? Well, what should I say to you, son? Why are you still so polite?"

Yu Qinghuan, "Uncle, I am not being polite. I really can't eat them all."

"You can send them to your friends!" The village head said proudly, "The canned yellow peach of our village is the best. People will like it!"

After a pause, it seemed he remembered something, "Son, where did you get so much money to donate to our town? Why did you hide it from us? If the mayor hadn't spilled the beans, I am still kept in the dark!"

He was a little worried, "I often hear those young men say they would sell their kidneys for money. Did you also waste your own body and sell part of your organs? Let me tell you. If that is the case, I won't take a penny from you!"

"Uncle," Yu Qinghuan explained to him awkwardly, "I didn't sell my kidney. I won the lottery! A lot of money! So don't worry about me."

"Winning the lotteries!" Hearing this, the old village head immediately relaxed. He had taken care of Yu Qinghuan since he was little. He knew this kid's personalities. Although he still didn't believe Yu Qinghuan could make so much money in such a short time, he had never doubted he would do something illegal or what.

Since Yu Qinghuan said so, he immediately bought it. The old village head said happily, "Our Qinghuan is the best! He got the first place every year in school and now has even won lotteries!"

After a pause, he continued, "Qinghuan, now you are a big star. Your uncle and auntie went to watch your movie yesterday. You were amazing! After finishing the farm work, I will also go to the theater to take a look!"

"Uncle, don't!" Yu Qinghuan felt sour in the nose. He had never expected that those old-fashioned uncles and aunties would specially go to the town to buy tickets for his movie. In their village, if some young man spent money to watch a movie in the theatre, they would be scolded by the old generation.

Besides, now was the farming time. They should have a lot of things to do.

"I'll buy you a computer so you can watch it at home."

Right after he finished his words, the old village head reproached him, "Don't buy me a computer! It's so expensive. What can an old man like me do with it? You can't dip into your purse since you are rich now! It's not easy to earn money. Your uncle and auntie told me that your face is as thin as a stick now! If you buy it, I won't accept it, you hear me?"

"I know." Yu Qinghuan sniffed and heard the old man nagging about the dry weather this year and there would be a bad harvest and something like that and finally hung up.

As he turned around, he saw that Yu Xinhuan was looking at him with mixed feelings, Yu Qinghuan rubbed the corner of his eyes and asked, "What's up, ge?"

Yu Xin said, "Now I know why you have turned into such a decent and upright man!"

After Yu Qinghuan became rich, none of his folks tried to scam money from him. On the contrary, after they knew Yu Qinghuan was rich, the first reaction was worrying about Yu Qinghuan's health!

That 20 million Yu Qinghuan had spent on them was really worth it!

At the same time, Huo Qu was sharing his experience of this phase of the experiment on stage.

It was quite cold these days. He was wearing a long black woolen overcoat, making him look slender and straight, face looking a bit bland. And it was like he had the complicated experiment data at hand. Those listeners' eyes were beaming. Some even recorded it in case they would miss a single word.

Maybe he felt a little hot, only after the beginning, Huo Qu rolled up his left sleeve, exposing that graceful and luxurious watch.

The academy was full of science geeks, who didn't notice such a detail. They even didn't look up, only crazily writing down the data with their heads down.

Huo Qu pursed his lips. Then he used his left hand to write down those data and computing methods he had just taught them meticulously and slowly on the blackboard.

Those people below all got excited and took out their smart phones and took pictures of the date on the blackboard. This was the first time professor Huo shared his date with handwriting! In the past he just taught using his mouth and never cared about whether they understood or not.

Their professor Huo really became nicer and nicer! So touching!

It's just… Since when professor Huo has become left-handed?

But talents, you know, it was no surprising that he could use both his hands to write. So they just ignored it and continued focusing on their study.

Huo Qu, "…"

Didn't those people see he was wearing a watch today? Why no one ask him about i?

But he clearly remembered that last time when Cheng Ya's father was sharing, someone asked him whether wore his pants inside out, and some even asked whether Chang Ya had a boyfriend!

Was it possible he was not giving enough hint?

Thinking of that, for the very first time Huo Qu asked after his sharing, "You can ask me if you have any question."

His face was like sculptural, and his body was upright, now when he scanned down those students, he showed kind of unspoken righteous prestige.

And those people who got scanned by his sharp eyes subconsciously quivered. Thinking of those years getting overshadowed by his high IQ, they immediately kept their mouths shut and shook their heads like hell!

"No, no, thank you, Professor Huo!"

"Professor Huo, a very elaborate lecture. We could understand it all!"

"Yeah, yeah, yeah, right. We won't bother you."

On the stage, Huo Qu's brow furrowed gradually.

Those scientists even dared not breathe with their heads shrunk and shoulders sunk, like some primary students who were afraid of being called the name and answering the question.

"What's the matter with you?" A scientist who had just entered the research institute looked at the others in bewilderment, "Professor Huo is not so scary, OK? Do you really all understand? I think there's something I don't understand. I'm gonna ask him."

"Don't!" When he was about to raise his hand, someone immediately stopped him, "Do you know where the last person who asked professor a question is now?"

That person, "Where?"

"He felt he didn't have enough knowledge to stay in the institute and had resigned to become a university physics teacher."

That person, "!!!"

"So… Better not seek trouble for yourself."

The man shuddered, and at once dropped his eager right hand.

However, Huo Qu, who was paying close attention to the audience, noticed his little gesture at a glance and turned to him hopefully, "Do you have a question?"

He raised his left hand and shook it deliberately, with his words full of hints.

But on hearing him, that guy was like encountering some fierce beast and shook his head like a rattle-drum, "No, no, I don't have a question at all."

Huo Qu moved forward, "You can ask me, really."

That person, "But I really have no question to ask!"

Huo Qu, "…"

He pursed his lips and the scanned those people below from left to right and then from right to left, and suddenly dropped the chalks on the desk and strode out.

The newcomer exclaimed, "Is Professor Huo mad? Why do I have some kind of bad feeling?"

"Are you nuts? Professor Huo has never got mad at anyone! In his eyes, we are just a bunch of white radishes? Will you be mad at a white radish? Since we have no question to ask, of course he would leave."

"So that's the case. I got it.

The author has something to say:

No place to show off? Professor Huo is really mad: QVQ