Chapter 57: Are You Imposing Cold Violence against Me?

"You…you are the so-called paparazzi in TV?" He looked up and down at the journalists queerly.

"No, no, no, we are not." They waved their hands to refuse this title and pointed at the logo on their microphones, "We are journalists from Haicheng TV."

"That's more or less the same." The villager waved for a while, then suspended, and mysteriously leaned close to them, "You must be here to inquire about Qinghuan, right? Would you like to know any trifle about him?"

Seeing those journalists nodding their heads so hard, the villager pointed at a small shop and said, "Over there is his favorite calico cat. Would you like to take a photo?"

Those journalists, "…"

What was wrong with this village? Why did each villager act like a drama queen? Who would want to take a picture of a calico cat?!"

At the same time, the real-time bullet comments on the video were brimmed with laughter.

[Hahahahaha, the calico cat! Qinghuan's secret has been suddenly revealed!]

[ Astonished! The top famous male celebrity sneaked into a small shop only to…]

[ Lol! I'm almost laughing to death! This plot is so well-paced and full of ups and downs! Excellent! ]

Since this incident was extremely hot, the live streaming was quickly recorded and sent out on the Internet. For a moment, all the netizens were laughing through the real-time bullet comments, except for Wang Chengcheng's fans. They were boosting how charm their "goddess" was before the video came out, the next second they were quickly slapped in the face by the truth.

If they would have kept a low profile at that moment, all these would end with time, but unfortunately, the fans were too agitated. They not only refused to admit that their "goddess" took advantage of Yu Qinghuan to deliberately hype herself, but also remarked these villagers as bribed by Yu Qinghuan. Such ridiculous comments came out continuously, and eventually triggered the anger of the mass.

[It's true that the fans act the same with their idol. Her fans are the meanest I've ever seen! Poor Yu Qinghuan, he just joined a reality show and winded up in such a mess!]

[OMG! That's so disgusting. I thought Wang Cheng is a total troublesome clown, but her fans' words are so disgusting. I would like to be her anti-fan for rest of my life.]

[Don't worry, Wang Chengcheng's fans, I have listed all the male celebrities your "goddess" had took advantage of! Gee, let me see how you explain about these.]

[I've never met such despicable female celebrity. I won't be her fan forever. Poor Yu Qinghuan.]

Now, Wang Chengcheng had actually become the target for all the people on the Internet.

Her previous set-image collapsed thoroughly, and she lost several millions of followers on Weibo within few hours.

But what happened on the Internet did not reach Yu Qinghuan and the people journeyed with him on the plane. They arrived at the airport on time at 6pm.

They had prepared for the journalists waiting at the airport since they didn't cover their itinerary, but when they came out of the passage, the huge amounts of journalists still shocked them.

Wasn't it too extravagant?

"What the hell? What's going on?" Zhao Qingyuan whispered by Yu Qinghuan's ear in astonishment, "Why didn't I know I have become so popular?"

"Hope it's not something bad happening." Yu Qinghuan frowned. When he was about to take out his phone to find out the reason, they were already surrounded by the journalists.

"Chengcheng, did Qinghuan really knock on your door at night?"

"Chengcheng, did you hear the knocking?"

"Qingyuan, what is your opinion on this?"

Questions of this kind successively bombed Zhao Qingyuan and Yu Qinghuan, and they were totally bewildered. They looked at each other, both of whom were like a deer caught in the headlights.

What door knocking? What on earth are these journalists talking about?"

Just when Yu Qinghuan wanted to ask about it, Wang Chengcheng's countenance changed. "Knocking on my door? I think I did hear the sound the night before. But I don't think it should be Qinghuan. Why should he knock at my door?" said Wang Chengcheng.

She paused for a while, then laid her eyes on Yu Qinghuan, "Am I right? Qinghuan?"

To her surprise, the journalists didn't follow her indication and continue to interview Yu Qinghuan, a weird silence surrounded them.

The villagers all said that Yu Qinghuan had slept in the small shop that night and never left. Thus, it must be a pure fabrication that he went out to knock on Wang Chengcheng's door.

What they intended to ask was why she lied, but due to time limit and the numerous rivals, they had to shorten the question. Inadvertently, they happened to disguise the truth that was already known to all before Wang Chengcheng.

So this left Wang Chengcheng the delusion that everything was still under her control. And she even tried to splash the dirty water on Yu Qinghuan under the condition that the whole thing had already been clarified.

The journalists were not foolish, they understood this scheme immediately: there was no secret crush, no failed confession of love, no heart-broken drunk or door-knocking at night. All these were sheer lies fabricated by Wang Chengcheng to hype herself!

Wang Chengcheng had no idea about her significant mistake, and deliberately indicated a lot about their "secret relationship". She even failed to notice the increasing amounts of strange glances from those journalists…

Taking advantage of the few seconds while the journalists were still in great shock, Yu Qinghuan pulled Zhao Qingyuan to rush out of the crowd. Following Zhao Qingyuan's guide, they ran all the way to the car already waiting for them. As they got into the car, they finally heaved a sigh of relief.

The black Bentley ran smoothly on the road. Yu Qinghuan wiped his sweat on the forehead and reached out his hand to fetch the phone in the pocket. Before he pulled his phone out, Zhao Qingyuan suddenly laughed out loudly like crazy.

"Jesus! That's f**king fabulous! That b*tch Wang Chengcheng even dares to hype with you! Look!" Said Zhao Qingyuan, handing him the phone. "That's really a hard slap in her face! You are a total living koi! Qinghuan!"

Taking over the phone, Yu Qinghuan read over the news, then he felt that he couldn't find a right emotional reflection to this.

No wonder why tremendous amounts of journalists were waiting for them. The truth was they were all here for this gossip.

"I feel a little pity for Wang Chengcheng now." Zhao Qingyuan put on a crocodile's smile, "She spoke too much at the airport, which indeed totally gave herself out. When she sees the news, her lung would be blown up by anger."

"She deserves it." Sneered Yu Qinghuan.

Zhao Qingyuan silenced for a while and suddenly threw himself on Yu Qinghuan, "I am sorry Qinghuan! I apologize to you! You can caress the cat, you can caress everything including your 'pipe'! And I swear I won't mock you anymore!"

Zhao Qingyuan thought his friend was amazing! Simply obsessed by the cat at night could evaded himself from a hype!

He must be the God's child! He had to ride on Qinghuan's coattails tightly!

Yu Qinghuan, "…"

"Shut up!"

Zhao Qingyuan sent Yu Qinghuan to his house.

"Take care." Yu Qinghuan waved his hand at him. Watching his car leaving the block, he turned back, dragged his suitcase and walked to the door.

It's baffling that the closer he approached the door, the quicker his heartbeat. Just thinking that he was gonna meet Huo Qu in a minute, Yu Qinghuan unconsciously curved up his lips and speeded up.

As soon as he picked out the key and opened the door, his phone rang.

Putting the luggage in the foyer, Yu Qinghuan answered the phone as he closed the door. "Rui ge?" answered him.

"Qinghuan, what about have a dinner with me tomorrow?" Zhao Rui invited him with a delightful voice, "Since the movie has been released for half a month, I want to talk about some later arrangement with you."

"Okay," stepping into his soft slippers, Yu Qinghuan accepted the invitation. Suddenly, the door of the bedroom was thrown open, as Yu Qinghuan raised his sights, he was caught by the dark eyes of Huo Qu.

"Wait a second." Qinghuan pulled the phone slightly away from his ear, and gave Huo Qu a "wait a second' mouth shape, but Huo Qu didn't listen to him at all. He pounced on Qinghuan like a panther pouncing on its prey.

They both plopped down on the floor. The phone could be thrown out if it wasn't held tightly by Yu Qinghuan.

"Qinghuan?" yelled Zhao Rui doubtfully, "What's going on?"

"Nothing," Yu Qinghuan took a breath, raised his phone with great effort and put the phone against his ear, "Sorry, Rui ge, I've got emergency situation now, I'll call you back." Then, He hang up the phone.

"What is wrong with you?" Yu Qinghuan put down his hand, frowned at the man above him, and asked coldly, "Get…ouch…"

The following words were stuck by Huo Qu's sudden and harsh bite on his neck.

Yu Qinghuan shuddered by the pain. He touched his neck, only felt a round of deep tooth mark. Huo Qu really applied great force on it.

He was so pissed off, grabbing Huo Qu's hair and pulled his head up, "What are you doing?"

Huo Qu didn't answer him. His lips pursed up to a line, and his short hair on the forehead covered his eyes, which made them look darker. He stared at Yu Qinghuan for seconds, then lowered down his head and bit on Qinghuan's neck again, in despite of the pain from his pulled hair.

Yu Qinghuan was totally upset this time. He poked him with his knee fiercely and asked coldly, "Huo Qu, have I pampered you too much?"

Nobody would remain calm when he or she returned home with full hope of embracing the beloved one but only to receive a cold face and several ruthless bites.

"Wang Chengcheng." Huo Qu lifted slightly, with his hands holding on the ground besides Yu Qinghuan's head, and almost gnashed his teeth to pronounce this name.

His eyelashes shivered with anxiety, and his emotion was stretched to the extreme. He was like a full bended bow, which would shoot the fatal arrow with a slight touch.

Yu Qinghuan got stunned for a second and immediately understood the reason of his abnormal behaviors.

He sighed in his heart, he shouldn't have allowed Yu Xin to show him how to use Weibo. He eased a little and comforted him, "They are all fake news fabricated by those journalists, don't mind about that. I have no so-called relationship with her." He paused a bit and added, "The video was released afterwards, you can see that I didn't go to knock her door at all."

Huo Qu pursed his lips, but said nothing.

"All right, get up, Huo Qu." Yu Qinghuan stood up from his confinement, rubbing his temple and said, "Let's stop here, so tired, I am going to take a shower first." He paused for a while and continued, "Have you had dinner?"

Huo Qu still sat on the floor, head lowered, and didn't response.

"Huo Qu, ease your temper." Yu Qinghuan tried to control his voice within the range of gentleness. "I just arrived home."

In normal days, Huo Qu would have been absolutely delighted if Yu Qinghuan patiently coaxed him in whispers, but now, he just kept silent with eyes dropped.

Yu Qinghuan waited for a while, but Huo Qu still didn't make a sound. The pressed anger inside Yu Qinghuan flushed up: is he imposing cold violence on me?

He felt kind of exhausted at that moment. Glancing at Huo Qu, who had locked himself from him, Yu Qinghuan felt suffocated and directly rushed into the bathroom.

They had only lived together for such a short time, now the cold violence happened, then what would happen in the future? What if Huo Qu's fresh feelings toward him fade away? Would such silence between them last for the rest of their life?

As the warm water dripping down his skin, Yu Qinghuan wiped off the water drops on his face, and punched on the wet tile wall.

Huo Qu distracted him so much that he lost himself frequently during the shower. He didn't go out of the bathroom until over half an hour later.

Huo Qu still sat on the floor with the same posture as he saw before entering the bathroom. He even didn't raise his eyes to look at Yu Qinghuan as he stood in front of him.

Seeing this, Yu Qinghuan got even angier.

He glimpsed Huo Qu coldly, walked into the bedroom as rubbing his hair with the towel, and slammed the door shut.

Ah, it seemed that he wanted to stick onto the cold violence. Fine! Sit in the living room for the whole night if you have got the balls, thought Huo Qu!

But it seemed that Huo Qu really intended to hold such stalemate with him. It was the high time he should go to bed every day, but he remained sitting on the floor on the previous position, without any signs of standing up.

Sighing in the bed, Yu Qinghuan hesitated for like a century, but at last, he still decided not to talk to him.

He scrambled under the quilt, reached out his arms and covered his eyes. The distressed and frustrated feeling suddenly occupied him.

He'd fall for Huo Qu for all his heart and never ever betrayed him, why should he be treated like this? He had tried everything he could to explain this rumor, but Huo Qu still refused to communicate and locked him outside his world.

Even if his heart was burning with full loaded affection, it was now cooled down by Huo Qu's actions.

Let it be. He really needed to calm down and consider what to do next. He was sober, he was cool-headed, but it didn't mean he could stay calm all the time. He did have his temper.

He turned over sideways to turn off the lamp, suddenly the door was opened, and someone rushed in. Before he knew what was going on, that man already crawled under his quilt and held him tightly in his arms.

"Qinghuan, don't leave me alone…"

He was "sued" by this "guilted" Huo Qu? Yu Qinghuan smiled out of angry, then poked him again with his knee. "I left you alone? I was left alone by you! How many words have I spoke to you? You just kept silence for the whole night!"

Huo Qu let out a gasp of pain, but he was still holding Qinghuan firmly and showed no sign of letting him go. "Qinghuan," he attempted to organize his language, "I didn't, I really didn't leave you alone."

Every time he had fallen into his own thoughts, the voices outside his world were totally blocked from him. He didn't intend to ignore Qinghuan, he just didn't hear anything.

He snuggled in Yu Qinghuan's arms, with his head nuzzling against his neck, "I will never ignore you… I just… I just didn't hear anything."

He was just thinking about how to shield Qinghuan from all these malicious people, and how to possess him only.

"You are good at speaking." The anger in Yu Qinghuan's voices pacified obviously, but he still held a cold face. "Why were you angry? Give me a reason."

"I…" Huo Qu pursed his lips for a while, spoke in a low tone with a touch of pain, "I saw that they all said that you had a crush on Wang Chengcheng… I was so upset."

Although his second brother had already explained about it, and Qinghuan had testified by himself that the woman had nothing to do with him, he was still agitated about it.

He knew it was not right, but he just couldn't control himself.

Yu Qinghuan felt that his heart was squeezed, the plans to use cold violence against cold violence he had designed just now all turned into aches in heart.

How could he lose his temper? He had already decided to shoulder much, how couldn't him calm down and speak patiently to him?

"I'm sorry." He held Huo Qu in regrets, "That's all my fault. I promise you, this is the last time, it won't happen again."

Huo Qu shook his head and replied in a low voice, "It's not your fault, Qinghuan. It's me… It's me…" He spoke clumsily, "It's my fault, I… I've known it was not true, but I still got upset, and…and jealous."

He raised his head, gazing at Yu Qinghuan sincerely, "Qinghuan , if one day I don't answer you, it doesn't mean that I don't want to speak, it's just because I can't hear you. If this does happen again, can… can you wake me up?"

He lowered his head and kissed on Yu Qinghuan's lip corner gingerly, "I promise…I'll try my best to…to ignore this sort of things."

"Huo Qu," Yu Qinghuan stroked the tilted strand of hair on Huo Qu's head. His nose was stuffed by the feeling of crying, and the rim of his eyes turned pink. "You don't need to ignore that, you have the right to get angry. If I were the one who heard that you fall in love with someone else, I would also get angry even if my mind keeps telling me it's not true."

"It's my bad, I let you down and even got mad at you. Can you forgive me, Qu?"

"Of course!" Huo Qu answered in a hurry, "It's not your fault. I won't be angry towards you, I will never do that."

Yu Qinghuan felt both sour and sweet in his heart at the same time. He sniffed slightly, and rested his face on Huo Qu's robust chest.

For quite a while, he heard Huo Qu speak from above, with full of his heart:

"Qinghuan, I'll be good to you and treat you better than anyone else."


"So��� you can't fall in love with someone else."

Yu Qinghuan smiled, raised his head and kissed him back on the lip corner, "There is no someone else, only you!"

"Huo Qu, I am into you."

The author has something to say: As I have mentioned before, Qinghuan was a gentle person, but short of sense of security, and that was also why Yu Xin thought that Huo Qu was the most suitable person to him. When in a relationship, Yu Qinghuan also could not stay rational all the time. Just like other ordinary people, he also needed the confirmation from his love. When everything was on the right track, their love life was smooth and sweet, but life did include accidents. When accidents fell, there must be conflicts between two dependent individuals. Unlike family relationship, love could not be inclusive all the time. The inclusiveness of love was a lesson which should be attended by both sides. To increase the degree of sweetness in this chapter, I included the reconciliation part. QAQ