Chapter 59: So-called Pure Man-man Relationship

Yu Qinghuan held Huo Qu's hand tightly, in case of getting separation in the crowd.

He was overwhelmingly regretful now. He should have refused Zhao Rui, and the commotion here would be avoided.

"Qinghuan! Qinghuan!" Turning around excitingly, Zhao Rui stared at Yu Qinghuan like a wolf, his fists clenched, and murmured, "You are blessed koi! Definitely a God-blessed koi!"

His flushed face and protruding veins on the neck revealed his excitement. It seemed that he was the one who had won 8.5 million yuan.

The croupier replayed the surveillance video and reviewed it carefully. Without spotting any cheating behaviors, she smiled at Yu Qinghuan, "Your friend is right, you are really a koi. This is kind of once over a dozen years' thing."

Since Yu Qinghuan had not gained popularity all around China, the croupier only regarded him as a handsome lucky guest, but never thought him an movie star.

"That's sheer good luck." Yu Qinghuan rubbed his temple with his forefinger. Surrounded by jealousy, he sighed in the heart.

It was too strange. He felt like she was born with good luck in this life. He couldn't help guessing if the God intended to grant him all the good luck he had lost in the previous life.

His good luck shocked the whole casino. Although the casino had arranged over 200 guards to maintain the order, it was still in a mess. Many people stealthily took pictures, later on, he and his good luck had become a hit on the Internet.

Yu Qinghuan and others did not stay long in the casino. Not long later, the lottery supervisors from Lottery Administration of Macau came here. After the scrutiny on his identity and age, they finally confirmed that Qinghuan had reached 21 and returned all his licenses to him. They even shook hands and congratulated him, "Congrats."

Yu Qinghuan nodded and replied, "Thank you."

It's not some kind of big news for winning millions in a casino, but when it came to winning 8.5 million yuan with merely 200 yuan at the first attempt, it was really a rare thing.

In case of any potential accident, the casino designated a hotel to accommodate them, assigned bodyguards to protect them, and even offered to escort them back to the mainland by a private plane with a little pay. And the money he won would be transferred directly into his bank account.

"Oh my goodness." Not until entering the room and siting in the soft mattress did Zhao Rui take a deep breath, "I feel that I am still in a dream."

On the last word, without waiting for any reply, he pinched his lap hardly.

"Ouch…" The pain pulled him back to the real world. Staring at Yu Qinghuan and Huo Qu besides him, Zhao Rui suddenly asks Qinghuan with full sincerity, "Qinghuan, seriously speaking, do you like my face? Now I have an spur to be in a relationship with you."

Jesus Christ, he is a walking mountain of gold!

With him, who needs to work anymore! Who needs to care about shooting movies!

Whenever he is in short of money, all he needs to do is taking him to the casino! Who could have that luck like him!

But on hearing these words, Huo Qu broke his long-lasting silence and suddenly rose up and stood in front of Yu Qinghuan. Shielding Qinghuan behind him, he glared at Zhao Rui like a little wolf gazing at the enemy. It seemed that he would rush to tear Zhao Rui apart if he even dared to say one more word.

"Easy, he was just kidding." Yu Qinghuan held Huo Qu's hands to comfort him, and turned to Zhao Rui, "Ge, that joke is not funny."

"I know, my bad." Zhao Rui raised his hands to apologize.

He was just kidding! Why should that guy be so tense!

The casino had assigned people to fetch their luggage in the previous hotel, thus they didn't need to do it in person any more. But unfortunately, their trip got ruined, because Qinghuan must fly back to the mainland for the sake of his safety.

After Zhao Rui left, Yu Qinghuan apologized to Huo Qu, "I am so sorry about the mess I brought, and you lose the chance for a good trip."

He really wanted to take Huo Qu to the aquashow, to go to bungee, to share with him the happiness in the trip. But now, due to his "good luck", they can go nowhere except for the hotel.

"Never mind," Huo Qu smiled shyly, "I only want to be with you."

Yu Qinghuan's straight flush in casino stirred the whole city. And when they knew that he was an actor who came here for publicizing his new movie Orange, they decide to go to the cinema and watch this movie.

People were always curious about the free lunches. They came close out of envy and the hope of sharing the good luck, which helped the box office of Orange break the record on the premiere day in Macao.

Zhao Rui was extremely shocked, jaw dropped. He felt that there was a door to a new world opening in front of him, and something new was waving at him.

A movie can be publicized like that?

Gaining the whole world without paying a penny, he's the marvelous master card!

The leaders who came to Macao for publicizing their own game movie from mainland was totally confused by the sudden huge audience rushing to watch Orange, but when they heard Zhao Rui's explanation, they finally took a tumble.

That's all because Yu Qinghuan!

People at the higher social hierarchy would be more obsessed with such intangible luck, on knowing him inadvertently having rescued the whole crew of the Orange, they immediately carved his name in their hearts.

Though the movie industry in the mainland was eager to export their cultural product, the result was far from satisfactory due to all sorts of factors.

They'd got good movies, professional actors, but they only lacked in a little bit luck!

Thus, such professional and heaven-blessed actor like Yu Qinghuan should be cultivated in particular!

Despite Macao, his good luck quickly spread to the mainland via Internet. Since he was in the quick rising period, bunches of media were fond of gossiping about his koi title. On hearing this news, they started report successively, which pushed him on the hot search of Weibo again.

[OMG! I don't know what to say! Is there anyone who is as lucky as him? ]

[ My goodness! That's unbelievable! Does he need an assistant! I would apply for it even without any pay! I don't work for money, I work to share his luck! ]

[ That's daydreaming! But you know what, I want to apply for being his assistant too! ]

[ Jesus, what marvelous deed has Yu Qinghuan done in his previous life? He is living an absolutely god-blessed overpowered life! ]

[ I was in desperately need of good luck these days. Hope to share his luck for a little. Ah, I don't know who would marry him in the future, but I do feel jealous of that person.]

With the help of his casino adventure, the previous slowing down box office of Orange immediately soared again. Moreover, when the netizens knew that another movie he had shot The Line of Life and Death was going to be released soon, they all said that they would go to watch it in the theater too, even if they were not interested at its war genre.

Since Yu Qinghuan was so blessed, his movie he picked would also be blessed. And the audience of his movie may share his koi luck and get blessed too!

Paying for a movie ticket for exchange of some good luck, that's the most cost-effective trade for life!

Liu Jia'an was almost laughing his brain out. Previously, the movie The Line of Life and Death was nearly boycotted by numbers of netizens due to the affair of Wang Chengcheng. But Yu Qinghuan now pulled these people back, and they even propagated this movie in advance for him! They were way more effective than any movie publicity team!

That night, Liu Jia'an sent Yu Qinghuan a red envelope with a huge amount of money, asking him to attend every daily press during the publicizing period.

Without any other choice, Yu Qinghuan could only accept it. After washing up, he and Huo Qu immediately fell asleep.

What he didn't know is, when he was sleeping, a picture uploaded from the outer net evoked massive discussion on the Internet.

[Hold on, is Yu Qinghuan holding the man's hand?]

People on the Internet were silent for a second, then exclaimed together—

[O-M-G!!! ]

The photographer was lucky enough to "survive" from the tight monitoring of the securities, his photo was in high definition, which excluded the possibility of publicity stunt or position or forced perspective photography.

Yu Qinghuan and Huo Qu were hand in hand, for real.

[God damn it! Yu Qinghuan is a gay? But he is not sissy at all! I don't believe that! ]

[I beg your pardon? Gay is not all sissy! Please! ]

[I think I've seen the one Qinghuan holds looks kind of familiar…]

[Listen! Listen! That guy is Huo Qu! Did you remember the Model Couple at Hua University?! ]

[Ah, I remember him! He is that super smart but weird lad! ]

[If it is Huo Qu, it's normal for Qinghuan to hold his hand. ]

Generally, it was hard to explain why two men were holding hands with each other, people would not believe that they did not have a thing at all. But if one of the two men was Huo Qu, everything was different.

Many of them had ever watched the interview of Young People Want High, and almost all of them knew the situation of Huo Qu. Therefore, when they found out the one Qinghuan held was Huo Qu, the previous suspicion was totally gone.

[What gay? You are insane! He held Huo Qu to prevent him from getting lost!]

[I also think so. Although the model couple is cute, but rumor is not good.]

[Alas, my excitement is wasted. But it is good if they are really a couple. I can't bear a woman sharing his luck beside him, but if it is a cute boy like Huo Qu, I think I can bear with that.]

[_(:з」∠)_Couldn't agree more.]

[You are excessively concerned about this! Qinghuan has koi luck, his choice would be good, and what we can do is to sit down and watch! Ordinary people like me is more interested at his straight flush thing.]

Yu Qinghuan almost cried out when he saw the comments below his Weibo about that photo.

The reason why he held Huo Qu's hand in the casino was, on the one hand, he wanted to keep them from separated by the crowd, and on the other hand, he actually intended to give his fans a hint about his relationship with Huo Qu.

Coming out was not an easy task. He wanted to reveal it little by little from now on, then when they figured out the general story with the clues he left, the pressure and tremor would be slighter when he really came out in the future.

But to his great surprise, the people not only misunderstood his meaning, and even pulled back those who had stepped on the 'right path' as he tried lead them to!

What should he do next!?

It was not pure man-man relationship like good buddies between them at all! Come on! They were in a relationship! Why had no one even seen it through?? Wasn't it obvious enough???

At this moment, Qinghuan's feeling was on the same page with Huo Qu, who decided to show off the watch he bought him but only ended up with disappointment.