Chapter 62: “No Hurry, I’ll just Wait for You at Home.”

The next day, Yu Qinghuan rose up with the lark and arrived at the airport early.

The night before, he was seriously short of sleep. When entering the lounge, he pulled down his hat brim and dozed off on the back of the chair. As he was about to fall asleep, he was suddenly awakened by a strong push. Then, his ear came in the annoying voice of Zhao Qingyuan, "Did you see the video sent to you yesterday? Why didn't you reply to me? Was it…"

Although he didn't make it clear, his winks and his facial expression had explicated everything.

Yu Qinghuan glanced at him with a straight look. "You can also try to get up at 4 in the morning to catch the flight."

Last night, he and Huo Qu did that thing until the middle of the night. In the end, Yu Qinghuan felt like a salted fish drained of water, while Huo Qu was still energetic and lively. He felt so envious, and at the same time, curious.

When Huo Qu showed him that dirty little video with a face of shyness, Yu Qinghuan realized that it was all Zhao Qingyuan's little game.

This was why Huo Qu suddenly got the hang of it with no one teaching him before?

Yu Qinghuan didn't want to talk to Zhao Qingyuan at first, but he couldn't hold the babbles of the man, who was always looking for a sense of presence in front of him.

Seeing that wretched smiling face, together with the grievance that professor Huo had'crushed' on him in all aspects, Yu Qinghuan's anger came up.

When Yu Qinghuan lifted the brim of his hat and was about to speak, Zhao Qingyuan asked first, "Qinghuan, to be honest, do you and Huo Qu…his family has no objection?"

This was a question that Yu Qinghuan had always been evading. He sighed and wanted to ask Zhao Qingyuan if he had any suggestion, while the other party continued, "Do you think Huo Rong will wroite you a check of dozens of mission directly and then let you leave Huo Qu?"

Yu Qinghuan, "…"

He straightened up and suddenly reached out and wobbled Zhao Qingyuan's head.

He did not use much strength, and Zhao Qingyuan actually was enjoying it. He grinned and asked, "Well, Qinghuan. Do you find that I am more handsome than Huo Qu now?"

"No." Yu Qinghuan looked at him coldly, "I'm trying to find out if you're out of your mind."

Zhao Qingyuan, "…"

Yu Qinghuan, "Maybe you're born with a stupid skull."

Zhao Qingyuan: QAQ

As the plane was about to take off, it started to drizzle. Fortunately, the flight was not delayed. Towards noon, they landed in the destination city.

The roadshow of The Line of Life and Death was carried out by two groups. Liu Jia'an's group had Zhao Qingyuan, Wang Chengcheng and Yu Qinghuan, they focused on first-tier cities. And the deputy director Jiang Qi, brought Fang Zhongxi and Li Hongxiu with him to promote the movie in the second-tier and third-tier cities.

During this period of time, Yu Qinghuan's social status had ascended quickly. He had not only gained popularity in the mainstream movie circle, but also beloved by the fashion circle since he had cooperated with the famous brand Ada as his first-time endorsement. He had even been contacted by many famous magazines, which asked him to take covers for their magazines.

Therefore, even if Fang Zhongxi and Li Hongxiu had a word of this arrangement, they could only restrain it in their hearts.

Due to the tight schedule of the roadshows, Yu Qinghuan's group hurriedly put their luggage in the hotel and rushed to the scene under the arrangement of the sponsors.

The Line of Life and Death had not yet been released, so their current roadshows were all held outdoors. They would only enter the cinemas in major cities after the movie was released.

A movie generally had roadshows after it was released. Since this was the first movie that Liu Jia'an made after he returned China seven years later, he would inevitably put more heart into it and arrange publicity before and after its release.

This stop was in a broad stadium, where a lot of roll up banners of the movie on the spot, and the scenes were decorated closely related to the movie.

Before the roadshow began, Liu Jia'an was still worried lest there would be few participators. But when he really came to the stage and saw the people on the seats, he finally felt much relieved in his heart.

Oops, not bad.

The popularity of the actors could be best demonstrated at a roadshow. The overwhelming majority of fans arriving today came to support Zhao Qingyuan and Yu Qinghuan. Wang Chengcheng had only a few fans, and they prepared very few nameplates for her, which were obviously inattentive.

Liu Jia'an's personal style was sharp, he carried out every task with drive and sweep. After a few simple introductions at the beginning, he got straight to the point and released the trailer of The Line of Life and Death.

He had a mastery of lens, making the movie scene grand and magnificent, not rough, but rather delicate. Coupled with the majestic and desolate music, it looked breathtaking on the big screen.

Part of the audiences at the scene were not interested in the movie at all but simply came to support their idols. Unexpectedly, after seeing the trailer, they were immediately being hooked.

It turned out that battlefield themes were not only about fighting and killing but also about making exquisite emotional lines and smooth stories.

Seeing the audiences' mood had been stirred up, the host struck the iron while it was hot, raised several questions related to the movie, and even disclosed some videos behind the scenes, making the atmosphere on the scene quite lively.

"The role Peng Cheng should be regarded as a breakthrough for Qing Yuan. I remember you didn't seem to have played a similar role before." The host handed Zhao Qingyuan the microphone and asked.

"Yup." Zhao Qingyuan, who had already stood on the stage, looked cold and indifferent and was exactly different from his usual performance. However, his fans bought it. At the moment he spoke, the screams immediately sounded from the audiences.

"I'm so glad to play this role. Peng Cheng and I have completely different personalities. So I really gained a lot from this experience. Hope you can support the movie."

He smiled and looked at Yu Qinghuan, "And most importantly, I met Qinghuan."

The hostess then said, "We all know that you have a good relationship with Qinghuan. There is no need to show off any more. We really look forward to your performance in The Line of Life and Death!"

The hostess turned to Yu Qinghuan, paused for a moment, and deliberately made a joke on him, "Qinghuan, actually I wanted to ask your thoughts about the movie but now I suddenly changed my mind."

"Hmm?" Yu Qinghuan looked at her doubtfully.

The hostess then said, "I heard that you're give the title of 'koi' by the netizens because of your incredible good luck. You also won a lot of money in Macao not long ago. Is that true?"

"Yeah, I am lucky," Yu Qinghuan nodded with a smile, bringing the topic back to the movie without a trace, "So I can participate in such a good movie The Line of Life and Death."

"Wow!" Burying her face in her hands, the hostess exclaimed, "Qinghuan is a good speaker. Director Liu, you should be very happy on hearing that, right?"

Liu Jia'an nodded and smiled, "Yeah, I'm really happy. A good movie needs good actors. Qinghuan fully deserves the…."

Before he had finished speaking, a girl standing in the corner suddenly took advantage of the security guards' inattention, threw down her nameplate in her hands and rushed onto the stage, heading straight for Yu Qinghuan.

Everyone was shocked by this move. They watched helplessly as the girl grabbed Yu Qinghuan and tried to kiss him.

At this critical juncture, the security guards finally responded. They quickly jumped onto the stage, grabbed the girl tightly and dragged her down.

"Lady, please calm down."

"Qinghuan! Qinghuan!" The girl was struggling hard with dissatisfaction and cried aloud, "I love you! I love you!"

The girl looked only in her early twenties, wearing a pink dress and delicate light makeup. She was beautiful and conspicuous in the crowd.

Perhaps the desire to be close to her idol was too strong, she suddenly lost her mind and did such absurd things

Seeing that the younger girl was about to be dragged off the stage, Yu Qinghuan recovered and made a sign to the security guards to stop them. He took a poster at the scene, quickly signed his name and went over to hand it in to the younger girl's hand.

She had never expected Qinghuan to sign for her. So she looked at him incredulously and even forgot to cry.

"Thank you for your love," Yu Qinghuan looked down at her, "I am very happy."

"Qinghuan…" The girl choked and her tears burst out again.

"But please don't do such things again," Yu Qinghuan looked into her eyes, "Promise me?"

Clearly, her idol was in front of her, even talking to her gently, but she suddenly felt ashamed. How could she be so impulsive? How could she bother Qinghuan in such a way? Qing Huan, however, instead of blaming her, gave her a signature.

Her original intention was to show her best in front of the one she loved!

The girl kept wiping away the tears on her face and sobbed out an apology, "I'm sorry, I'm sorry Qinghuan, I've caused you so much trouble. I, I will never do this again."

Yu Qinghuan took a step back and motioned the security guards to take her down.

After such an incident, the atmosphere in the stadium was a bit chilly for a while. The hostess wanted to make a joke to liven up the atmosphere again. At this point, her eyes fell on Yu Qinghuan's neck and she suddenly froze.

Because of the disorder just now, the top two buttons of his shirt were loosened, revealing a glittering and translucent little pendant inside.

"Hey? Qing Huan's pendant looks very unique."

"Ah!" Yu Qinghuan unconsciously stretched out his hand to touch it. His eyes suddenly softened. "Yes, quite unique."

It was the most unique thing in the world.

The lights on the stage were very bright, so his expression at this moment reflected in the eyes of all the audience present.

It was simply too obvious that he had a little smugness in his face.

After all, this was the roadshow of The Line of Life and Death. All the questions were based on the movie. Therefore, however curious she was, the hostess should bring the topic back to the movie.

However, the fans were not satisfied. They excitedly waved Qinghuan's nameplates and kept shouting:

"Qinghuan! Who sent it to you?"

"Who sent you the pendant, Qinghuan? Qinghuan, tell us…"

It seemed that fans' curiosity was ignited and could not be extinguished. Yu Qinghuan had to take the microphone under the helpless eyes of the hostess and said, "Can't you guess? It's from someone I like."

The scene was quiet for a few seconds, then immediately there were waves of screams.

"Oh, my god!!!!! Who is it???"

"Did I witness a great moment in my life?!"

"I thought I would feel sad and jealous! But how can I be so relieved after hearing this answer?!!"

"Well…I can't say who it is yet." Yu Qinghuan said with a smile, "At least wait until the movie is released."

Yu Qinghuan had someone he liked! The news was so explosive that it hit all headlines that day. However, people with a heart for gossip rushed over and tried to find out who the lucky one could be only to find that this was a pit at all!

The answer would not be revealed until the movie was shown! It truly made their heart itch!

However, this also made more netizens remember the release time of the movie, so many people were saying that this was actually a hype by the cast.

Yu Qinghuan didn't know the discussion was already boiling on the internet. After the roadshow, he walked backstage and was severely beaten on the shoulder by Zhao Qingyuan. "Are you crazy? Do you want to come out? Qinghuan, don't be silly, your career has just started."

In China it was not as tolerant of homosexuality as expected, which could be seen from their last gossip.

If Yu Qinghuan chose to come out, it would be better to wait until he withdrew from the entertainment circle. Why did he have to make such a move when his career was on the rise?

"It's OK. I know what I am doing." Yu Qinghuan buttoned the shirt torn open by his fans and said, "Qingyuan, I know you are for my own good, but I don't want to hide it. This is not cool."

Zhao Qingyuan had been in quite a lot of relationships, but he never wanted to disclose his relationship to anyone publicly. He could not understand what Yu Qinghuan was thinking. But looking at Qinghuan's firm eyes, he knew that the man would barely change his mind.

"Then I won't be long-winded," he said with a complicated look. "as long as you don't regret it."

When they returned to the hotel, it was already over 7 in the evening. Yu Qinghuan calculated the time, realizing Huo Qu should have finished eating by then so he took out his cell phone and dialed his number.

The phone was soon connected, and from the other end of the line came the joyful voice of Huo Qu, "Qinghuan!"

"What are you doing?" Yu Qinghuan involuntarily curled his lips and asked in a gentle voice.

Huo Qu answered earnestly, "I'm missing you."

Yu Qinghuan suddenly felt a warm current running through his heart. He wanted to say 'I miss you too' when he heard Huo Qu continued, "I miss every bit of you."

Yu Qinghuan, "…"

Wait?! Did Huo Qu talk dirty?!

He snorted, "Huo Qu, you are really capable now. What a mess you have learned?"

Huo Qu, "?"

What did Qinghuan mean?

He touched his chest doubtfully and thought maybe he said something wrong. Then he tried his best to explain, "Qinghuan, I'm not lying to you. My heart and mind are thinking about you."

Yu Qinghuan, "Ahem! I see … I, me too."

It turned out that Huo Qu didn't mean that, but why did his words so ambiguous?

Huo Qu's intuition told him something was wrong with Qinghuan, he carefully considered the dialogue between them, then, the bulb in his mind suddenly lit up.

When doing that thing last night, Qinghuan also asked him where he learned such a mess.

Well, in Qinghuan's eyes, that thing equaled to such a mess?

So… Qinghuan was actually thinking about that kind of thing?

Huo Qu was suddenly enlightened!

He smiled shyly, revealing that deep dimple on his face. "Qinghuan, do you still want what we did last night? No hurry, I'll wait for you at home."

Yu Qinghuan, "…"

Get lost!!!!!