Chapter 64: My Boyfriend Got Sick

A roadshow should have the leading roles take the stage, whether the director was present or not was not a big deal. Before a movie was officially released, those who would pay for the tickets to attend the roadshow were basically the leading roles' big fans.

Not surprisingly, the roadshow of The Line of Life and Death in Nancheng City went smoothly.

Although the female lead was absent, everyone seemed to be very happy with the result. It did not cause any dissatisfaction but won a good cheer.

The netizens were happy feeling the film crew had finally listened to their opinions, suspending Wang Chengcheng's activities. So they rushed under the movie's official Weibo to leave messages:

[God, I can finally watch the roadshow from stem to stern, without having to skip the Wang Chengcheng parts. Applause!]

[I feel much better without Wang Chengcheng! Her presence would freeze the whole atmosphere.]

[The director did a good job! And only for this point I would like to buy tickets to support this movie!]

With makeup, Yu Qinghuan's face showed no indisposition, but his condition was still poor. He had a viral cold, a high fever, and aching all over. After standing on the stage for a while and he already began to sweat.

Fortunately, he had been used to hardships since childhood. He was very ill, but could still hold on, responding the sharp questions thrown by the host as well as interacting with the fans. Even Zhao Qingyuan, who was on the same stage with him, did not notice anything wrong.

When the roadshow was over, and they went back to the backstage, Yu Qinghuan slumped into a chair like being knocked outta all the spirit.

"Qinghuan, are you ok? You just performed well out there, didn't you ?" Zhao Qingyuan was stunned at first, then hurriedly walked over to feel Qinghuan's forehead. He was horrified and almost jumped up at the touch of it, "Holy crap you're burning! We must send you to the hospital now."

"Hmm." Yu Qinghuan knew that if his illness worsened, he might delay the following roadshows. In any case, he would no longer force himself. He nodded and said in a hoarse voice, "I'll go there right away."

Zhao Qingyuan sighed with worry, "I salute to you."

Being pampered by his family all the way through his growing up, Zhao Qingyuan was one of those people who had no self-care capabilities, let alone caring for others. Seeing Yu Qinghuan's miserable appearance at that time, he was worried but didn't know what to do to help him.

In the end, he actually handed Yu Qinghuan a bottle of eye drops, "Drop a little, your eyes were bloodshot."

Yu Qinghuan was embarrassed to refuse his kindness and could only take the eye drops and dripped a drop into his eyes.

"Qinghuan!" As soon as Yu Qinghuan wiped the sweat off his face, Yu Xin came along in a good mood with a cup of warm water. Something good must have happened since his voice was trembling with joy.

"What is it, ge?"

Yu Xin pulled a chair and sat down beside him, saying excitedly, "Kenn's Asian region manager has just contacted me! They'd like to invite you as the spokesman of their new passion series supercars!"

Kenn was a first-class sports car brand. Although it ranked out of the top 10 in the world, it was still the first choice for the rich.

After his endorsement of Ada's watch, Yu Qinghuan had received no other advertisements. It was neither no brand came to him nor the endorsement price was too low. They were just not appropriate to his image.

The endorsement Kenn's was like a timely rain. If their team could take it, it would be of great benefit to Yu Qinghuan's future commercial value.

Yu Xin was so excited that he even did not notice Yu Qinghuan's being ill momentarily.

"Kenn's manager happens to be in Nancheng City today and he just told me he wants to talk to you."

As soon as Yu Xin's voice fell, Zhao Qingyuan frowned, "No, he is still having a fever. He must go to the doctor first."

Yu Xin paused, stretched out his hand and felt Yu Qinghuan's forehead. Suddenly he felt nervous. "You really have to go to the hospital. I thought you've recovered. Hurry up! Let's go now."

"Ge, take it easy." Yu Qinghuan grabbed his arm, "I'll see Kenn's supervisor first."

Yu Qinghuan's current status was not enough to let a famous brand's supervisor wait for him. Even if he informed the other side in advance that he would go to the hospital, Kenn's side would have a word of it.

They wouldn't think he was really ill, but rather consider he was striking an attitude. If this was the case, the endorsement would possibly slip away.

"But how could your body hold up?" said Yu Xin concernedly.

Zhao Qingyuan also added, "Qinghuan, never ruin your health for work. It's not worth it. You're not particularly short of money."

"I know." Yu Qinghuan poured a glass of water and stood up from his chair, "But I will try my best to fight for what I can, and it won't take long. Didn't I take the antipyretic pill before the roadshow? The effect should last for a while. I won't make fun of my own body."

Seeing Qinghuan had made up his mind, Yu Xin and Zhao Qingyuan had no choice but to follow his advice.

On the way to the meeting, Yu Xin was still not at ease. He stopped the car halfway and bought a fever cooling pad to stick on Yu Qinghuan's forehead.

Kenn's Asian region manager was called Lu Feng, who was about 40 years old. Although his appearance was ordinary, his strong aura prevailed anyone present.

Yu Qinghuan had experienced in his previous life far more than that, and his heart had long been extremely robust. Apart from Huo Qu, no one could disturb his rhythm. Therefore, when talking with Lu Feng, his expression was natural, and his attitude was polite but not restrained. Lu Feng looked at him and nodded in satisfaction. Originally, he was not sure if Yu Qinghuan was a suitable candidate. But now his balance had titled to him.

Kenn attached great importance to the maintenance of its brand image, so they had always been very cautious in choosing spokesmen. They wanted their spokesmen to have appropriate appearance, with no scandals and rumors and were even harsh on their candidates' education and background.

Yu Qinghuan had just gained some fame but was surrounded by plenty of auras.

A graduate from Hua University, the chosen one, got fame for his maiden work, received invitations of movies made by famous directors and writers…

Each of these conditions looked extraordinary, let alone combined.

Lu Feng was only interested in these conditions at the beginning. When he saw Yu Qinghuan in person, he realized that what inside Yu Qinghuan was not just these aurae.

This young man did not have the willfulness and childishness of his generation. Instead, he had a strange charm. Even with his young age, he would definitely add color to the brand because his personal image was in good agreement with what the passion series wanted.

This made Lu Feng overjoyed. He even decided in his heart that he would push forward the decision when he returned. However, Yu Qinghuan suddenly said, "Manager Lu, I know Kenn attaches great importance to its spokesperson, so there is one thing I need to say in advance."


Yu Qinghuan took a sip of the tea to moisten his throat before continuing, "I'm gay and will definitely come out."

Lu Feng went silent.

If Yu Qinghuan's previous performance could make Yu Qinghuan a qualified spokesman, this condition was enough for the manager to reverse his former decision.

He personally had no opinion against gay men, but a gay spokesman could pose a great blow to the brand and the spokesman himself.

He was satisfied with Yu Qinghuan, this kind of satisfaction was not enough for him to take risks with Kenn's brand image.

"I see." Lu Feng still appreciated his candor, "I'll consider it carefully."

After the meeting, Yu Xin took Yu Qinghuan straight to the hospital. On the way, he couldn't help turning his head when the light turned red and asked, "Qinghuan, aren't you a little too honest? About your sexual orientation…did you really need to say it in advance?"

Just at the moment Yu Qinghuan confessed his sexual orientation, Yu Xin knew that this endorsement would be gone.

He really couldn't understand why Yu Qinghuan would do this. There were many artists who were forced to come out after the media disclosure, but he chose to be frank with the brand. How silly the boy was!

According to Yu Xin's idea, Yu Qinghuan should take this endorsement first, and let the god decide whatever happened next.

"Ge," Yu Qinghuan coughed and said after the itching in his throat disappeared, "I have to be responsible for my own endorsement. I can hide the truth momentarily, but I can't lie on this forever. If Kenn suffers losses because of me after the truth revealed, will there be any brands who dare to work with me?"

"That's true, but…"

"Ge, don't worry, I'm not a fool." Yu Qinghuan blinked at him mischievously. "Don't you know Kenn's CEO is gay? He not only takes part in gay parades but also calls on gays to express their sexuality bravely online."

Yu Xin was thunderstruck, "I… I really have no idea of that."

Yu Qinghuan sighed in his heart. Yu Xin was an ideal broker most of the time, he was considerate and cared about his artist with all his heart, however, the resources in his hand and the amount of information he had were just too little.

"I know fairly well, let's count on luck."

Hearing Yu Qinghuan's words, Yu Xin smiled, he stepped on the accelerator and said, "Then, this endorsement is definitely yours."

Yu Qinghuan also smiled.

They two soon arrived at the hospital. Fearing to be recognized, Yu Qinghuan covered his face with a mask. His appearance may be weird outdoors but common in the hospital, so few people paid attention to him.

The doctor took his temperature, tested his blood and finally determined it was a viral cold.

"I'll give you two boxes of oseltamivir," The doctor's keyboard crackled between his fingers and he said without lifting his head, "Just follow the instructions above and take the medicine. You must take a good rest and don't stay up late."

"Doesn't he need a transfusion? His cold is so serious." Yu Xin interjected worriedly.

"No, not necessary." The doctor waved his hand and handed Yu Qinghuan a printed list. "Don't think injections are good. Take medicine if you can cure the disease by pills. The bill, here you are."

Since the doctor said so, Yu Xin could not insist on his opinion anymore, so he took the medicine and carefully brought Yu Qinghuan back to the hotel.

"Bro, I'm fine," Yu Qinghuan took the medicine. Seeing Yu Xin still worried, Yu Qinghuan comforted him. "It's just a cold…"

Before he had finished speaking, the telephone suddenly rang. Yu Qinghuan looked down and saw it was from Huo Qu.

Being afraid that Huo Qu would recognize his difference of the voice, Yu Qinghuan didn't dare to answer the phone. After Yu Xin handed over the phone to him, he pressed the answer key after a pause, and said, "Huo Qu", with a restrained voice.

Unexpectedly, Huo Qu's first words were, "Qinghuan, you got sick."

Even the media and his fans would not tell that he was ill and Yu Xin could be cheated by his performance, Huo Qu was the only one to tell his unusual at the first glance even though they were separated by numerous hills and streams.

Yu Qinghuan felt a slight warm in his chest, but he still lied, "No, don't talk nonsense, I'm fine."

"I can see that," Huo Qu insisted, "You are different from usual. You are definitely ill." He paused and asked with concern and anxiety, "Qinghuan, what's wrong with you?"

If he continued to deny it, Huo Qu would only be more worried. Feeling helpless, Yu Qinghuan had to admit, "I just have a cold and some fever, but I've been to the hospital and nothing serious now. Don't worry."

Finishing his words, he waited anxiously for Huo Qu's response while thinking of the words to comfort him.

Huo Qu would be so upset in the past when he heard Qinghuan was ill, and would even make an uproar to come to him. But Yu Qinghuan did not expect that this time, Huo Qu did not do so.

Although Yu Qinghuan could still hear the worry, the man on the other side of the phone was calm. After asking Qinghuan about his condition in detail, Huo Qu let him have a good rest and hung up the phone, which made Yu Qinghuan not adapt to it for a while.

However, what he did not know was: As soon as Huo Qu put down the phone, he called his driver anxiously, "Please take me to the hospital."

His driver got a fright and thought Huo Qu was ill. When he found out what was going on, he was able neither to cry nor to laugh.

Yu Qinghuan was the man who got sick. What's the use of his young master going to the hospital?

However, could anyone oppose Huo Qu's insistence?

In the end, the driver not only took him to the hospital but even helped him to make an appointment for him.

In the clinic, the elderly doctor pushed his presbyopic glasses up on his nose bridge. He glanced at Huo Qu sitting opposite him, took out a small flashlight and said to him, "Have you caught a cold? Open your mouth and let me check if your throat is inflamed."

Huo Qu shook his head, "No, not me," he paused and again felt worried, "It's my boyfriend."

Huo Qu shook his head, It's not me." After a pause, he said in a shy but worried tone, "It's my boyfriend who got sick."

The doctor, "…"

Wait? Boyfriend? This was too much! No! I could not be led astray by him, thought the doctor.

Since his boyfriend was the patient, why did he come by solely himself?! How could this group of young men always change their ways to do tricks?

The doctor coughed, trying to keep himself professional and rational, "Where is he?"

"He is in another city and cannot come." Huo Qu clenched his fists anxiously, looked at the doctor earnestly and added, "But I know all his symptoms! You can ask me! I want to see the doctor for him."

The doctor, ���…"

Having worked in the hospital for so many years, this was the first time he had seen such a 'patient'! This young man was definitely here to make trouble.

He frowned and wanted to scold Huo Qu, but instantly felt uneasy with his conscience seeing those pair of sincere eyes.

Forget it. There were so many flu patients these days. This silly boy had a hard time getting the chance for diagnosis, and it would not consume much energy just talking with him."

"Tell your boyfriend to drink more hot water, eat some light food, and don't have chili." Seeing Huo Qu listening carefully, the doctor continued, "If he really has the recent flu, then don't delay the time and let him go to the local hospital as soon as possible…"

The doctor said a lot in a voluminous way, but Huo Qu was still dissatisfied and asked, "What medicine should he take to get better?"

"He is not present, what medicine can I give you!" The doctor glared at him and finally exhausted his patience. "All right, hurry back your home, I still have many patients behind you."

Huo Qu was expelled from the clinic. Just as the driver was trying to pull him home, Huo Qu already took out his cell phone and called Yu Qinghuan.

He repeated what the doctor had just said word for word. At the end, he added, "Qinghuan, you must follow these instructions."

Yu Qinghuan did not expect that his heart would melt away because of what Huo Qu did. His throat was choked, and he answered dumb, "I know, I will do it."

People were extra vulnerable when they were sick, besides, there was another person who cared about him so much.

Yu Qinghuan's face unconsciously rubbed against the quilt and he said in a pettish whisper, "You always do silly things."

Huo Qu was dumbfounded for a moment, not quite understanding what Qinghuan was trying to say. In his cognition, going to the hospital when sick was a natural thing, how could it be remarked as silly stuff?

From the day he met Yu Qinghuan, the life value of Huo Qu had become "Qinghuan means everything". Instead of refuting him, he held the phone and said earnestly, "I can do anything for you."